Health and Medicine
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The Invisible Red Thread
Picture This Productions PTP007The Invisible Red Thread follows fifteen year old Vivian Lum from Canada to China to discover the...
The Invisible Wounds of War: Reflections on the Great War Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV046Canadian soldiers returning home have always been changed by war and peacekeeping, frequently in...
The Junior Rangers: Watchers of the North Series, Ep, 5
Picture This Productions PTP005A revealing look into life in the Far North among Inuit teenagers who join the Junior Canadian...
The Know It All Guide To... Series
Blue Ant Media BAM620From the robot that measures the crunch of a dorito, to the fascinating Scoville Heat scale that...
The Konopkas: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE037Sarah and Ollie work together on how to be a good host so Ollie can handle playdates better. The...
The Kung Fu Nuns of Kathmandu
Autentic GMBH AUT039For the Buddhist nuns of Kathmandu, Kung Fu is meditation. In Himalayan villages the Nuns protect...
The Last Note: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT011Music therapy is not new to the Western world. The ancient Greeks would prescribe notes and tones...
The Liberation Front (W5)
CTV CTV4742 DVD set includes: The Liberation Treatment: A Whole New Approach to MS (W5) Amid the...
The Liberation Treatment: A Whole New Approach to MS (W5)
CTV CTV453Amid the centuries-old castles of the ancient city of Ferrara is a doctor who has come upon an...
The Liberation War (W5)
CTV CTV465A fascinating medical drama is unfolding on the Internet among patients and scientists, who are...
The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL20The Lie Detective is a character-driven factual series that follows the work of independent...
The Magical World of Spices Series
Autentic GMBH AUT010Everyone knows their scents, but only a few know their origins. In this series, we want to visit...
The MAiD Decision: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT009As the medically assisted death movement grows, what is it like for someone nearing death to...
The Matt LeMay Collection
LeMay Media LM0021A collection of 16 programs produced by award winning, Métis filmmaker, Matt LeMay. Matt’s...
The Mayo Clinic Diet
PBS Video 041611The Mayo Clinic Diet puts you in charge of making simple, changes that will result in a weight you...
The Medical Illusion: Health Care in Crisis
Evotion Films EV0000As of today, we have no cures for ALS, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, most...
The Medicated Child: Frontline
PBS Video 040975With over four million children now on behavior modifying medications, some starting as young as...
The Miracle of Life Set - Also Includes Life's First Feelings
WGBH WG0300The Miracle of Life takes you on an incredible voyage through the human body as a new life begins...
The Murderer's Best Friend: W5
CTV CTV910W5 investigates the story behind Greg Parsons, a man falsely accused of his mother’s death in...
The Musical Brain
Matter of Fact Media MFM005Explores How Music Tunes the Brian with appearances by Sting, Feist, Michael Buble, Wyclef Jean and...
The Mutual Pursuit of the Full Life: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP029This final episode of the 12 Neighbors series ties together the 5 keys to truly loving your...
The Mystery of Love
PBS Video 041470In popular culture, one type of love - passionate sexual romance - is prized above all. But there...
The Narco Riviera: W5
CTV CTV784Are Canadian tourists in the Mayan Riviera at risk of getting caught in cartel cross fire...
The Nervous System: The Human Body Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG053In this film we look at the nervous system. The brain decides almost everything that happens in...
The New Asylums: Frontline
PBS Video 040604Emmy Nominated! There are nearly half a million mentally ill people serving time in America's...
The New Recruits: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 1
Picture This Productions PTP001Three new recruits go through training to see if they have what it takes to become the newest...
The Newborn - Development & Discovery: The Developing Child...
Magna Systems 520138Learn: How the newborn or neonate appears in the first four weeks of life. The newborn's head...
The Next Pandemic: Is a Deadlier Virus on the Horizon?: W5
CTV CTV887Experts warn that the next pandemic could be much worse than COVID-19. Swine flu in 2009...
The Next Wave: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF012At the beginning of 2021 the reality of a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic began to become...
The Nine Signs of Internet Addiction
Human Relations Media 600681The purpose of this program is to raise awareness of the growing problem of internet and cell phone...
The Northern Garden: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291143The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson has always believed that we’re here to be stewards of the...
The Northern Warning System Patrol: Watchers of the North...
Picture This Productions PTP003A snowmobile breakdown challenges the Gjoa Haven Rangers as they check on a radar station and an...
The Obsession: W5
CTV CTV552We all have nagging worries - did I turn off the stove? Did I lock the door? But for Canadians with...
The Opioid Crisis Playlist
MCI81216 - Average number of opioid poisonings resulting in hospitalization each day in Canada 53% -...
The Paradox of Salt: Blessing or Curse?
Autentic GMBH AUT007Salt – precious and essential for survival. But has this white gold also become a threat to the...
The Peyote Trail: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 3
Farpoint Films FAR024Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about the use of peyote in religious Native American ceremony...
The Pioneers: W5
CTV CTV002A Canadian woman is taking part in a remarkable study to help doctors learn how to stop multiple...
The Polio Parallel: W5
CTV CTV850CTV’s W5 presents an interesting parallel between polio and COVID-19. In the early 1950’s...
The Power of Growing: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 2
291 Film Company 291123The documentary series AGELESS GARDENS is a visual celebration of gardens – and gardeners –...
The Power of Love: The Recovery of Trevor Greene: W5
CTV CTV504Canadian soldier Trevor Greene recounts his remarkable journey of recovery since that fateful day...
The Problem of Pain: W5
CTV CTV840From a young age, hockey players have been taught to play through pain and push themselves to the...
The Problem with Pills: W5
CTV CTV875David Carmichael insists that the antidepressant that he was prescribed caused him to go into a...
The Psychedelic Pioneers
HG Distribution HG0102The story of The Psychedelic Pioneers is part leading edge medical research and part utopian...
The Puberty Workshop and Curriculum
Human Relations Media 600565This ground breaking five-part program developed by experienced health educators and physicians...
The Quest for the Perfect Athlete
ARTE France A259-010The performance of athletes has evolved considerably over the last twenty years, and the...
The Roots Of Violence, Addiction, And Neglect
Magna Systems 520165Hosted by Art Linkletter and featuring family specialist, John Bradshaw, this film explores the...
The Royalcrest File: W5
CTV CTV030The care of senior citizens is a sacred trust. Families leave a valuable member in the care of...
The Science of Healing with Dr. Esther Sternberg
PBS Video 041277Author and medical researcher Dr. Esther Sternberg examines the role the brain plays in healing...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection #2 with Leslie...
CTV CTV524This collection of fifteen 4 to 5 minute Canadian video clips explores the science of nutrition and...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection with Leslie Beck
CTV CTV515This collection of 4 to 5 minute video clips explores the science of nutrition and will give...
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