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389 title(s) found.

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1961, la route de l'égalité

AB Productions F296-003

Un road movie historique à travers l’Alabama et le Mississippi sur les traves de près de 450...

1972 - Le Watergate (Les mensonges de l’histoire)

Phares & Balises F196-024

C’est le plus grand mensonge américain du XXème siècle. Entre juin 1972 et aout 1974...

1996, la crise de vache folle

Phares & Balises F196-045

20 mars 1996, Palais de Westminster. Stephen Dorrell, ministre de l’agriculture britannique...

2003 - La guerre d'Irak (Les mensonges de l'histoire)

Phares & Balises F196-025

Le 20 mars 2003, les États-Unis déclenchent l’opération « Iraq Freedom ». Une guerre censée...

3 Branches of Government: History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0297

Learn all about the U.S. government.   They will realize why the writers of the U.S. Constitution...

36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime

Video Project, Inc. TVP129

On February 10, 2015, UNC students Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and her sister...

A Bullet Pulling Thread

Ian Daffern IADA01

Can quilting change the world? Renowned quilter Marilyn Farquhar was devastated when police killed...

A Child's Century of War

Bishari Films BF0011

At the beginning of the last century, nine out of ten people killed in war were soldiers. At the...

A Chinese Propaganda Lesson in the Forbidden Zone

Ego Productions A212-006

An authoritarian People’s Republic or a real dictatorship? This documentary reveals the real...

A Conversation with the Prime Minister 2022


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with CTV National News Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor...

A Great-Grandmother Goes To Jail: Betty Krawczyk: The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0034

Interview with Betty Krawczyk, a "Raging Granny," an 83-year-old great-grandmother who has since...

À la source de la tyrannie

Theorem et Les films d'un jour F296-020

Hitler, Mussolini, Staline, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un : tous ont été des enfants...

A Tested Relationship - The U.S. and Mexico: Great Decisions...

Scorpion Television SCTV07

The U.S. relationship with Mexico has been in the spotlight in recent months because of the...

Above All Else

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE023

One man will risk it all to stop the tar sands of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from crossing his...

Abuelas: Grandmothers on a Mission

Filmblanc Inc. FILM05

For three decades, Argentina’s courageous Grandmothers, or “Abuelas”, have been searching for...

Afghanistan : un pays

ARTE France F259-S10-34

Dis-moi quel est ton "hub" je te dirai quelle est ta puissance : voici le Dessous des Cartes des...

Africville: ré:INSTALLATION - Voici comment les collectivités...

Sound Venture SVPF71

Africville trace le portrait intimiste d’un peuple dont l’esprit combatif et la résilience...

After Ebola: W5


Before the U.S. Civil War brutally settled the issue of slavery, more than 1,500 freed and...

After Newtown: Guns in America

PBS Video 041643

In April 1775, it took the Minuteman roughly fifteen seconds to load, aim, and fire each musket at...

Air Rage: W5


The purchase of F-35 fighter jets may be Canada's most costly defence purchase ever, but will the...

Algérie : le grand gâchis ?

ARTE France F259-S10-35

Position géographique stratégique, d’abondantes richesses en hydrocarbures, une population...

All About the Supreme Court: History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0309

Learn all about the United States Supreme Court including the recent addition of Justice Neil...

All About the United Nations: Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0119

We learn all about the United Nations: the establishment of the United Nations, its structure and...

All About Tom: W5


W5's Lloyd Robertson sits down with NDP Leader Tom Mulcair to discuss taking on the Harper...

All I Remember

Elizabeth Miller SHORE05

All I Remember follows Leontine, a young survivor of the Rwandan genocide, as she takes her story...

American Chaos: W5


The United States of America is embroiled in some of the greatest challenges it's faced in decades...

American Experience: The Battle of Chosin

PBS Video 041865

Thanksgiving Day, 1950, the troops of the US Army's X Corps were pushing north through the Korean...

American Experience: The Presidents (2012)

PBS Video 041582

AMERICAN EXPERIENCE presents THE PRESIDENTS: eleven 20th century biographies that offer an intimate...

American Experience: The Vote

PBS Video 041951

One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic story of the...

American Experience: Woodrow Wilson

PBS Video 040541

A gifted orator, Woodrow Wilson was supremely confident before crowds, yet uneasy in small groups...

American Experience: Woodstock: Three Days That Defined A...

PBS Video 041927

In August 1969, nearly half a million people gathered at a farm in upstate New York to hear music...

American Totem: Reckoning With Gun Cultures

Video Project, Inc. TVP085

After public mass shootings, the national gun debate consists of predictable talking points that...

Americans and the World: Great Decisions 2020 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV24

In a democracy, foreign policy and diplomacy must be directed by the people, but survey after...

Analogue Revolution: How Feminist Media Changed the World

Marusya Bociurkiw MB1000

Warning: This video contains some brief images from archival women’s magazines and films showing...

And She Could Be Next

PBS Video 041953

And She Could Be Next tells the story of a defiant movement of women of color transforming...

Angela Merkel: A Woman in Politics

Autentic GMBH AUT002

Angela Merkel grew up in the GDR and quickly made a career for herself in the conservative party...

Are Financial Markets Going Crazy?

Illégitime Défense A269-002

In 1995, Nick Leeson almost provokes Baring’s bankruptcy. In 2001, Enron stands accused of a...

Armageddon: Remembering the Cuban Missile Crisis: W5


When Russian missiles were discovered in Cuba in 1962, a standoff began. W5's Lloyd Robertson looks...

Artificial Intelligence - The Global Race for the New Frontier...

Scorpion Television SCTV22

Policymakers in many countries are developing plans and funding research in artificial intelligence...

Ashbal, les lionceaux de Califat

ARTE France, Memento F259-026

Les membres de l'Etat Islamique les appellent “les lionceaux”. Ils ont entre 4 et 16 ans. Ils...

Ashbal, les lionceaux de Califat

ARTE France, Memento F259-026

Les membres de l'Etat Islamique les appellent “les lionceaux”. Ils ont entre 4 et 16 ans. Ils...

Asian Americans

PBS Video 041950

Asian Americans delivers a bold, new perspective on the Asian American experience that will...

Ask No Questions

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD166

When Chinese state TV blames his faith for a fiery public suicide, Chen Ruichang is detained in a...

At Frida Kahlo's

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-004

The Blue House, located in Mexico City, is the home where Frida Kahlo was born (1907) and would die...

At Frida Kahlo's

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-004

The Blue House, located in Mexico City, is the home where Frida Kahlo was born (1907) and would die...

Avec Castro, À L'Heure du Crime, 1963

Mélisande Films F196-038

Castro voyait dans Kennedy le seul président qui crut à une coexistence entre socialistes et...

Bachar, moi ou le chaos

Illégitime Défense F269-007

Alors que la Syrie est en proie à une guerre sanglante qui dure depuis plus de cinq ans, ce...

Bad Voodoo's War: Frontline

PBS Video 041024

In June 2007, as the American military surge reached its peak, a band of National Guard infantrymen...

Banff National Park - Bison Return: Bison Return From the Edge...

Square Sheep Films SQU006

This episode goes behind the scenes with Parks Canada to learn what was Free-roaming buffalo have...

Banned Beauty Queen

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD167

The story of Canada’s Miss World, Anastasia Lin burst onto front pages when her father, who lives...

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