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Environmental Studies

1335 title(s) found.

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Source to Sea: Great Lakes Untamed Series

Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI104

The Great Lakes watershed is one of the world’s largest freshwater ecosystems. 4,000 kilometers...

Source to Sea: Waterworld Africa Series

Blue Ant Media BAM528

Despite many obstacles, a river always finds its way from source to sea as part of the earth's...

Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve, NS : Striking Balance Series 2

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV040

Under siege from invasive species, the people of the Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve innovate new...

Spain La Mancha: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes, Ep. 6

HG Distribution HG0141

In Spain, the vino amigos head to Bodegas Isidro Milagro, and have a chance to look at one of their...

Speaking the Hard Truths and Getting Heard - Franke James: The...

Paper Tiger PT0061

This episode of The Green Interview features Franke James, a rabble-rousing artist, author, and...

Species and Ecosystem Conservation/Environmental...

Aarrow Productions AP0010

Species and Ecosystem Conservation/Environmental Sustainability/Organic Farming: The Nk'mip Desert...

Species vs. Spaces - A Story of Pelee Island

Pinegrove Productions PPE039

At a time when our relationship with the earth and all the species we share it with is in grave...

Spectacular Spectacles: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE210

The Moohs find Lucy trying to get down from the loft and are concerned about her eyesight...

Spirit Bear, BC: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP07

Located on Princess Royal Island, off the BC coast, Spirit Bear is home to salmon, cedar trees, and...

Spirituality and Ecology - Satish Kumar: The Green Interview...

Paper Tiger PT0016

Interview with Satish Kumar, one of the founders of deep ecology, a philosophy which sees human...

Splake: Leo's FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE019

In North Bay Ontario, the FishHeads find themselves in a Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry...

Splitting Stone


Penryn Quarry is one of the last remaining strongholds of the Welsh Slate Industry. An Industry...

Spotted Gar: Leo's FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE020

Leo sends the FishHeads to Rondeau Provincial Park in Southern Ontario to search for the Spotted...

Spray Creek Ranch - Lillooet, BC: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C036

Spray Creek Ranch is a regenerative organic, Animal-Welfare-Approved livestock farm raising...

Spreading Hope: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S02-10

The social problems that affect urban and rural populations alike are not limited to developing...

Spring Tide Farm - Lapland, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C037

Jessie and Rebecca MacInnis are sisters and first-generation farmers and together they operate...

St'at'imckalh - Spirit of the People

River Voices RVP002

‘St’at’imckalh ~ Spirit of the People’ is a cultural self portrait of a nation and their...

St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM160

The scattered terrain of St. Lawrence Islands is a significant migration corridor for many small...

Stanley Love: The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0023

Stanley Love is a planetary scientist with a PhD in astronomy from the University of Washington. In...

Steakhouse Secrets (Ep. 13): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE013

America has always had a love affair with steak. In this episode, Ian will show you the secrets to...

Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The...

Paper Tiger PT0101

Stella Bowles is an example of how one person—even a young person—can make a very big...

Sto:lo Green Building/River Monitoring/Maori Plants

Aarrow Productions AP0024

Sto:lo Green Building/River Monitoring/Maori Plants: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw travels to Chilliwack...

Stormborn Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1260

On the wild Northern edge of the Atlantic Ocean lies a land of rock, ice and water.  This is a...

Strange and Familiar Architecture on Fogo Island

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0004

On Fogo Island, a tiny island in the Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, sustaining a unique...

Striking Balance Series 1: Exploring Canada's Biosphere Reserves

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV017

Biosphere reserves are regions of global ecological significance that make an ongoing commitment to...

Striking Balance Series 2: Exploring Canada's Biosphere Reserves

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV031

Striking Balance, Season 2 explores nine of Canada’s breathtaking UNESCO biosphere reserves...

Struggles Over the Melting Arctic: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV65

U.S. President Donald Trump left many scratching their heads when it was rumored that he was...

Stuff: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0111

Do we have too much stuff? In the past you only owned as much as you could carry. Chuck and Andy...

Suivre la toundra: L'équipe Climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003FR

Il est essentiel de comprendre le pergélisol et l'évolution de la toundra pour savoir ce qui se...

Suivre les glaciers: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005FR

La science et le savoir inuit nous aident à mieux comprendre la fonte et l'accumulation des...

Sumatra and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1428

In Sumatra we follow Joakim when he tries to find out what impact the palm oil industry has on both...

Surviving the Cold War - USA: Native Planet Series - The Fight...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0775

Simon travels across Arizona, Utah and New Mexico to see why the United States Environmental...

Sustainability and Climate Change Series

291 Film Company 291117

Building on our “Understanding Life Systems Series,” we continue to explore important science...

Sustainable Building/Saving the Rainforest/Climate Change...

Aarrow Productions AP0007

Sustainable Building/Saving the Rainforest/Climate Change: Architect Alfred Waugh, from the...

Sustainable Ecosystems: Sustainability and Climate Change Series

291 Film Company 291118

A sustainable ecosystem is a natural habitat that can maintain itself without the influence of...

Sustainable Fisheries/Energy Industry: Down2Earth (Ep 106)

Aarrow Productions AP0008

Sustainable Fisheries/Energy Industry: The Huu-ay-aht First Nation, along with the Bamfield Marine...

Sœurs de combat

Le Cinquième Rêve F196-051

Dans le sillage de Greta Thunberg, un combat est engagé et porté depuis quelques mois par la...


Productions Thalie F131-001

Après la malbouffe, voici la bouffe d'égout ! La ville qui empoisonne la terre avec des déchets...

Taku River Tlingit, BC: Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0766

There are roughly 300 off-grid Indigenous communities across Canada who continue to rely on diesel...

Tanzania, Greece and Uganda: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1427

In Greece we learn about how knowledge and inclusion has led to successful conservation and what...

TapRoot Farms - Port Williams, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C038

TapRoot Farms is a mixed veggies, fruit and livestock farm (free-range hens for eggs, and pastured...

Te Ao Māori, the Māori World View: Saving the Hauraki Gulf...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0805

We look at Te Ao Māori, the Māori world view of the interconnectedness and interrelationship of...

Terra Nova National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM017

Terra Nova's rugged boreal forest was protected from fire for decades, a decision that is in fact...

Tes déchets, ma richesse

PVP Doc VI Inc. F301-003

Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux, au Québec, à adopter le modèle d’économie circulaire. Un...

Teslin, YK: Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0762

With their lumber mill facing an uncertain future, members of the Teslin Tlingit Nation found a way...

Textiles and Materials: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S05-02

The textile industry, at the forefront of the industrial revolution for several centuries, is one...

The 49th Parallel: Season 3 - Canada Over the Edge Playlist...

Blue Ant Media MCI760PL

Canada Over the Edge is an aerial-documentary series exploring the features that define Canada...

The Amazon: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1447

The Amazon rainforest is one of the enduring mysteries of the natural world - and no wonder, it is...

The Animals We Are: Jane Goodall - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0095

This episode of The Green Interview features Jane Goodall, a primatologist, ethologist...

The Arctic Tundra - Biome of the North - Animals and Plants...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0276

Learn about the Arctic Tundra. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video help us understand summer and...

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