Indigenous Issues
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The Message is the Art: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04Laura meets three very different visual artists with unique messages. She discovers how Tom...
The Métis Experience Playlist
MCI856A collection of Canadian produced programs highlighting the culture, history and traditions of the...
The Métis Hunt for Justice - The Powley Documentary
LeMay Media LM0032On September 19, 2003, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its unanimous judgment in R. v...
The Métis of Alberta: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities...
Sound Venture SVP502In 2019, after more than 90 years of perseverance and struggle, the Métis Government Recognition...
The Mighty Bison: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 2
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100602Sam and Chuck go on an unexpected adventure at a Manitoba bison ranch, where they harvest, skin and...
The Mill
Katherine Knight and David Craig MILL00A challenge common to rural communities the world over is taking place in Pictou County, Nova...
The Mystery Files Series: Season 2
Apartment 11 APT021Did the Vikings really exist? Did the First Nations invent hockey? How are emojis connected to cave...
The Mystery of Nostra Culpa: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT027E.B. and Kyla find out that the label “Nostra Culpa” means “our fault” in Latin. But what...
The Mystery of Show and Tell: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT029From cave art to emojis, symbols have played an important part of communication throughout history...
The Mystery of Sticks and Stones: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT024What do a stick, a rubber duck, and a creepy mask have in common? E.B. and Kyla venture out to the...
The Nature of Healing
Mohawk Village Memorial Park MVMP00The Nature of Healing is the spoken truth of seven courageous Survivors of Mohawk Institute...
The New Recruits: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 1
Picture This Productions PTP001Three new recruits go through training to see if they have what it takes to become the newest...
The Next Generation: Wild Kitchen Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP003Wild Kitchen celebrates our rich cultural practices and unearths forgotten recipes inspired by the...
The North: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 2
George Gallant GG0002The North seems pristine, but the cold northern climate acts as a repository for many contaminants...
The Northern Warning System Patrol: Watchers of the North...
Picture This Productions PTP003A snowmobile breakdown challenges the Gjoa Haven Rangers as they check on a radar station and an...
The Northwest Territories and Alberta to British Columbia by...
Brandy Y Productions BYP051Brandy Yanchyk explores the Northwest Territories. Then she takes the VIA Skeena train from Jasper...
The Pacific Empire Part 2 - Pacific Conquests: Empire Builders...
Pilot Productions 555046Examines the history of European colonisation of the Pacific. The Spaniards were the first to...
The Pass System: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ017Every episode of RezX features a different theme, and this episode covers the documentary, “The...
The Peaceful Path: The Bruce Documentary Series, Ep. 3
Zach Melnick LIV030“The Peaceful Path”, the Bruce passes through two wars and the Depression. A stagnant economy...
The Peel Project: Protecting Canada's Last Pristine Wilderness
The Peel Project TPP000Exploring how wilderness space shapes Canada's identity, its culture and imagination, The Peel...
The Peyote Trail: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 3
Farpoint Films FAR024Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about the use of peyote in religious Native American ceremony...
The Price of the Prize
Brandy Y Productions BYP001The Price of the Prize is a documentary about the First Nations fight to end grizzly bear trophy...
The Prophecy: A Warning of Climate Change in Alaska
Fred Hilgemann Films A242-013Decades before scientists recognised the looming dangers of climate change, the elders of one of...
The Protected Place
Cher Obediah CHER01The Protected Place is an area of land located in Caledonia, Ontario where the scene of a land...
The Reason I Dance
LeMay Media LM0023Josée Bourgeois is an Algonquin life-giving woman who is a part of a very important generation...
The Return of Buffalo: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0679Bison, very abundant on the plains, were an important resource for indigenous peoples. Mass...
The Road to Sustainability: Trees, Youth, Our Future Series
Pinegrove Productions EOMF01Explores the history of our relationship with the forests – from being home to Indigenous peoples...
The Road to the Constitution
LeMay Media LM0027The Road to the Constitution: “We, the Métis Nation, are Otipemisiwak—the people who own...
The Saga of Murdo MacLeod (Graphic Novel)
MacLeod 9 Productions 300152NExpelled from their land on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, Murdo MacLeod and his clan are given...
The Sandman
Productions Grand Angle A173-026In northern Canada, Indigineous land is now the home to the largest industrial project in the...
The Sea Wolf: Raven Tales, Season 1
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI003Gwai is having a hard time catching fish, so Frog tells him to find the greatest hunter of all, the...
The Search Begins: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 1
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC01Nationally acclaimed Indigenous singer Laura Vinson is developing hearing loss and she sets out on...
The Seven Sacred Laws (Anishinaabe Subtitles)
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00ANNiizhwaaswi manito kaa inaaakonigewinun apijii minwaande’maagad dago gee kitchi nagadenjiigate...
The Shadow of Gold
Kensington Communications Inc. KC0111Do you wear a gold ring? Do you know where the gold in that ring comes from? The Shadow of Gold...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Ghostkeeper
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0184In this performance, Calgary-based Ghostkeeper produces raw and electrifying music. A colourful...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Joey Stylez with Dragonette
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0186Joey Stylez’s story is as unique as the music he creates. This Juno-nominated Hip Hop artist hit...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Marijosee
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0182A lifetime of musical training and a whole lot of perseverance has paid off for Francophone...
The Speed Skater: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0009Nina is sure new speed skates will make her faster than Joe but when Chief Madwe gets blown down...
The Spirit Bear: Coastal Revival Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP036Meet the rare Spirit Bear and the Gitga’at First Nations who teach others about its beauty and...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0627Songwriter Ansley Simpson is a Toronto-based Anishinaabe musician known for her poetic lyrics...
The Story of the Kitchissippi - Canada’s Great River
LeMay Media LM0025This video tells the story of Canada’s Great River – the Kitchissippi or Ottawa River –...
The Superfood Chain
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL03SUPERFOOD OR SUPER HYPE? Are so called superfoods really that great for you? And how does the...
The Traditional and the New: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S02-08Approximately 370 million people belong to indigenous communities in some 70 countries around the...
The True Winners
Productions RPM A209-001 AThe people of Nunavik are passionate about hockey. Joé Juneau, retired NHL hockey player, coached...
The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0660A dramatic Maori fantasy series born of the stars and rooted in the homelands of ancient...
The Unwanted Visitor: W5
CTV CTV856TSN's Rick Westhead sits down with former NHL coach of the year, Ted Nolan, to discuss the racism...
The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers Collection
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000ENMcIntyre Media is extremely proud to announce our partnership with Wapikoni Mobile, a mobile...
The Wasauksing Swing Bridge - A Century of Broken Promises...
Warren Schlote WSCH08Just outside the town of Parry Sound, Ontario, is Wasauksing First Nation. Its only land link to...
The Water Walker
Seeing Red Media SRM000The Water Walker is a short documentary, tracing the roots, passion and perseverance of teenaged...
The White Archer
Houston Productions Inc. 000011ENAn Inuit youth trains to become a great archer in hopes of avenging the killing of his family - but...