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"Meegwitch, hi hi !": De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 6
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC06FREn ojibway, "Meegwitch" signifie "Créateur", et "hi hi" signifie "merci". Dans cet épisode, Laura...
InFilm Productions IFP000This educational/advocacy documentary follows Isaac Gotfried, a 95-year-old Holocaust survivor who...
12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP01712 Neighbors is a documentary series that explores the question: “What does it really mean to...
33 Years -The Secret My Sister Once Told Me
Eve Kinizo EK0000Shot over the span of 20 years due to court procedures, combining animation with real footage, this...
36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime
Video Project, Inc. TVP129On February 10, 2015, UNC students Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and her sister...
42 - The Answer to Almost Everything Series
Autentic GMBH AUT020The new and different knowledge series asks all kinds of questions and gets to the bottom of...
A Bullet Pulling Thread
Ian Daffern IADA01Can quilting change the world? Renowned quilter Marilyn Farquhar was devastated when police killed...
A Cage in Freezing Water
Shortcutstv Ltd STV024Depression is a mental disorder characterized by negative thoughts and an inability to function...
A Child's Mind: How Kids Learn Right & Wrong
Learning Seed 200299How do people develop morals? What helps children distinguish right from wrong? Explore the topic...
A Father's Obsession: W5
CTV CTV026In the cemetery on the edge of Dunnville, Ontario, there's a grave with no headstone. A wooden...
A Good Dog: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT010Humans and canines have an undeniable bond and more and more hospices providing palliative care...
À la recherche du sportif parfait
ARTE France F259-014Les performances des athlètes ont considérablement évolué au cours des vingt dernières...
À la source de la tyrannie
Theorem et Les films d'un jour F296-020Hitler, Mussolini, Staline, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un : tous ont été des enfants...
A New World of Hurt
New World of Hurt Production Inc. NWHP01A New World of Hurt explores the outer limits of human physical endurance and mental strength...
A Parent's Guide to Identifying and Responding to Childhood...
Magna Systems 520090Terrorist attacks rank high on the trauma scale, but there are many other kinds of childhood...
A Place to Stand
Video Project, Inc. TVP001A Place to Stand tells the story of acclaimed author Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from a...
A Science of Falling in Love
Shortcutstv Ltd STV034Why do we fall in love? What makes us fall in love? And what happens to love? Poets, historians...
A Small Part of Me
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF004Tobin, a transgender teen prepares for his acting debut where he’ll be playing a male leading...
A Sobering Story
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV050Unveiling the harsh reality of substance use in Thunder Bay, Ontario, this universally themed...
A Stolen Sister - Cheyenne Fox: The Wapikoni Indigenous...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0008ENAddresses the collective trauma affecting the First Nations of Canada caused by the missing and...
Aasa’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP306Aasa had built a life with her husband and children in Canada. However, when her father began...
Abandon Project: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP020Follow Josh and Jenny Meadows through their adventures with fatherless youth in the Wallace Woods...
Abuelas: Grandmothers on a Mission
Filmblanc Inc. FILM05For three decades, Argentina’s courageous Grandmothers, or “Abuelas”, have been searching for...
Act of Kindness: W5
CTV CTV730The story of how one Las Vegas bartender comforted a dying Canadian man who was gunned down in the...
After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP300Caregivers set their own lives aside to care for someone else. When their caregiving...
After Winter
Supre Incorporated SINC09When a promising young student is suddenly afflicted with a disturbing psychotic episode, his...
Aftershock: Obedience & Identity
Shortcutstv Ltd STV003Generations of students have been taught that Milgram’s famous obedience experiments demonstrated...
AI's Dark Side: How Women Become Victims of Deepfake Porn
Autentic GMBH AUT001With the rapid technological advancements, virtually anyone with a target's photos can create and...
Alice Cares
Video Project, Inc. TVP106Carebot Alice is sent off to three elderly single women in assisted living facilities, and is met...
All of Me
Video Project, Inc. TVP005A story of love, loss and last resorts. Through the personal stories of three severely obese...
Almost Normal (Ep. 12): Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM18Despite occasional unpredictable behaviour and social awkwardness Asperger’s Syndrome sufferers...
Altered Views: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED61You’ve probably played a game of hide and seek at least once in your lifetime. It would be quite...
Amazing Grace: W5
CTV CTV933Sandie Rinaldo interviews Catherine Wreford Ledlow, who won Season 8 of The Amazing Race Canada...
American Experience: Blackout
PBS Video 041837On July 13, 1977, New Yorkers prepared themselves for another sweltering day. But high temperatures...
American Experience: Oklahoma City
PBS Video 041870Oklahoma City explores the intertwined narratives of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the...
American Tragedy
Video Project, Inc. TVP081A mother grapples to understand how her son became a school shooter and what it would take to...
Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0713AMPLIFY showcases the powerful diversity of Indigenous music in Canada. In each episode of this...
An Audience of Chairs
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE122A beautiful, gifted but mentally ill woman loses her two young children when, caught up in a manic...
An Innocent Victim: W5
CTV CTV895W5 investigates the story of a Ukrainian boy who became an accidental casualty of war in 2015...
And On the Seventh Day, She Played Soccer
On The Creek Films Inc. OTCF02On any given weekend in Vancouver, more than 4000 women compete in the non-professional Metro...
Andre the Anti-Giant
Amazing Ain't It Entertainment Inc. AAI001Andre the Anti-Giant is the remarkable journey of 3-foot-something actor, comedian, and disability...
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF005This short documentary explores a week in the life of Angela - a roller derby athlete and...
Angry Girls
Bishari Films BF0009This is a story of teenage girls living in Toronto’s inner core, raised in shelters and housing...
Anti-Racism Awareness Playlist
MCI850The video programs and resource guides in this streaming playlist allow viewers to investigate...
Anti-Social Limited
ID Productions ID0001Sequel to Gemini Award-winning film Broke. "Somebody has to do the dirty work, and I guess...
Apocalypse 2060: The History of the Future Series (Ep 2)
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR159ESince its introduction in the 19th century, the idea and concept of the “Rapture” has changed...
Are You What Your Mother Ate? The Agouti Mouse Study
Shortcutstv Ltd STV004The fetal susceptibility hypothesis suggests the nourishment an embryo receives from its a mother...
Arkadaşloch - Nobody's Problem
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV073“Arkadaşloch – Nobody’s Problem” is an essay documentary film which tells the story of...
Art and Status in Society
Mimi Shulman 010093Mimi Shulman is a visual artist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who is hearing impaired. She has...
Attachments of Life
Brandy Y Productions BYP072"Attachments of Life" is a new documentary by filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk about how our belongings...