146 title(s) found.Pal in the Middle (Optics - Colours, Light and Prism)...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE146Shania is stuck at home taking care of her little brother Garth while Anne and Nick build a rainbow...
Palception (Dreams): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE210Pal is having nightmares about Magnus 22 and a faceless robot. Pal’s nightmares are so bad that...
Palling Around (Strength): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE194While Anne and Shania work on Pidgely’s new exo-suit complete with intruder extraction mode, Pal...
Parent Swap (Air Gliding): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE181Nick and his Dad do a father/son engineering challenge every year at Zack’s Dad’s welding shop...
Perspectives on the Future
Parallel Vision Pictures PVP001Perspectives on the Future filmed at the FITC Conference (Future. Innovation. Technology...
Physics of Rockets - Applying Newton’s Laws of Motion: Science...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0249Learn all about how rockets work. What are Newton's Three Laws of Motion? Why are thrust...
Physics of Roller Coasters - Motion and Energy: Science Kids...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0095Learn the basic physics concepts that keep you in your roller-coaster cart and your cart on the...
Planes: Legends vs Modern Icons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1267The Boeing 314 Clipper – the biggest airplane of the nineteen hundred thirties and the first to...
Pressure and Forces of Flight: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0096Learn all about pressure and forces of flight. What is pressure? What is a force? What are...
Reset (Friendship): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE192Shania thinks everything is the worst right now. Nick is not allowed back in the junkyard as per...
Robo Mutt (Animal Protection Techniques): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE199When Nick sees that Zack, Anne and Shania are hanging out without him, he’s a bit bummed that...
Robotics and AI - The Future of Humanity: Global Science Series
T2MP and Reuters A296-S05-04They walk, they talk, and soon, they will think. Robots are marching on, and they are spreading in...
Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0074Wonderscapes's Science Kids programs allow students to learn all about science related concepts in...
Search Party (Theories): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE213The kids send Pidgely into Magnus Tech to save Robo-mouse. While undertaking that rescue mission...
Série GéoMinute
Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE015FRUne série de 13 segments d'une minute célébrant les anniversaires marquants de l'histoire du...
Skateboarding: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0019Physics play a big part in skateboarding. Science Questers hop on their boards and talk to a...
Space - Journey into the Unknown: Global Science Series
T2MP and Reuters A296-S05-01Just like the first explorers took the sea in search of new continents, in what was seen as crazy...
Spaceman: W5
CTV CTV785W5's Peter Akman sits down with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques to talk about his life-long...
System Failure Part 1 (Holograms): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE217In the first part of our series finale, Anne and Nick are finally building Anne’s Mom’s...
System Failure Part 2 (Importance of Science): Annedroids Series...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE218In the second part of our series finale, Anne, Nick, Shania and all the androids successfully...
Teacher's Pal (Fuel Sources): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE197When Nick’s Mom can’t drive Nick and Shania to school, Anne and her Dad drive them. Since Pal...
Technological Solutions: Simple Machines
Eduflix Group AB KMG005Have you ever used a screw? Pulled something up a ramp? Or used a bottle opener? In physics and...
Technology - Shaping Our New World: Global Science Series
T2MP and Reuters A296-S05-06Technology empowers new ways of life. The discarded materials of our modern lives find new purposes...
The Babushkas of Chernobyl (52 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP053A STORY OF 3 UNLIKELY HEROINES IN THE MOST TOXIC PLACE ON EARTH... In the radioactive Dead Zone...
The Babushkas of Chernobyl (72 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP054A STORY OF 3 UNLIKELY HEROINES IN THE MOST TOXIC PLACE ON EARTH... In the radioactive Dead Zone...
The Bomb
PBS Video 041818The Bomb tells the story of the most powerful and destructive device ever invented. Learn how...
The Escape Artist (Advanced Technology): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE195Anne visits Ada at Magnus Tech where she meets Magnus 22 (Ada’s artificially intelligent...
The History of the Future Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR157EThe History of the Future is a half hour series of programs about the future of society, science...
The Mother of Invention (Navigation, constellations, and...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE202The kids are intent on figuring out where the robo-bug came from and who sent it. To do that, Anne...
The Physics of Light
PBS Video 041790While the terms "quantum physics" and "Theory of Relativity" are used casually every day, not many...
The Power of Love (Electricity Production): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE148Anne has recreated Nikola Tesla’s plasma ball for her summer school project. Before they can get...
The Solar System, Satellites, Earth, Telescopes, Stars and...
Switch SWED131Explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. Strap yourself in as this...
The Study of the Earth Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG040This 3 part series will provide students with an excellent understanding of the study of rocks and...
The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer
PBS Video 041116J. Robert Oppenheimer's life and legacy are inextricably linked to America's most famous top -...
Thermodad (Energy Sources): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE214Anne and Shania upload the newly rescued Magnus 22 to the junkyard servers but end up blowing the...
Thomas Edison
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0273This program explores the important achievements of Thomas Alva Edison. What were the significant...
Tla-o-qui-aht, BC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0765Geothermal energy is generated using heat stored below the earth’s surface. Caretakers of Long...
Undercover Pigeon (Chemistry): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE179It’s the first day of school and Nick is nervous about making new friends, luckily he meets a...
Uranium - Twisting the Dragon's Tail
PBS Video 041817The story of Uranium is part science, part history, and all epic adventure. It's a journey through...
Volcanoes: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0022Isa tells us about the “Ring of Fire” and the role of tectonic plates for in the creation of...
Water: Masters of the Elements Series
AB Productions A296-S07-04The oceans, seas and rivers cover 70% of the surface of our planet. Water can change state (liquid...
Welcome to The Nanoworld Series
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC001A new world is rising… A scientific revolution is budding… A deep excavation into the realm of...
Wilderness Tech Part 1 (Fishing & Canoeing): Annedroids Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE211When Shania has to go on a survival weekend with Mr. Cooper, Anne and Nick are desperate to go too...
Wildreness Tech Part 2 (Compasses and Trails): Annedroids Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE212Not sure where Mr. Cooper is, or if he’s alive, the kids make their way through the forest...
Will We Actually Travel to Mars?: 42 - The Answer to Almost...
Autentic GMBH AUT027If Elon Musk had his way, humans would soon inhabit Mars. But how realistic is that? And: Extreme...
Zackbot (Supplying System): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE183Zack builds a basketball-playing robot and needs Anne's help to make it work. When Zack comes to...