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Road to Mercy
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE003Road to Mercy documents Canada's journey into the furthest ethical frontier - a place where doctors...
Road to Recovery (W5)
CTV CTV484The incredible story of two soldiers - Corporal Andrew Knisley and Master Corporal Jody Mitic - who...
Robo Mutt (Animal Protection Techniques): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE199When Nick sees that Zack, Anne and Shania are hanging out without him, he’s a bit bummed that...
Roseanne Supernault: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0034Roseanne Supernault: Métis actor Roseanne Supernault was born in Grand Prairie, Alberta, spent her...
Roseanne Supernault: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0005Roseanne Supernault, award-winning actress from East Prairie Métis Settlement, recognizable from...
Rosemary Rodriguez (The Good Wife, The Walking Dead, Jessica...
Empreinte Digitale A296-S01-03Rosemary Rodriguez could not be more representative of the type of characters found in most drama...
Rotten Tomatoes: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE224After stocking up on supplies, Matilda has locked herself in the chicken house and Haley is...
Rubber Duckie/Buckle Up: Louis Says Season 3
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0027Mr. Charles wants to get close to the ducks so he can take pictures. Louis needs Randy to find...
Rubber Duckie/Buckle Up: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree Version)
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC027Mr. Charles wants to get close to the ducks so he can take pictures. Louis needs Randy to find...
Rules of Engagement: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL32For sixteen years, Adam and Angel have enjoyed the spice of an open relationship. But now, looking...
Run for Her Life
CTV CTV033While many women Katherine Whitbread's age have reached a point in life where they can settle down...
Rustic Oracle
Seventh Screen 7S0000Rustic Oracle is a powerful, urgent look at the impact of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and...
Rylee Nepinak - Taking Anishiative: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP019When Anishnaabe Rylee Nepinak learned of the youth suicide crisis in a northern Manitoba Cree...
S is for Smiling: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0271In this episode Tiga is sad but his friend Gertie finds a way to shoo away the blues with her...
s-yéwyáw: Awaken
Elders' Film Inc. EFI000Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document...
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Weston Woods WW2036BI_This bilingual film tells the true story of Sadako Saski, the young Japanese girl with leukemia...
Safe Sex: Mimi on a Mission Series
Blue Ant Media BAM998The group takes a sex ed lesson at high school and they set the challenge to make condoms cool. We...
Safety First Babysitting
Learning Seed 200272Babysitting is really short term child care and parents today are increasingly concerned for the...
Safety Planet Series
Educational Voice 992152It's best to always be prepared and be safe! The Safety Planet Series is an all-encompassing...
Sal's Auto
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE003A proud, veteran mechanic who owns a small-town auto repair shop, hires a quiet young man to be her...
Sale toux pour Eliot (infection pulmonaire): Globul-x
Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-02Règle transmise: Mettre la main devant sa bouche pour tousser, jeter les vieux mouchoirs et se...
Salt and SoFAS Series
Learning Seed 200309In "Pass On The Salt," students learn to suss out sodium in foods, and how to reduce their intake...
Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP200Dev is a single dad to 16 year old Sam, and the sole caregiver of his 80-something year old mother...
Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP209Dev is a single dad to 16 year old Sam, and the sole caregiver of his 80-something year old mother...
Same But Different Series
Libra Television A297-001International Emmy Award winning and BAFTA nominated collection of eight short documentary...
Same, Same but Different
Weston Woods WW2708Based on the book by Jenny Sue Kosteck-Shaw (Christy Ottaviano Books) - Elliot lives in...
Sam’s To Do List: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 3
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP212Sick with the flu, Dev is forced to spend the weekend in bed. Thankfully Sam has agreed to take on...
Sara: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP024Unwilling to be defined by her autism, Sara prides herself on her independence and will not be held...
Save the Children (W5)
CTV CTV174Alan Fryer investigates the murky world of pedophiles as W5 spends six months with Toronto Police's...
Say No To Negative Peer Pressure
Human Relations Media 600644This three-part series shows students from grades 3-5 how and when to say, "No!" Viewers follow...
Say Something!/Di Algo
Weston Woods WW3077Written and Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds (Orchard Books) The world needs your voice. If you...
Scaredy Squirrel
Weston Woods WW882Based on the Canadian Book by Mélanie Watt (Kids Can Press) Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut...
School of Hard Knocks
CTV CTV118They have rules as punishing as any army boot camp and, once there, you don't leave until they say...
SCHOOL RULES: Being a Good Citizen at School
Human Relations Media 600613What does it take to be a good school citizen? How can students become better citizens at school...
Science Fiction: Reelside Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1020Vincenzo Natali (Cube, Splice, Hannibal) takes us through a demonstration of world building...
Scientific American Frontiers: Worried Sick
PBS Video 040033Stress is the curse of modern living - but is it actually so new? Does it only affect people? Can...
Scoop Gets Scooped!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR061Unable to sleep, Beanie witnesses his newsstand buddy Scoop getting kidnapped by two hooded...
Scooter: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON536Misho and Robin want to ride their bicycles with Squirrel but Misho’s bike has a flat tyre. The...
Scotty: W5
CTV CTV802W5's Rick Westhead sits down with Scotty Bowman and Ken Dryden to reflect on the life and career of...
Sean and Terrance: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP025Diagnosed with autism and childhood-on set schizophrenia, Sean has found the perfect fit in his...
Search and Rescue: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 2
Picture This Productions PTP002A realistic Search and Rescue exercise brings out difficult memories for Rangers searching for a...
Search Party (Theories): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE213The kids send Pidgely into Magnus Tech to save Robo-mouse. While undertaking that rescue mission...
Season Premiere: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ016After a successful first season, Cadmus Delorme and Erin Goodpipe are back to host Season 2 of...
Second Helping: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM14Starving herself to ‘look the part’ has finally caught up with a former competitive junior...
Secrets - Landing and Keeping a Job
Learning ZoneXpress 430133What are transferable skills and why do we need them? They are skills acquired throughout your life...
Secrets to Love
PBS Video 041275In this film, director Tracie Donahue searches for the answers to finding (and maintaining) a...
Seeds of the Past
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT012Influenced by their love of the gardens of Afghanistan, Amina and Abdul Bari Jamal have transformed...
Seeking Bimaadiziiwin
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV040Reserve life, family problems and the death of a close friend push Kaitlyn, a young Anishinawbe...
Seeking Lucy: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE218Barton and Wilton harvest barley, while the others play Hide and Seek. Lucy is the Seeker. The...
Self Care: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 7
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP207Dev has been under a lot of stress. Dev thinks he is picking up Sam but when he arrives, he is met...
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