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Leitis in Waiting
Passion River Films PR0003LEITIS IN WAITING is the story of Joey Mataele and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native...
Les chemins de la lecture
ARTE France, Caravel Production, Merlin LDT, Mosaîque Films F259-002Comment s'effectue l'exercice de la lecture dans notre cerveau? Une passionnante exploration d'une...
Les chemins de la lecture
ARTE France, Caravel Production, Merlin LDT, Mosaîque Films F259-002Comment s'effectue l'exercice de la lecture dans notre cerveau? Une passionnante exploration d'une...
Les chemins de la lecture
ARTE France, Caravel Production, Merlin LDT, Mosaîque Films F259-002Comment s'effectue l'exercice de la lecture dans notre cerveau? Une passionnante exploration d'une...
Les chemins de la lecture
ARTE France, Caravel Production, Merlin LDT, Mosaîque Films F259-002Comment s'effectue l'exercice de la lecture dans notre cerveau? Une passionnante exploration d'une...
Les pouvoirs du cerveau
ARTE France F259-S06La conscience humaine, unique dans le monde vivant, est restée un mystère d’origine divine...
Lessons from the Sunflower
Reel Girls Media REEL01Lessons from the Sunflower is the inspiring story of one artist’s determination to make the most...
Let's Make it to Graduation: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR012For Kristie, Suzanne and Kirsten, drug and alcohol use was interfering in many parts of their...
Let's Talk About It
Filmblanc Inc. ICE018According to Statistics Canada, more than half of Canadian women have been victims of at least one...
Lies in Her Eyes: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL26After three kids and fourteen years together, Allan is still haunted by the memory of Jodi's...
Lisa vs Lisa: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0114Part Two of the re-thinking of Lisa’s “Bloodlines” article, only this time the question...
Little Bird (French Version)
OP Little Bird Inc. and Rezolution Pictures (Little Bird) Inc. LBRP00FRLITTLE BIRD est une série dramatique en six épisodes racontant la quête d’une femme autochtone...
Little Bird Series
OP Little Bird Inc. and Rezolution Pictures (Little Bird) Inc. LBRP00Viewing this series provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the legacy of the Sixties Scoop...
Locked Up: W5
CTV CTV777Trudging across the snow covered field onto the former grounds of the Brookside Training School in...
Looking for 7's: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM15A gambling junkie with a passion for slot machines aims to conquer her addiction by returning to a...
Loss and Found: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM11A woman learns the baby she’s carrying will be stillborn. But after months of intense grief, she...
Lost and Found
Supre Incorporated SINC06Charlotte's isolating journey with Crohn's disease compels her to connect kids across the country...
Lost in the Mall: The Memory War
Shortcutstv Ltd STV002From the late 1990s recovered memory therapy was sweeping across America. In the legal cases that...
Love and Money: W5
CTV CTV823Investigative correspondent Avery Haines speaks with victims, including a divorced mother of two...
Love Behind Bars: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM12No one said love was easy, especially when a couple’s only means of contact is through a...
Lucas and Julie: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE038Lucas learns what to expect and how to prepare for a job interview; his mom will help him get ready...
Luski: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season...
Buck Productions 300112The final day in the wild arrives, and the group reunite after Joseph spent the night in his own...
L’art, c’est le message: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04FRLaura rencontre trois artistes visuels très différents qui transmettent des messages uniques...
11437267 Canada Inc/Seventh Screen 310081FRL’Inhumain est un film d’horreur basé sur la fameuse légende algonquine du Wendigo. Cette...
Making Friends with Research Methods
Shortcutstv Ltd STV036We carried out two surveys with social science students asking them what they found the hardest and...
Making Things Count: Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF008As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic began people around the world began to face life in lockdowns...
Mama Bears
Video Project, Inc. TVP122The Mama Bears documentary tells the story of two moms who came to the Mama Bear community from a...
Man Running
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE053A doctor runs in a grueling 24-hour, 100-mile ultramarathon over rugged mountain terrain as he...
Margot's Sister
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M022Margot, a pre-teen who struggles to find acceptance at school is challenged by the arrival of her...
Mass Killings: Mythologies
Shortcutstv Ltd STV041Mass killings, described by the FBI as four or more unlawful killings in a single event, devastate...
Mass Killings: The Role of the Media
Shortcutstv Ltd STV042The Columbine High school shooting was the most widely covered news story of 1999 in the United...
Massage, tradition millénaire... mode planétaire
Via Découvertes Production F173-031Pratique ancestrale, phénomène et mode planétaire, le massage constitue une bulle de bien-être...
Massage: Age Old Tradition, Worldwide Phenomenon
Via Découvertes Production A173-028Age-old tradition or worldwide fashion, massages are a bubble of well-being where one can seclude...
Math in Psychology Series
Shortcutstv Ltd STV010For psychology students not so comfortable with the math, this film provides a clear step by step...
Media and Aggression
Shortcutstv Ltd STV022This Short Cut TV episode deals with the relation between media and aggression. Are these two...
Medicines: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300107After days of losing weight and her body growing weak, Britt is forced to make a painful and...
Meeting My Aggressor - Restorative Justice Pathways
416 Productions A196-024December 2017. A woman, victim of rape by a stranger in her childhood, finds herself in dialogue...
Megan's Seminar: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR036Through the help of a treatment centre Megan has decided to quite drinking and doing drugs. As part...
Memory: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED64Thanks to our brain, we have access to things that we have experienced in the past. From the time...
Merchants of the Wild Series; BC - Syilx Territory, Season 3
Buck Productions 300086Merchants of the Wild follows a group of Indigenous adventurers as they journey along ancient paths...
Michelle’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP302In 1982 Michelle met the love of her life in Grant. Through marriage and having kids, they always...
Military Secrets: Soldiers Speak Out On Sexual Misconduct: W5
CTV CTV885W5 investigates sexual misconduct in the military, and interviews Canadian soldiers who claim they...
Mind Over Matter: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED65What determines how we make decisions - what we think, or what we feel? Our brain perceives and...
Mindworks Series
Switch SWED56Mindworks explores how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This 13-part...
Miracle Baby
Supre Incorporated SINC00The ultra competitive world of professional sports is daunting for any athletic hopeful, let alone...
Mitch’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP307Mitch made the decision to form his COVID ""bubble” with his mom and dad, but not long after...
Mom and Me
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE002A Story About Men and the Women Who Raised Them. In this compelling portrait of the love between...
Mom's Home
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM04Nominated for two Gemini Awards – the Donald Brittain Award and Best Documentary Editing Award...
Moods, Inspiration, and the Mind: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED69Usually, you feel sad when you get into a fight with a friend, nervous before a big test or...
Murdered By A Mob: The Killing of Bijan Ebrahimi
Blue Ant Media BAM1272This documentary examines the murder of Iranian refugee Bijan Ebrahimi, beaten to death and his...