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Drunk on Too Much Life
Parallel Vision Pictures PVP003In a world where normal is crazy, this film uncovers how madness makes us more fully human. The...
Du Iz Tak?
Weston Woods WW2994Based on the book by Carson Ellis (Candlewick) - Here a droll eye is turned to the natural...
Du Micro Au Nano: Bienvenue Dans Le Nanomonde
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC002FRAvec le premier épisode nous passons du micro monde, celui du 20ème siècle, au nanomonde, celui...
Duck for President
Weston Woods WW652by Doreen Cronin, ill. by Betsy Lewin Just in time for the 2004 Elections, Duck (of Click...
Duck on a Bike
Weston Woods WW864by David Shannon (Blue Sky Press) A duck on a bike? From Sheep to Horse to Chicken to...
Duck on a Tractor
Weston Woods WW2926BIBased on the Book by David Shannon (Blue Sky Press) - Shannon's wildly popular, award-winning...
Duck!: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0411ADVENTURE: Ducks Unlimited has played an important part in helping to manage the wetlands all over...
Ducks - Quacks and Fun Facts: Science Kids Animal Life Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0266Learn all about ducks. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video images help us learn about...
Dumpster Diving (Reservoirs): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE207Anne builds a reservoir and Eyes falls in because he is curious about water, he’s ever seen so...
Duty of Care: The Climate Trials
Video Project, Inc. TVP114With echoes of the lawsuits against Big Tobacco, Duty of Care: The Climate Trials gives viewers a...
Dwellings: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0006Our Science Questers visit Chief Calvin Craigan of the shíshálh (Sechelt) Nation and their...
Passion River Films PR2624E-Motion is a factual documentary that explores how human emotions affect the physiology of the...
E.O. Wilson - Of Ants and Men
PBS Video 041820Beginning with his unusual childhood in Alabama, E.O. Wilson - Of Ants and Men chronicles the famed...
e2: Design Season 1, 2 & Energy DVD 3PK Combo
PBS Video 040958e2: design season one and two examine the economies of being environmentally conscious in green...
e2: Design, Season Two
PBS Video 040960Global in scope and comprising six 30-minute chapters filmed in HD, the second season of "e2...
e2: Energy
PBS Video 040959Global in scope and comprising six 30-minute chapters filmed in HD, "e2: Energy" features people...
e2: Transport
PBS Video 041081Global in scope and comprised of six 30-minute chapters filmed in HD, e2 Transport examines...
Ear Wax - Why Do I Have Ear Wax? Jack, Season 1
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-03-10A pesky space bug hitches a ride to Earth in Jack’s ship and somehow ends up in Nico’s ear. It...
Earl, Meet Ralph: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR041EA huge storm sweeps an unusual patient, a brown pelican, into Hope for Wildlife, and Hope tries to...
Early Life: The Development of Life on Earth Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG021What were the first living organisms on Earth? In this episode, we travel billions of years...
Earth and Balance - Part 1: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0037Coyote markers are balancing rock monuments and pillars that mark territorial boundaries. Each...
Earth and Balance - Part 2: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0038Twelve thousand years ago, the glacial waters of the Thompson basin drained, creating many lakes...
Earth Rangers: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0405ADVENTURE: The Earth Rangers is a hugely successful non-profit organization that reaches out to...
Earth Science: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0009Host Isa is planting some cornflower (centaurea cyanus) and mint, both plants loved by bees. Bees...
Earth to Luna, Season 1
Monster Entertainment MON476Luna is a 6 year old girl and for her, the world is a giant laboratory filled with opportunities to...
Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON561Luna is a 6 year old girl and for her, the world is a giant laboratory filled with opportunities to...
Earth to Luna, Season 3
Monster Entertainment MON588Luna is a 6 year old girl and for her, the world is a giant laboratory filled with opportunities to...
Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON615Luna is a 6 year old girl and for her, the world is a giant laboratory filled with opportunities to...
Earth's Materials And Systems: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0086This program explores the characteristics of Earth's four systems: Geosphere, Biosphere...
Earth's Surface - Landforms: The Study of the Earth Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG038There are features on Earth known as “landforms”: mountains, plains, lakes, islands, and many...
Earth's Surface - Minerals: The Study of the Earth Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG035Geology is the study of the Earth and its surface. In this video, we learn about minerals - an...
Earth's Surface - Rock: The Study of the Earth Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG039What is rock? Where did it come from? This video will show us. We’ll be finding out about the...
Earth: Masters of the Elements Series
AB Productions A296-S07-03The element earth includes all organic matter on its surface, the different types of rocks and all...
Earth: The Inside Story
PBS Video 041815Trace the geologic story of our home planet, beginning with its formation four-and-a-half billion...
Earthquakes Around the World: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0087Learn all about earthquakes. What is an earthquake? What causes an earthquake? What are plate...
Earthquakes: Safety Planet Series
Educational Voice 992156This staying safe video lesson is all about Earthquakes. Earthquakes can be extremely dangerous...
East Fife Railway, Atholl Highlanders: Scotland's Scenic...
Blue Ant Media BAM1379A look at the world's most beautiful railway. We celebrate a golden age of steam travel on the East...
Eastern Sand Darter: Leo’s FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE010Ready, set, science! A rainy day can't stop Leo and the FishHeads with their mission to help the...
Easy Like Water
Video Project, Inc. TVP018Easy Like Water profiles a resourceful quest to fight the effects of climate change in the 8th...
Eau : une ressource sous tension
ARTE France F259-S10-48L’eau est indispensable à la vie, ce qui la rend éminemment précieuse. Quelles sont les...
Échantillonner les formes de vie dans un marais urbain: Une...
Pinegrove Productions PPF020Benoit et Zoey apprennent à se servir de leur cinq sens pour aller à la découverte de...
Echo-echo-echo: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON584When the trio walks through a tunnel at the park, they discover something really neat, inside the...
Echoes in the Dark: Brewster the Rooster Series
Monster Entertainment MON025While watching bats return home, Hamish notices the cave is very dark and asks ‘How do bats see...
Éclair de génie: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-05-20Jack tente de créer un éclair en utilisant un appareil extraterrestre. Par mégarde, il provoque...
Eclipses: Cosmic Vistas, Season 5
Blue Ant Media BAM146What do we learn when the Earth’s shadow eclipses the moon or the moon passes in front of the...
Eco - Creatures: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0313In this adventure we learn about species helping the planet and people helping species. ADVENTURE...
Eco-Creatures: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0213In this adventure we find out how animals are helping us to help the environment. ADVENTURE: Chuck...
Éco-habitat - l'urbanisme du futur: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-08Le secteur de l’habitat est responsable de plus de 25% des émissions de gaz carbonique dans...
Eco-Home Adventures
Zoot Pictures ZP0005Outside the struggling town of Craik, Saskatchewan a diverse group of strangers bitten by the...
Ecology Transforms Youth (35 Minute Version)
Youth and Eco Restoration ECR001Journey with several youth as they explore BC’s Comox Valley watersheds and ecosystems. The Youth...
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