Global Studies
559 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Halloween: Festivals Around The World Series
Educational Voice 992135This animated video class explores the rich history of Halloween which is always celebrated on...
Hamas: Behind the Mask
Bishari Films BF0006This one-hour journalistic exploration by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Shelley Saywell takes the...
HANDS ON: Women, Climate, Change
Elizabeth Miller SHORE07HANDS-ON women: climate: change profiles five women from four continents tackling climate change...
HANDS ON: Women, Climate, Change (French Version)
Elizabeth Miller SHORE07FHands-on suit les histoires de cinq femmes provenant de quatre continents qui luttent contre le...
Harry and Meghan; Two Troubled Years: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1294As Harry and Meghan start a new life in the United States, was it always destined to end in tears...
Hell or Clean Water
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE128A former fisherman who just 10 years earlier thought nothing of tossing garbage out of his truck...
Hidden Algeria Series
Pilot Productions 555011‘HIDDEN ALGERIA’ is a contemporary portrait of one of the least known countries on our planet...
HistoryLands Series (65)
Good Earth Productions GEHL00SFrom the Plains of Abraham in Quebec, to Old Town Lunenberg in Nova Scotia and Dawson City in the...
Holi: Festivals Around The World Series
Educational Voice 992133This animated video class is all examines the Hindu festival of Holi. This ancient tradition marks...
Reel Girls Media REEL13A documentary about the heroes behind the heroes. HOMEFRONT records the experience of the spouses...
Honolulu, Bali, Guatemala, Rio De Janeiro, Amsterdam, Budapest...
Switch SWED82This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Hope and Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World
Autentic GMBH AUT046COVID-19 is just the latest in a long line of pandemics that have devastated societies. We revisit...
Human or Robot?
Illégitime Défense A269-001Human history is at a turning point. Our future is now being played out. The distance between...
Imiter, c'est innover: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-07Le biomimétisme est une approche scientifique qui ouvre la voie à un nouveau mode de...
In Defence of the Amazon - Atossa Soltani: The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0077This episode of the Green Interview features Atossa Soltani, the founder and Executive Director of...
In Search of the ‘Mauri’ - New Zealand: Native Planet Series...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0771Simon travels to New Zealand’s north to see how science and Indigenous knowledge are combining to...
India and Pakistan: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV16India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rode a wave of Hindu nationalism to a historic reelection in...
Inside Wuhan: W5
CTV CTV825The epidemic COVID-19 virus has caused international apprehension for everyday life, but in Wuhan...
Inventer les énergies de demain: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-06Actuellement, nous utilisons au maximum les ressources de notre planète. Malheureusement, nos...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Island in the Sky: Cahuasqui, Ecuador: Restoration Planet...
Robert E Moberg Films REM007In this episode, we take you to Cahuasqui, a very remote village high in the Ecuadorian Andes. We...
Jardiner la Terre: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-07L’agriculture intensive, les mauvaises pratiques forestières et la pêche industrielle ont...
Five2Nine Inc. 529003“Jaya" follows the extraordinary journey of Jaya Krishnan, a Malaysian born Canadian artist...
Jihad, Counter-Offensive
ARTE France A242-011How do you de-radicalize kids caught up in the djihad web? How do you help their parents? Djihad...
Joachim Wild Riders (Brazil) - GeoCulture Series: Teaching Kids...
Film Ideas FI0046Ten-year-old Luam spent most of his life on the streets and is now moving to Señor Joaquim's farm...
John Helliwell: Which are the World’s Happiest Nations and...
Paper Tiger PT0102John Helliwell is a hugely distinguished economist whose resume includes work for national and...
John Torode’s Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM985Chef John Torode has gone on an incredible journey to track down the best food from the Middle...
Julia Kim - Happiness: Reconnecting to Self, Others, and Nature...
Paper Tiger PT0104In 1972, the fourth king of Bhutan was asked if he was concerned about his country’s Gross...
Kim's Korea - Inside North Korea: W5
CTV CTV764It is a dystopia ruled by 3 generations of despots who’ve groomed their own people through cult...
Kim's Story
Bishari Films BF0015If there was a photograph that captured the horrific nature of the Vietnam War it was that of a...
King George VI; Brother, Husband, King: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1296Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was not born to be King, that role was for his...
Kung Fu: China’s Female Fighters (China) - GeoCulture Series...
Film Ideas FI0048Located in a secluded valley of the holy Shongshan Mountains is the only women's Kung Fu school in...
Kwnkwnatul - Walking Together
River Voices RVP022Indigenous youth from Canada travel to Africa and share experiences about global issues whilst...
L' eau : une ressource, un défi: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-02L’eau est une ressource vitale. Pourtant, que ce soit dans les pays les plus riches ou les plus...
L'atmosphère toxique: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-04Industries, exploitations minières, mais aussi transport aérien, trafic automobile : Notre...
L'eau: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-01Depuis plus d'un siècle, les activités humaines et industrielles font peser d'importantes menaces...
La bombe et nous, l'arme atomique aujourd'hui
J.C. Bauduret F198-004Têtes nucléaires dans le monde:Russie 7290 | États-Unis 7000 | France 300 | Chine 260...
La Chine, la Russie et la mystérieuse OCS ?
ARTE France F259-S10-42Qu'est-ce que l'OCS ? Née en 1996, pour régler des questions de frontières entre la Chine et...
La crise du coronavirus: moment hamiltonien - Sommets: dans les...
Beliane F242-S01-2Lorsque le virus frappe l'Europe en mars 2020, on assiste à des confiscations de masques sur le...
La culture comme outil de développement humain: Les Artisans du...
PVP Films F150-S11-07Actuellement, près de la moitié de la population mondiale a moins de 25 ans. Parmi eux, près de...
La ruée vers le carbone (version de 52 min)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE001FDes centaines de barrages hydroélectriques au Panama. Des incinérateurs brûlant des ordures en...
La ruée vers le carbone (version de 84 min)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE002FDes centaines de barrages hydroélectriques au Panama. Des incinérateurs brûlant des ordures en...
La terre des obstinés - Naples: Les vues du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-01Une balade autour de Naples, depuis la somptueuse côte amalfitaine jusqu’à l’île de Procida...
Le dessous des cartes
CinéFête F259-S10Depuis 10 ans, ce magazine décrypte les rapports de force, les enjeux internationaux de notre...
Le droit à la santé: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-05Les soins de santé à la fine pointe des découvertes médicales restent plutôt chers dans les...
Le feu: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-02En mai 2016 à Fort Mac Murray, au Canada, un incendie géant fait des ravages. En 2017, des...
Le génocide en moi
Productions InformAction inc. F83-003Film d'humour, de colère et de tendresse, Le génocide en moi raconte l'impact du génocide...
Le monde de Xi Jinping (2021)
Arte GEIE F269-014Xi Jinping, leader chinois le plus puissant depuis Mao, dévoile ses ambitions pour la Chine et...