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Global Studies

559 title(s) found.

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Banned Beauty Queen

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD167

The story of Canada’s Miss World, Anastasia Lin burst onto front pages when her father, who lives...

Bashar, The Master of Chaos

Illégitime Défense A269-007

This documentary takes a close look at Syria’s strongman: Bashar al-Assad. What are the origins...

Being a Refugee (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia): David Rocco’s Dolce...

Blue Ant Media BAM1197

David is in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. KL has a long history of being the landing...

Better Uses of the Treasure: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0806

We look at what other, less destructive uses there could be for the gulf, like tourism and...

Bodega Iniesta and Bodegas Isidro Milagro: The Wine Guys: Grape...

HG Distribution HG0139

In Spain, the three men head to Bodega Iniesta, where in the beautiful vineyard, they experience...

bploi wai dtaai: Leave Her to Die

Think Positive Productions Inc. TPPI00

A 2 year old baby girl lay alone on a bamboo mat in a government orphanage in Northern Thailand...

Brésil : une puissance inaboutie

ARTE France F259-S10-38

Territoire, population, ressources naturelles, le Brésil possède des atouts considérables et...

Brick Mule


This observational anthrozoological ethnographic film documents the lives of Nepal's working mules...

Building a Post-Capitalist Global Movement: Pablo Solón - The...

Paper Tiger PT0080

This episode of The Green Interview features Pablo Solón, a social activist who was formerly the...

Cachemire : un conflit sans fin

ARTE France F259-S10-39

Au coeur de l'Himalaya, le Cachemire est administré par la Chine, l’Inde et le Pakistan. À...

Cairo: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM986

On this leg of his Middle Eastern adventure John is in Cairo - the largest city in the Middle East...

Can We Turn Poop into Gold?: 42 - The Answer to Almost...

Autentic GMBH AUT029

The Eldorado or a sunken ship - we humans have always dreamed of discovering a treasure. But dreams...

Canada at War: The War to End All Wars Series


Professors William Wicken, Marcel Martel, Jennifer Stephen, William Jenkins and Craig Heron discuss...

Canadian Doctors in Kandahar: W5


A group of extraordinary Canadian physicians and surgeons traveled to Afghanistan. Extraordinary...

Cantina del Castello and La Collina dei Ciliegi: The Wine Guys...

HG Distribution HG0136

Follow these three friends as they look for beautiful wine in Soave, Italy. Looking at gargenega...

Capitalisme et philanthropie, l'impossible mariage: Les Artisans...

PVP Films F150-S08-03

Du Bangladesh au fond de la jungle amazonienne, en passant par Paris et Washington, nous voyons la...

Cardamom from Kerala: The Magical World of Spices Series

Autentic GMBH AUT012

In Kerala's lush green Western Ghats, farmers battle with challenges to grow the precious "green...

Catherine O’Brien; Educating for Sustainable Happiness: The...

Paper Tiger PT0106

It sometimes seems the natural world—our mother the Earth—is taking an increasingly savage...

Ces voyageurs qui changent le monde: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S11-04

Le tourisme est un secteur économique en pleine croissance. C’est même une industrie capitale...

Changer la ville: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S11-05

Quatre-vingt pourcent de la population mondiale habitera dans les villes en 2050... Il est donc...

Changing Towns: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S03-05

It is estimated that 80% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. In recent decades...

Chasing Unicorns

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR096E

The narwhal is the unicorn of the sea, a pale-colored porpoise found in Canadian Arctic and...

China Quake

Blue Ant Media BAM934

In May 2008 a magnitude 7.9 quake struck the heart of China’s Sichuan province.  The quake...

China's New Silk Road in Europe

Autentic GMBH AUT006

Europe plays a central role, and the Chinese campaign for influence and power in Europe is now in...

China's Role in Africa: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV66

The Covid-19 crisis has put a massive strain on what was growing a positive economic and political...

China's World Takeover

Maximal Productions A296-021

With massive investments all over the world, China is steadily achieving its goal of becoming the...

China’s Ghost Army

Blue Ant Media BAM935

Nothing like China’s Terracotta Warriors was ever created before them and nothing quite like it...

Chine, OPA sur le monde

Maximal Productions F296-022

A coups d’investissements massifs partout dans le monde, la Chine avance, selon un plan bien...


Blue Ant Media BAM1309

This definitive six-part series will explore every facet of Britain’s most legendary prime...

Churchill Part Five: Fallen Hero

Blue Ant Media BAM1314

Having won the Second World War, Churchill is far from done. In the summer of 1945, he asks British...

Churchill, Part Four: Path to Victory

Blue Ant Media BAM1313

To win the Second World War, Churchill must build a difficult alliance with the superpowers of...

Churchill, Part One: Beginnings

Blue Ant Media BAM1310

Churchill’s early life at the turn of the twentieth century is dominated by his father’s early...

Churchill, Part Six: Curtain Call

Blue Ant Media BAM1315

It is the swinging sixties. After he retires from politics, Churchill enjoys the glamorous...

Churchill, Part Three: A Gathering Storm

Blue Ant Media BAM1312

In the run-up to the Second World War, Churchill, now in his sixties, is out of touch on many key...

Churchill, Part Two: The Long Grass

Blue Ant Media BAM1311

Churchill’s early career in politics is a rollercoaster ride. He rises rapidly. But during the...

Cinnamon from the Islands of Sri Lanka: The Magical World of...

Autentic GMBH AUT014

Sri Lanka, known for its rich flora and fauna, is the cradle of Ceylon cinnamon. European powers...

Cinque Terre: Keeping Traditions as a Tourist Destination: David...

Blue Ant Media BAM1216

A picturesque seaside region that’s a tourism hot-spot, the Cinque-Terre consists of 5 coastal...

Cities Of The World Series

Switch SWED79

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Climat: le temps de l'action - Sommets: dans les coulisses des...

Beliane F242-S01-01

Pour son tout premier Conseil européen en tant que président en décembre 2019, l’ambitieux...

Climate Change and Fires: Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0196

Learn all about forests as ecosystems and their vital role for humankind.  Understand how and why...

Climate Change Babies

Jocelyn Demers JODE00

Climate Change Babies takes a hopeful approach to the climate crisis by focusing on people taking...

Climate Refugees

Video Project, Inc. TVP014

Climate Refugees is the first feature film to explore in-depth the global human impact of climate...

Climate: Time for Action - Summits: In the Secrets of European...

Beliane A242-S01-1

For his very first European Council as President in December 2019, ambitious Charles Michel, the...

Cloves and Nutmeg from the Moluccas: The Magical World of Spices...

Autentic GMBH AUT013

The Moluccas Islands once were the spice chambers of Europe. Cloves and nutmeg were only grown on...

Cocos Island and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1426

Joakim travels to Cocos Island, Costa Rica to be part of a shark tagging expedition. We will learn...

Commercial Fishing: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0802

Commercial fishing is often singled out as the main culprit in over-exploitation, but there is a...

Communauté d'avenir: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-10

Les collectivités autochtones se retrouvent souvent dans une situation de grande pauvreté et de...

Competing for Influence - China in Latin America: Great...

Scorpion Television SCTV20

As the Trump administration continues to withdraw from the world stage, China is looking to fill...

Conserving the Nyae Nyae - Namibia: Native Planet Series - The...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0779

Simon travels to travels to Namibia to learn why the San people, the oldest culture on the planet...

Contribuer à changer le monde: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S12-01

Agir localement pour avoir un impact globalement. Changer le monde est un projet pour le moins...

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