2737 title(s) found.« First « Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next » Last »
Cayda - Tsuut’ina Nation, Calgary, AB: Raven's Quest 1
Apartment 11 APT019Cayda is an 11-year-old girl who lives on the Tsuu T’ina Nation reserve near Calgary, Alberta...
Celebrating Black History Month: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0147Learn all about why and how we celebrate Black History Month. Who was Carter G. Woodson? How was...
Celebration: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0721Cree spoken word artist Zoey Roy meets with legendary Métis artist and activist Maria Campbell...
Celebrations, Ceremonies and the Dumpling: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD009Chef Christine's Chinese chef mentors launch her on another journey of discovery. She discovers...
Ceramics: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1430Before there was metal to beat, threads to weave, paper to write or music to hear, there was the...
Chad Kroeger and Big Luke: Guitar Picks, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM324Chad Kroeger is a Canadian musician, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for the Canadian...
Change and Action: Racism in Canada
CTV Public CTV833From Bell Media Studios, the special, hosted by Tyrone Edwards, Marci Ien, Lainey Lui, and...
Change and Butterflies: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI024The Great Spirit tells the children a time of change is coming, that the world will soon be...
Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0699Chaos & Courage: Season 2 expands the scope of Indigenous women working on the front lines of our...
Chaos on the Bridge
Ballinran Productions Limited BALL05William Shatner Presents: Chaos on the Bridge is a documentary written, directed, co-produced and...
Charles and Camilla; King and Queen in Waiting: The Royal...
Blue Ant Media BAM1288Charles and Camilla's enduring relationship is the subject of this documentary which investigates...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films A196-026Charles Burnett is an eminent figure of the Black independent movement during the sixties. His dual...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films F196-042Figure éminente du « Black independent movement » pendant les années soixante, Charles Burnett...
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0105In this new, high-definition program, learn all about the life and scientific theories of...
Charles Darwin: The Ape Man
Film Ideas FI0032Charles Darwin, born in 1809, upset the foundations of life science with his theory that man...
Charles de Salaberry: Canada 1812: Forged in Fire
Blue Ant Media BAM002The Americans were marching to take Lower Canada and strangle supply lines to the east. The...
Charles de Salaberry: Canada 1812: Le Baptême du feu
Blue Ant Media BAMF02Face à l'invasion améicaine, le Bas-Canada manqué d'effectifs, ce qui force Charles de Salaberry...
Charles Dickens: Great Authors Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0034In this program, meet Charles Dickens. What were the significant events of Charles Dickens...
Charlotte Cote: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0032Charlotte Cote: Nuu-chah-nulth author and professor Charlotte Cote’s journey has taken her from a...
Chasing Churchill: In Search of My Grandfather
PBS Video 041033Winston Churchill's quest for his inner self took two forms: a constant thirst for exotic travel...
Chasse: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-08«Quand j’ai appris à chasser, on m’a fait observer et comprendre tous les bruits de la forêt...
Chef Shane Chartrand: REDx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0015Chef Shane Chartrand has been featured on Chopped Canada and Cook It Raw, and is an award-winning...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 1): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP020Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 2): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP021Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cheveyo, Ha-li and Kimowan - Tofino, British Columbia: Raven's...
Apartment 11 APT510Cheveyo (11), Halidzox (10) and Kimowan (8) are three siblings who live with their family on an...
PBS Video 040383Once a swampy, remote outpost of fur traders and Native Americans, Chicago rose to become the CITY...
Chichen Itza: Wonders of the World Series
Educational Voice 992189This animated geography video lesson is all about Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was a large...
Chief Cadmus Delorme Returns as Guest Co-Host with Erin Goodpipe...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ025For the Season 2 Finale, Cowessess Chief Cadmus Delorme returns to guest co-host with Erin...
Children of the Storm
Jack Kuper KUP001This video centres on interviews with dozens of the 1100 Jewish refugee orphans who came to Canada...
China - Great Wall: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE422Julia and Joanna visit the most famous monument in China- The Great Wall! Along the way, they take...
China - New Years: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE424Julia and Joanna journey to Beijing to celebrate New Years! During the festivities, the girls play...
China - Opera: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE423It’s a jam-packed day in Beijing for Julia and Joanna. They explore Tiananmen Square and the...
China - Pandas: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE421Julia and Joanna visit a breeding centre for pandas way up in the foggy mountains of Chengdu. They...
China Quake
Blue Ant Media BAM934In May 2008 a magnitude 7.9 quake struck the heart of China’s Sichuan province. The quake...
China’s Ghost Army
Blue Ant Media BAM935Nothing like China’s Terracotta Warriors was ever created before them and nothing quite like it...
Chinese Spring Festival: Festivals Around The World Series
Educational Voice 992141This animated video class explores the Chinese Spring Festival or New Years celebration. People bid...
Choctaw Stickball: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810000Choctaw Stickball (Episode 1): Warrior Games heads to Mississippi to discover the ancient sport of...
Choctaw Stickball: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8100CSChoctaw Stickball - Ep 1: Warrior Games heads to Mississippi to discover the ancient sport of...
Chris Hsiung: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0008Chris Hsiung is a ‘recovering software engineer’, and the director and producer of the...
Christ the Redeemer: Wonders of the World Series
Educational Voice 992187This animated geography video lesson visits Christ the Redeemer, the statue of Jesus Christ in the...
Christian Empires - Byzantium, Crusaders and Venice: Empire...
Pilot Productions 555029In this episode of Empire Builders we explore 10 sites that made history. We visit Bryzantium’s...
Christmas at Chatsworth House
Blue Ant Media BAM1308In the heart of Derbyshire, this Tudor mansion that provided the iconic back drop for Pride and...
Blue Ant Media BAM1309This definitive six-part series will explore every facet of Britain’s most legendary prime...
Churchill Part Five: Fallen Hero
Blue Ant Media BAM1314Having won the Second World War, Churchill is far from done. In the summer of 1945, he asks British...
Churchill, Part Four: Path to Victory
Blue Ant Media BAM1313To win the Second World War, Churchill must build a difficult alliance with the superpowers of...
Churchill, Part One: Beginnings
Blue Ant Media BAM1310Churchill’s early life at the turn of the twentieth century is dominated by his father’s early...
Churchill, Part Six: Curtain Call
Blue Ant Media BAM1315It is the swinging sixties. After he retires from politics, Churchill enjoys the glamorous...
Churchill, Part Three: A Gathering Storm
Blue Ant Media BAM1312In the run-up to the Second World War, Churchill, now in his sixties, is out of touch on many key...
Churchill, Part Two: The Long Grass
Blue Ant Media BAM1311Churchill’s early career in politics is a rollercoaster ride. He rises rapidly. But during the...
Chyyah - NuChaNulth Nation, BC: Raven's Quest, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT003Chyyah is an 8-year-old girl from the NuChaNulth Nation, in Port Alberni, British Columbia. Chyyah...