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Les cônes: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT097FC'est la fête de Jean-François et les cônes sont au cœur de la fête! Les chapeaux de fête et...
Les cubes: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT103FJF se fait maître de cérémonie éblouissant pour présenter l'une de ses figures géométriques...
Les cylindres musicaux: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT095FJean-François est déterminé à découvrir pourquoi tant d'instruments de musique, comme les...
Les dômes: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT102FJean-François reçoit l'œuf Coco, un super héros très spécial. Pourquoi un œuf est-il si...
Les lentilles: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT101FJF regarde à travers différentes sortes de lentilles. Il aimerait trouver une paire de lunettes...
Les projectiles de sports: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT105FJF essaie de jongler avec un ballon de football, une balle de baseball et une rondelle de hockey...
Les pyramides: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT096FAprès avoir vu une pyramide d'oranges à l'épicerie, JF décide d'en construire une dans son...
Les spirales: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT100FMiawow essaie d'hypnotiser Jean-François à l'aide d'une spirale. Mais qu'est-ce qui rend les...
Les treillis: C'est WOW
Apartment 11 APT107FJF se demande pourquoi on utilise autant les triangles dans la construction de ponts par exemple...
Let's Face It!: The Prime Radicals, Season 1
GAPC Productions GAP031Uncle Norm is going to a masquerade ball and he needs a mask. Problem is, he doesn’t know where...
License to Science: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE067BOona must pass her lab director’s test or risk getting kicked off Odd Squad. Otis helps a worried...
Life of O'Brian: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE016AWhen a miffed O’Brian won’t let Olive access the tubes, she has to solve the mystery of what...
Little Math Whiz Series
Film Ideas FI0019With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical...
Long Division with Remainder: Math Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0327Learn all about how to solve long division problems with a remainder. What is division? How do...
Long Multiplication: Intermediate Maths Series 3
Educational Voice 992065Aaron is planning a class trip to the museum. He needs to use multiplication to figure out how much...
Look Kool Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT077LOOK KOOL uses songs, skits, and wacky challenges to help our host, Hamza, and his mischievous...
Look Kool, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT091LOOK KOOL uses songs, skits, and wacky challenges to help our host, Hamza, and his mischievous...
Lord Symington's Castle: Math Mysteries Series
Human Relations Media 600661Lord symington's Castle is a unique interactive math mystery that combines video clips and print...
Magician's Choice, Zeno's Paradoxes of Motion, Blacklight...
Switch SWED98Magician's Choice, Zeno's Paradoxes of Motion, Blacklight, Levitation Tricks, and Rethinker, David...
Make That a Double: Look Kool Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT085Two, four, six, eight - how can you make numbers great? In this episode, Hamza learns just how...
Maps: Look Kool, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT093Hamza thinks finding his way around is easy .... until his smart phone breaks. Uh oh. Now he needs...
Marcus - Greely, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT543Marcus is a 9-year-old boy who lives in Greely, Ontario. His family comes from Haiti and...
Math Curse
Weston Woods WW848by Jon Sciezka, illustrated by Lane Smith (Viking) One morning a little girl wakes up to find...
Math in Music: Look Kool Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT089Why are some sound combinations pleasant when others sound like a cat with a screw loose? To find...
Math in Psychology Series
Shortcutstv Ltd STV010For psychology students not so comfortable with the math, this film provides a clear step by step...
Math Maybes - Birthdays, Probabilities, and Estimates...
GAPC Productions GAP009This episode uses the concept of probability to explore how likely something like sharing the same...
Math Mystery Files: Mr. Marfil's Last Will and Testament
Human Relations Media 600007Mr. Marfil's great-niece Constance is in for a shock. According to her eccentric uncle's will, she...
Math Stew - Bits 'n Bites (Part I): mathXplosion Series
GAPC Productions GAP010This episode explores an alternate way to communicate numbers using the anchor numbers 5 and 10 and...
Math Tricks: mathXplosion Series
GAPC Productions GAP006This episode introduces the concept of following simple calculations that illustrate the special...
Math: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0011Indigenous people used math to count inventories and measure shapes for buildings. They added...
Mathemagic: The Prime Radicals, Season 2
GAPC Productions GAP063Uncle Norm – otherwise known as “Norm the Normificent” – is trying to make a magic show...
PBS Video 041635A 20-part series exploring the fundamentals of algebra, geometry, and advanced...
mathXplosion Series
GAPC Productions GAP005Hosted by Ottawa's talented Mathemagician Eric Leclerc who shares secrets from the not-so-hidden...
mathXplosion Series (Français)
GAPC Productions GAPF05Les maths nous entourent ! Joins-toi à Éric, le «mathémagicien» alors qu’il nous révèle...
Matthew Penn ( Law & Order, Damages, Royal Pains)
CinéFête F296-S03-05Comédien de formation, Matthew Penn a commencé à pratiquer la mise en scène au théâtre, avant...
Max's Money Adventures
Twisted Scholar GUM001Max's Money Adventure was designed to teach kids the meaning and value of money. Cash machines...
Measurement - It's Not Just about Rulers (Part I): mathXplosion...
GAPC Productions GAP007This episode is about another measurable property of objects – weight – and how you can measure...
Measurement - It's Not Just about Rulers (Part II): mathXplosion...
GAPC Productions GAP008This episode is about non-standard measurement units and the application of proportions to art, by...
Measurement: Look Kool Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT086Hamza wants to measure everything about Koolkatt that has changed since he was a teeny-weeny little...
Measuring: Primary Maths Series 2
Educational Voice 992051This animated math video lesson is about measuring. Students will love this engaging and...
Meeting the Standard: The Prime Radicals, Season 1
GAPC Productions GAP041Uncle Norm’s toy dinosaurs aren’t getting along, so he decides he needs a display case with two...
Mes beaux ballons tout ronds : Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM266FRCodie s'envole avec ses ballons jusqu'à ce que Mia le programme pour crever les ballons qu'il...
Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM260MIA is an enthusiastic 8-year-old girl who loves to code! CODIE is the adorable little robot she...
Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM260FRMia est une petite fille de 8 ans très enthousiaste qui adore le codage ! Codie est l'adorable...
Mid-Day in the Garden of Good and Odd: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE047AWhen things in town get covered in jam, the agents turn to Odd Todd for help. The villain is...
Money Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0069Research shows that children benefit from learning about how money works at a young age. Prepare...
Money Matters - Introduction to Earning, Saving and Investing...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0139Learn all about basic finances and investing. Earning and spending money: doing a job, having your...
Monster Catchers: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM273After hearing a strange noise in her closet, Mia programs Codie to go on a monster hunt. Only he...
Moustache Confidential: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE038BWhen Agent Obfusco’s moustache is stolen, it’s up to Olive and Otto to get it back. To...