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FRONTLINE: Inside Obama's Presidency

PBS Video 041657

As Barack Obama is sworn in for his second term, FRONTLINE takes a probing look at the first four...

Frontline: Losing Iraq

PBS Video 041751

With Islamic extremists gaining ground in Iraq, and the Obama administration being pulled back into...

FRONTLINE: Syria Behind the Lines

PBS Video 041629

In the rural heartland of Syria’s countryside, the bloody uprising against President Bashar Al...

Frontline: The Abortion Divide

PBS Video 041929

In 1983 - 10 years after Roe v. Wade - a landmark FRONTLINE documentary, Abortion Clinic, showed...

FRONTLINE: The Economic Meltdown (2 DVD Set)

PBS Video 041627

FRONTLINE: The Economic Meltdown: How America's Fiscal Fallout Triggered a Global Crisis - Episodes...

FRONTLINE: The Secret History of ISIS

PBS Video 041844

"They came out of nowhere." That was the common refrain when ISIS captured the world's attention by...

Frontline: The Virus that Shook the World

PBS Video 041965

FRONTLINE examines living through the year of the pandemic, filmed around the world, from lockdowns...

FRONTLINE: United States of Secrets

PBS Video 041728

FRONTLINE goes behind the headlines to reveal the dramatic inside story of how the U.S. government...

FRONTLINE: Wikisecrets: Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and...

PBS Video 041413

Behind the leaking of more than half-a-million classified documents on the Wikileaks website stand...

Gaza: Health Under Siege

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE057

GAZA: HEALTH UNDER SIEGE takes us into the streets and hospitals of Gaza.  Here you will witness...

Géopolitique des lieux saints

ARTE France F259-S10-53

Le « hadj » ou pèlerinage de la Mecque est aujourd’hui à la fois un business et un enjeu de...

Great Decisions 2020

Scorpion Television SCTV14

Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...

Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV61

Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...

Greatest Loss - Famine and Pestilence: Bison Return From the...

Square Sheep Films SQU003

This episode looks at the rapid demise of the bison herds in Canada. By the late 1860’s many of...

Groënland : banquises et convoitises

ARTE France F259-S10-55

En août 2019, Donald Trump a proposé au Danemark de lui « racheter » le Groenland. Une...

Gross National Happiness: Jigme Thinley - The Green Interview...

Paper Tiger PT0018

This episode of The Green Interview features Jigme Thinley, the first democratically elected prime...

Harry and Meghan; Two Troubled Years: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1294

As Harry and Meghan start a new life in the United States, was it always destined to end in tears...

Hate Crime - Uncensored

Blue Ant Media BAM1107

Hate Crime: Uncensored is a new documentary featuring testimony and footage of a variety of...

Hate Crime in Everyday Life

Shortcutstv Ltd STV029

Hate Crime is high profile now, but the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just...

History of Black Music - From Gospel to Jazz to Hip Hop: History...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0324

Listen to and learn about the evolution of Black music, starting from Spirituals and Gospel, then...


Reel Girls Media REEL13

A documentary about the heroes behind the heroes. HOMEFRONT records the experience of the spouses...

Hopeful Chinks of Light in Dark Times: George Monbiot - The...

Paper Tiger PT0051

This episode of The Green Interview features George Monbiot, acclaimed British journalist and...

Hunting in Packs

Video Project, Inc. TVP112

Delving into the high-stakes and absurd institutions of western politics, Hunting in Packs follows...

In the Name of Confucius

Passion River Films PR3809

In the Name of Confucius is the first documentary exposé of China’s multi-billion dollar...

Incorrigible – A Film about Velma Demerson

Top Dollar Sisters Productions Inc. BMFI00

Produced by TOP DOLLAR SISTERS PRODUCTIONS INC and TISSA FILMS Gemini award winning filmmaker...

International Development Week Playlist


Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of International Development Week 2015 (IDW 2015). This year's theme...

Irak : après les guerres ?

ARTE France F259-S10-58

Après 15 années de guerres, l’Irak, pays-mosaïque est-il enfin en train de « faire nation »...

Irak, les ombres de la guerre

Productions Grand Angle F173-005

Guerres permanentes, embargos et tensions frontalières ont transformé la seule fenêtre maritime...

Iran : au coeur des tensions

ARTE France F259-S10-59

Nucléaire militaire, rivalités avec l’Arabie Saoudite, après-guerre en Syrie, ressources...

Jan van de Venis: Where Human Rights and the Environment...

Paper Tiger PT0007

This episode of The Green Interview features Jan van de Venis, an extraordinary Dutch lawyer who...

Jazz in China


The central theme of this documentary is timely. It’s about jazz—a democratic form of...

Jim Crow Laws and the Birth of Civil Rights: History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0338

Learn all about Jim Crow laws and the birth of civil rights in the United States.  What were Jim...

Jumps and Pounds: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 8

Square Sheep Films SQU008

This episode tells the methods First Nations used to hunt the bison on the Northern plains...

Kaliningrad, une enclave russe en Europe

ARTE France F259-S10-62

Avec la fin de l’URSS, Kaliningrad est devenu un petit territoire russe séparé de la Russie...

Kamala Harris - The First Female Vice President: History Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0045

Learn all about Kamala Harris.  Explore her background and career path that led her from...

Kill the Senate: W5


For months, headlines about the Senate have been dominated by alleged spending irregularities of...

Kim's Story

Bishari Films BF0015

If there was a photograph that captured the horrific nature of the Vietnam War it was that of a...

King George VI; Brother, Husband, King: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1296

Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was not born to be King, that role was for his...

La bombe et nous, l'arme atomique aujourd'hui

J.C. Bauduret F198-004

Têtes nucléaires dans le monde:Russie 7290 |  États-Unis 7000 | France 300 | Chine 260...

La crise du coronavirus: moment hamiltonien - Sommets: dans les...

Beliane F242-S01-2

Lorsque le virus frappe l'Europe en mars 2020, on assiste à des confiscations de masques sur le...

La Grande Bretagne Post-Brexit

ARTE France F259-S10-54

Depuis des mois, les partisans du Brexit font le pari que l’existence du Commonwealth...

La planète des langues

ARTE France F259-S10-75

Notre planète est une « tour de Babel » où l’on parle près de 7000 langues. Certains...

La Thaïlande : derriere la carte postale ?

ARTE France F259-S10-85

Pays au riche patrimoine culturel et aux décors paradisiaques, la Thaïlande se distingue aussi...

Le Mali : les maux du Sahel

ARTE France F259-S10-65

La communauté internationale est mobilisée depuis plusieurs années au chevet du Mali, et...

Le monde de Xi Jinping (2021)

Arte GEIE F269-014

Xi Jinping, leader chinois le plus puissant depuis Mao, dévoile ses ambitions pour la Chine et...

Lebanon, Revolution of Despair

Flair Production A196-029

Thirty years after the civil war, as the first signs of a major economic crisis emerged and the...

Les Métis de l’Alberta: ré:INSTALLATION - Voici comment les...

Sound Venture SVPF72

Les Métis de l’Alberta trace le portrait d’une famille issue de plusieurs générations de...

Liar-in-Chief: A Chronicle of the Trump Presidency Through the...


A documentary and opinion piece on the United States' 45th president, Donald Trump, as filtered...

Liban : un pays sous influences

ARTE France F259-S10-64

Le Liban est un pays qui peine depuis plusieurs décennies à trouver la paix et à exercer...

Liban, la révolution naît des entrailles du chagrin

Flair Production F196-047

Trente ans après la guerre civile, alors que surgissent les prémices d’une crise économique...

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