Language Arts
1213 title(s) found.« First « Previous 20 21 22 23 24 25 Next » Last »
Wallaby: Big Bear and Squeak Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR126EBig Bear and Squeak are on the mountain at sunset. They admire the brilliant sky and learn about...
Wallace's Lists
Weston Woods WW812by Barbara Bottner & Gerald Kruglik, ill. by Olof Landström (HarperCollins) Wallace, a...
Walrus: Big Bear and Squeak Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR152EBig Bear and Squeak are fishing, but Squeak catches a boot! Fishing requires patience and while...
Wassily Kandinsky: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0006After Mati’s saxophone shoots out red floating musical blobs, she and Dada find out how music...
Wassily Kandinsky: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0006FRMati et Dada rencontrent Kandinsky qui leur fait découvrir le lien entre la musique et les...
Water is Water: A Book about the Water Cycle
Weston Woods WW4025Drip. Sip. Pour me a cup. Water is water unless…it heats up.Whirl. Swirl. Watch it curl by. Steam...
Weston Woods WW4014Written by Andrea Wang and illustrated by Jason Chin Gathering watercress by the side of the road...
We Are Water Protectors
Weston Woods WW4007Written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade. Inspired by the many Indigenous-led...
We Found a Hat
Weston Woods WW2986Based on the book by Canadian author Jon Klassen. Hold on to your hats for the conclusion...
Weekend with Wendell, A
Weston Woods WW329by Kevin Henkes Quiet-as-a-mouse Sophie learns to assert herself during a week-end visit with...
Weston Woods - 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition DVD
Weston Woods WW1320Titles include: Strega Nona, Charlie Needs a Cloak, The Clown of God
Weston Woods - 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition DVD
Weston Woods WW2581To celebrate our Diamond Jubilee in 2013, we are pleased to present a special 60th Anniversary...
Weston Woods Compilation DVDs
Weston Woods WWCOMPThese collections provide an economical way to purchase your favourite titles. Each thematic...
Weston Woods Fall 2014 New Releases
Weston Woods WWFall14The FALL 2014 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Extra Yarn Me ... Jane One Cool...
Weston Woods Fall 2016 New Releases
Weston Woods WWFall2016The FALL 2016 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Grace for President ...
Weston Woods Fall 2017 New Releases
Weston Woods WWFall2017The Fall 2017 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Leo: A Ghost Story Mother...
Weston Woods Fall 2018 New Releases
Weston Woods WWFall2018The Fall 2018 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Groovy Joe: Dance Party Countdown ...
Weston Woods Mandarin / English Collection (12)
Weston Woods WW_WW_MandEngNEW! Bilingual Mandarin Chinese / English DVDs. Early exposure to foreign languages is...
Weston Woods Spring 2014 New Releases
Weston Woods WWSpr14The Spring 2014 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! The Duckling Gets a Cookie Each...
Weston Woods Spring 2015 New Releases
Weston Woods WWSpr15The Spring 2015 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Bugs in My Hair Goldilocks and the...
Weston Woods Spring 2016 New Releases
Weston Woods WWSpr2016The SPRING 2016 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Abe’s Honest Words: The Life of...
Weston Woods Spring 2017 New Releases
Weston Woods WWSpring2017The Spring 2017 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Duck on a Tractor ...
Weston Woods Spring 2018 New Releases
Weston Woods WWSpr2018Each new DVD now includes Video Description, a secondary audio track containing additional...
What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?
Weston Woods WW856by Robin Page, ill. by Steve Jenkins (Houghton Mifflin) A nose for digging? Ears for seeing...
What to Do about Alice?
Weston Woods WW870by Barbara Kerley, ill. by Edward Fotheringham (Scholastic)...
What's Under My Bed
Weston Woods WW299by James Stevenson Grandpa tells his two young houseguests about the time he was afraid of the...
Where the Wild Things Are
Weston Woods WW084BIby Maurice Sendak When Max makes mischief ‘of one kind and another,' his mother sends him to...
Where's My Alphabet? Series
GAPC Productions GAP103WHERE’S MY ALPHABET is a series that takes us on a romp and a scavenger hunt to discover the...
Whistle for Willie
Weston Woods WW065by Ezra Jack Keats Peter wants to learn to whistle so he can call his dog, Willie. Animated
Who Is Nagamo?: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0024When the kids find a diary in an old tree stump they must not only unravel the mystery of which of...
Who Says Women Can't be Doctors?
Weston Woods WW2686based on the book by Tanya Lee Stone, illustrated by Marjorie Priceman (Henry Holt) In the...
Who's Afraid of Happy Endings?
GAPC Productions GAP021Who's Afraid of Happy Endings? is a witty, revealing and often surprising one-hour documentary that...
Who's in Rabbit's House
Weston Woods WW279by Verna Aardema, ill. by Leo and Diane Dillon Adapted from a Masai folktale about a rabbit...
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
Weston Woods WW199by Verna Aardema A tall take sets off a chain of mishaps throught the jungle grapevine - from...
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears (Mandarin/English)
Weston Woods WW199MANBIBased on the book by Verna Aardema - A tall tale sets off a comic chain of mishaps from...
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears and Other Classics (DVD)
Weston Woods WW626Titles include: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears, A Story A Story, The Village of Round and...
Wild About Books
Weston Woods WW677by Judy Sierra Librarian Molly McGrew introduces birds and beasts to this new something called...
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge
Weston Woods WW316By Mem Fox In this gentle, moving story about caring and sharing, a small boy helps an old...
Will I Have a Friend?
Weston Woods WW616by Miriam Cohen, ill. by Lillian Hoban - On Jim's first day of school he worries, “Will I have...
Will You Sign Here John Hancock?
Weston Woods WW480by Jean Fritz . John Hancock lived a luxurious life in a fine house in Boston, but he didn't...
William Steig Library, The (DVD)
Weston Woods WW499Titles include: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, The Amazing Bone, Doctor De Soto, Brave Irene...
William Turner: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0031FRMati et Dada rencontrent William Turner, un célèbre peintre, qui leur fait visiter son atelier à...
Wind and Water/Scary Garden: Louis Says Season 2
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0011Episode 1A - Wind and Water: On one of the hottest days of the year, Cree elder Louis asks Randy...
Wings: The Tale of Two Chickens
Weston Woods WW346by James Marshall When Winnie, who never reads, lifts off with a foxy stranger, sensible...
Winter Holiday Stories I
Weston Woods WW441Titles include: In the Month of Kislev by Nina Jaffe, illustrated by Louise August, & narrated...
Winter Holiday Stories II (DVD)
Weston Woods WW824Collection includes: The Little Drummer Boy, Words and music by Katherine Davis, Henry Onorati...
Weston Woods WW4019Written by Mượn Thị Văn and illustrated by Victo Ngai. Wishes tells the powerful, honest...
Wizard, The
Weston Woods WW300by Jack Kent A discontented mouse visits a wizard with magical powers hoping that the wizard...
Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0000Wolf Joe follows Joe, a young indigenous boy who is inspired to explore his indigenous culture and...
Wolf: Big Bear and Squeak Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR149EBig Bear and Squeak snowshoe through the forest on a snowy winter day. They discover animal tracks...