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Human Relations Media 600359

Courage is what allows a person to face danger or the unknown with confidence and resolution. War...


Human Relations Media 600355

Empathy is identifying with and understanding how other people feel. Former President Jimmy Carter...


Human Relations Media 600356

Perseverance is what empowers people to continue on when the going gets tough. Baseball Hall of...


Human Relations Media 600357

Respect is treating others with the same courtesy and consideration we would want for ourselves...


Human Relations Media 600358

Responsibility is being dependable, trustworthy, reliable and accountable for one's actions...

Promise Me

OYA Media Group OYA003

Charlie still has hope and is adamant in caring for her mother, Yolonda Thomas, as her health takes...

Pronouns - Part 1: Pronouns, LGBTQIA+ and Gender Identity Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0138

Apart from using people's names, pronouns are the way we express our gender and refer to other...

Pronouns, LGBTQIA+ and Gender Identity Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0137

Psychologist Peter Quarry talks with Lore Burns about using gender neutral pronouns and why it...

Protect Our Future Daughters: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0020EN

Protect Our Future Daughters is a short docu-drama about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women...

Protecting its Own (W5)


In March, 2008, W-FIVE aired "Right to Know" -- an investigation into medical secrecy and the case...

Protecting Our Children: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0706

Of the 30,000 children in ministry care across Canada, half are Aboriginal. Most of these children...

Psychedelic Healing: W5


W5's Avery Haines speaks to a Canadian veteran about how a drug that's popular in club and rave...


Eduflix Group AB KMG014

When we grow up, we all look fairly similar. The human body grows and changes during our whole...

Puberty for Girls - Help! My Body's Changing: Start Smart Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0124

Girls are taught all about the changes that happen to their bodies as they transition from child to...

Puberty: Every Body Curious, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1399

Puberty can be a confusing time, but knowledge can help make things a little easier! What are some...

Pull the Plug: Life or Death - Who Gets to Decide? W5


Many of us plan ahead for our last days, making wills to give loved ones directions on our final...

Purple Hearts


Directed by Gemini Award-winning TSN Feature Producer Mike Farrell, PURPLE HEARTS shares the story...

Pushed To The Brink: Bullycide on the Rise

Human Relations Media 600563

Several recent tragedies have focused the attention on the growing trend of "bullycide," the term...

Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

Video Project, Inc. TVP091

Inspired by the groundbreaking book of the same name by Monique W. Morris, Ed.D, Pushout: The...

Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South

Productions Grand Nord A80-004

‘Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South’ explores the experiences of Inuit “migrants” to the...

Quand l'amour rend aveugle II

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S01

Si on le décrit souvent comme la plus belle expérience de la vie, le sentiment amoureux possède...

Quand la cigogne repasse: Parent un jour, Parent toujours 1

CinéFête F150-S15-02

L'attente d'un nouvel enfant génère souvent des craintes et des questionnements chez les parents...

Queer Coolie-tudes

Michelle Mohabeer MOHA00

Queer Coolie-tudes is a creative documentary which reclaims the slur of Coolie and compellingly...

Quiet Cheer/Scrambled Words: Louis Says Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0013

Episode 1A - Quiet Cheer:  Mrs. Charles is writing a book and Louis tells Randy to make sure she...

Quiet Cheer/Scrambled Words: Louis Says Season 2 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC013

Episode 1A - Quiet Cheer:  Mrs. Charles is writing a book and Louis tells Randy to make sure she...

Quinn - Vancouver, British Columbia: Sunny's Quest Series...

Apartment 11 APT535

Quinn is a 7-year-old boy who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. His family comes from Lesotho...

Radio Mia: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR038

Mia has a great idea to create a wonderful radio show. In this show she gives everyone messages and...

Raechel - Woodbridge, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT544

Raechel is an 11-year-old who lives in Woodbridge, Ontario with her parents and brother Matthew...

Railroaded: W5


Glen Assoun was convicted and sent to prison for a crime he has maintained for over two decades he...

Rainy Day: Anaana’s Tent Series

Taqqut Productions TPI014

Rita Claire prepares for a rainy day outside with Qimmiq. Celina Kalluk visits to play the guitar...

Rainy Day: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)

Taqqut Productions TPI014IN

ᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᕿᒻᒥᕐᓗ ᐱᕙᒌᔭᖅᑑᒃ ᓯᓚᓗᓐᓂᐊᕐᓂᖕᒐᓄᑦ...

Rango's Birthday: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR036

For Rango's birthday, he gets another raisin - again! Mia wants to do something special for her...

Rape: Get the Facts

Human Relations Media 600316

This documentary-style program presents the legal, medical, psychological and sociological facts...

Rapid Ascent - Ismael Kone: W5


Midfielder Ismael Kone made an immediate impression in his debut with the Montreal Impact and...

Raven and the Coyote: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI009

Coyote asks Raven to teach him to fly, so Raven suggests he grab Coyote’s nose and carry him high...

Raven Gets Sick: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI010

It’s a cold winter and everybody is sick. Frog arrives and tells them how long ago, the animals...

Raven Steals the Sun (Haida): Amy’s Mythic Mornings

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0104

Amy, Casey and Theodore meet an unusual boy who is on his way to his village. The chief has stolen...

RCMP Coast to Coast: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0704

Female Aboriginal RCMP officers from BC’s Fraser Valley and Halifax Nova Scotia, share stories of...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754

RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...

Reach For The Top: W5


Getting to know an inspiration: Spencer West has no legs, but that didn't stop him from climbing...

Reaching Out: A Suicide Prevention Workshop

Human Relations Media 600686

This video and student manual bring to life a 5-step action plan known as ALGEE developed by The...

Reading Blue Jeans: Clothing & Culture

Learning Seed 200228

Inscribed on every pair of jeans is the story of how a workmen's garment became one of the most...

Real Models: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ002

This episode theme is on “Real Models” which is a term that RezX has coined to define...

Reasons for Hope, Reasons to Live: Preventing Youth Suicide

Human Relations Media 600632

This video emphasizes the hopeful message that suicides can be prevented. It focuses on the...

Rebel | Angel


Rebel Angel is a film about identity, love, dysfunctional families, despair, the redemptive power...

Rebuild: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0017

Kris visits the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation on M’Chigeeng First Nation, an organization that...

Reclaim: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0021

Kris gets a personal tour from Park Manager Jeff Monague, who takes Kris on a survival skills walk...

Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect: When Boundaries are...

Learning Seed 200303

Neglect occurs when a child's physical, educational, and medical needs are not met. Hear from...

Recognizing and Preventing Emotional Child Abuse: When...

Learning Seed 200302

Learn the six most common types of emotional abuse: rejecting, terrorizing, isolating, ignoring...

Recognizing and Preventing Physical Child Abuse: When Boundaries...

Learning Seed 200301

What constitutes physical child abuse, and why does it happen? What are the effects, and how can it...

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