Global Issues
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Blue Ant Media BAM1309This definitive six-part series will explore every facet of Britain’s most legendary prime...
Churchill Part Five: Fallen Hero
Blue Ant Media BAM1314Having won the Second World War, Churchill is far from done. In the summer of 1945, he asks British...
Churchill, Part Four: Path to Victory
Blue Ant Media BAM1313To win the Second World War, Churchill must build a difficult alliance with the superpowers of...
Churchill, Part Six: Curtain Call
Blue Ant Media BAM1315It is the swinging sixties. After he retires from politics, Churchill enjoys the glamorous...
Churchill, Part Three: A Gathering Storm
Blue Ant Media BAM1312In the run-up to the Second World War, Churchill, now in his sixties, is out of touch on many key...
Churchill, Part Two: The Long Grass
Blue Ant Media BAM1311Churchill’s early career in politics is a rollercoaster ride. He rises rapidly. But during the...
Climat: le temps de l'action - Sommets: dans les coulisses des...
Beliane F242-S01-01Pour son tout premier Conseil européen en tant que président en décembre 2019, l’ambitieux...
Climate Change and Fires: Social Studies Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0196Learn all about forests as ecosystems and their vital role for humankind. Understand how and why...
Climate Change Babies
Jocelyn Demers JODE00Climate Change Babies takes a hopeful approach to the climate crisis by focusing on people taking...
Climate Refugees
Video Project, Inc. TVP014Climate Refugees is the first feature film to explore in-depth the global human impact of climate...
Climate Wars: Gwynne Dyer - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0015Interview with Gwynne Dyer, an internationally renowned independent journalist and expert on war...
Climate: Time for Action - Summits: In the Secrets of European...
Beliane A242-S01-1For his very first European Council as President in December 2019, ambitious Charles Michel, the...
Cocos Island and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1426Joakim travels to Cocos Island, Costa Rica to be part of a shark tagging expedition. We will learn...
Competing for Influence - China in Latin America: Great...
Scorpion Television SCTV20As the Trump administration continues to withdraw from the world stage, China is looking to fill...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0000The first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0001The first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0000FRThe first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Conserving the Nyae Nyae - Namibia: Native Planet Series - The...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0779Simon travels to travels to Namibia to learn why the San people, the oldest culture on the planet...
Coup de poker sur le brut
Antipode F173-044Fin 2013, le cours du baril de pétrole commence sa chute, deux ans plus tard il aura perdu 70% de...
CTV CTV830From examining possible treatments of COVID-19 to dispelling the misconceptions online, CTV News is...
Covid: Europe’s Hamiltonian Moment - Summits: In the Secrets...
Beliane A242-S01-2When the virus struck Europe in March 2020, everyone watched as masks were confiscated on airport...
Crime and Gender: Closing the Gap
Shortcutstv Ltd STV027The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In...
Crimes of Honour
Bishari Films BF0016Throughout the Islamic world, each year hundreds of women are shot, stabbed, strangled or burned to...
Crying Oceans
Educational Voice 992801Prepare for an emotive journey with the video “Crying Oceans”! Join us on a thought-provoking...
Ctsenmew’sctem re Stsmemelt - Showing the Way for the Children
River Voices RVP006The Esk’etemc people have stood up for their culture, their governance and their children. After...
Cyber Guérilla 2.0
RTBF F296-001Une immersion au cœur du « dark web » et des nouveaux champs de bataille apparus avec Internet...
Dans l’oeil du moustique
Grand Angle Productions F173-036Au Brésil, en Afrique, en Asie du sud-est ou dans le sud de l’Europe, ce film suit le parcours...
Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI01Unaware of what they might find, a group of international journalists visit a small village in...
Daughters of Gardeners
PVP Monde A153-001Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral...
Defending the 'Wakas' - Chile: Native Planet Series - The Fight...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0778Simon travels to the Atacama Desert in northern Chile where high atop the Andes Mountains the Colla...
DeGrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity
Asociacion Camara Libre A285-001Degrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity, tackles the big question of economic...
Demain, un monde sans oiseaux ?
ARTE France F259-S10-45Partout dans le monde, les oiseaux disparaissent, à une vitesse vertigineuse. En Europe, ce...
Devil's Bargain: A Journey Into the Small Arms Trade
Bishari Films BF0008Small arms are the real weapons of mass destruction, killing more than half a million people a...
Divided States of America: W5
CTV CTV695W5's Kevin Newman speaks to American voters who must decide who will lead a nation where compromise...
Djihad, les contrefeux
ARTE France F242-009Comment sortir les jeunes de l'engrenage de la radicalisation ? Comment aider les parents ? «...
Dr. W.H.O.: W5
CTV CTV827W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines delivers an exclusive interview with Dr. Bruce Aylward...
Dreaming of a Better World; The Quantum Revolution
Autentic GMBH AUT035The hype surrounding the quantum computer is fuelling the fantasy of a better world. It is...
Duty of Care: The Climate Trials
Video Project, Inc. TVP114With echoes of the lawsuits against Big Tobacco, Duty of Care: The Climate Trials gives viewers a...
Easy Like Water
Video Project, Inc. TVP018Easy Like Water profiles a resourceful quest to fight the effects of climate change in the 8th...
Eau : une ressource sous tension
ARTE France F259-S10-48L’eau est indispensable à la vie, ce qui la rend éminemment précieuse. Quelles sont les...
Ecuador, the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, and the Rights of Mother...
Paper Tiger PT0086This episode of The Green Interview features Alberto Acosta, an Ecuadorian economist and the...
Education for a Green Future: Kartikeya Sarabhai - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0041This episode of The Green Interview features Kartikeya Sarabhai, one of the world's leading...
Enfants fantômes, un défi pour l'Afrique
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC000FRPlus de 230 millions d’enfants à travers le monde n’ont jamais été enregistrés à leur...
Environmental History - John Cumbler: The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0029John Cumbler is a social and environmental historian and retired professor from the University of...
Environmental Justice - Fighting for an Equal Chance at a...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0197Learn all about environmental justice, the fair treatment of all people with respect to the...
Epidemics: The Invisible Threat
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...
Epidemics: The Invisible Threat
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...
Épidémie, une longue histoire
ARTE France F259-S10-49Nous sommes tous encore sous le choc d’une crise à la fois sanitaire et économique, celle du...
Équiterre - Linking Environmental and Social Justice: Steven...
Paper Tiger PT0065This episode of The Green Interview features Steven Guilbeault, an author, science and...
Escape from Kabul: W5
CTV CTV874The Taliban had been waiting to pounce on the capital city of Kabul for two decades, ever since...