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Floating Houses: Earth to Luna, Season 5
Monster Entertainment MON664Luna’s family is in Holland riding their bikes down a pretty little canal in Amsterdam. The kids...
Flowers and Fruit: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON573After finding an orange blossom on the ground, the trio is amazed to learn that oranges actually...
Fly By Day: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR107Umbra the bat really wants to see what everyday life is like for her friends as they work and play...
Flying Backwards: Earth to Luna, Season 5
Monster Entertainment MON653While picnicking in a park in Santiago, Luna’s family spots a pretty little hummingbird flying...
Flying High: Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0108Can flying actually be environmentally friendly? The boys go behind the scenes at one of Canada's...
Flying Lights: Earth to Luna, Season 1
Monster Entertainment MON498It’s dusk and the stars are emerging in the sky. Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are enjoying a breezy...
Flying the Cooper (Tracking): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE209Now that Mr. Cooper and Shania’s Grandma are in love, Shania and her whole family are moving into...
Flying Vs: Earth to Luna, Season 5
Monster Entertainment MON655Luna’s family is watching an air show with some friends. When some fighter jets fly in V...
Follow Your Nose! How Do We Smell? Jack, Season 2
PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-04-15How do we smell? When Jack's new invisible probe goes out of control, his pals must find it before...
Following the Fibre Optic Trail: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0062How do data and information travel from one computer to another? A puzzling question lands you in...
Food Additives
Learning Seed 200203Do you know what maltodextrin is? No, it's not the winning word from the national spelling bee...
Food Chain For Thought - Learning About Earth's Food Chain...
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-03-11Jack learns the hard way about Earth’s food chain when he drops a miniature data dot which...
Food is My Teacher (26 Minute Version)
Food is My Teacher (44 Minute Version)
Food Processing: A Video Field Trip
Learning Seed 200145What happens to food between the farm and the fork? Take this video field trip inside food...
Food Science Experiments
Learning ZoneXpress 430138Experience kitchen chemistry and the wonders of food science! Host Susan Turgeson and students...
Food Without Limits: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291145Tiffany Grenkow has made it her life’s mission to feed as many people as she can. Her gardening...
Food: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0312In this episode we learn about eco-friendly eating. ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy face-off in a...
Fooling the Tongue and the Nose: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED67There are so many different tastes and flavors. Sweet, sour, salty. Our tongue can encounter so...
Fools and Dreamers; Regenerating a Native Forest
Happen Films HAP002Fools & Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest is a documentary about Hinewai Nature Reserve, on...
Football (Science of Drag): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE117John is a 12 year old quarterback who wants to throw the perfect spiral. Dr. Heather sends guest...
Footprints: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0208In this episode we find out what a Carbon Footprint is and how we can reduce it. ADVENTURE: When...
For Art's Sake (Camouflaging): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE196Art Day! Shania wants to welcome Art by doing a day of art lessons when Anne would prefer focusing...
For the Birds: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB296In the future, animals have taken over the streets! The gang goes back in time to discover Doc...
Forbidden Places Series
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL00The greatest forces that shape our lives are also the least understood and reported on in the daily...
Force G: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-06-24Lorsque le vaisseau de Jack atterrit d'urgence sur une planète déserte, le trio...
Forced Perspective, Living Dough, Infinity Mirror, Bed of Nails...
Switch SWED95Forced Perspective, Living Dough, Infinity Mirror, Bed of Nails, and Rethinkers, Ishirō Honda and...
Forces Acting on Structures: Plankton and Tube's Amazing Science...
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI048Structures are all around us. Everywhere we go; everywhere we look. They come in all shapes and...
Forces of Nurture (Physics and Forces): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE215Nick’s Dad comes to town to help Nick in the annual father-son challenge at the Weld Zone. Anne...
Forest Industry: Nerves of Steel Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1007Welcome to the universe of the forest industry. From logging in the forest to the saw mill through...
Forests: Biomes Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG043In this video, we learn about forests, one of the world’s biggest biomes. We’ll start by...
Forests: Canada's Natural Resources Series
LeMay Media LM0013Forests: In this program, we explore the concept of sustainability in regards to Canada's forests...
Forever Young: W5
CTV CTV699What are the secrets of living well, longer? A lot longer? Are people who live to 100 and beyond...
Forgetful Fish!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1
Sardine Productions SAR052Beanie and Elwood have done their school science report on earthquakes, discovering that the town...
Forgotten Queens of the Iron Age
Autentic GMBH AUT042On the Italian Adriatic coast, archaeologists have made a sensational discovery: a luxurious Iron...
Forillon National Park, QC: Destination Parks Series
Good Earth Productions GEDP10Forillon, on the Gaspé Peninsula, has been called “five parks in one.” Limestone cliffs are...
Forillon National Park, QC: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP27Forillon National Park is a place of unparalleled diversity: sea, cliffs, mountains, sand dunes and...
Four Rivers Drone Program
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV081Over the summer of 2021 the Four Rivers Group undertook an ambitious project to certify members of...
Fourmis par milliers : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-05-17Comment font les fourmis pour communiquer entre elles ? En voulant offrir à des fourmis un lieu de...
Foxes In The Henhouse: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR018EA dozen tiny lives hang in the balance as Hope fights to save a clutch of chicks trapped in their...
Foxes: The Wild, Wild East
Blue Ant Media BAM334Wild Wild East travels to Prince Edward Island to explore the family life of the Red Fox. These sly...
France - Amusement Park: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE357As they explore a park in Paris, Rosie and Julian have fun playing petanque, feeding the goats and...
France - Medieval Fair: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE356Julian and Rosie travel back in time when they dress-up for a Medieval Fair at a castle in France...
Fraser River, BC: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR11FRASER RIVER, BC The Fraser is the largest river in British Columbia, and it drains about...
Free the Mind
Video Project, Inc. TVP022Free the Mind profiles the pioneering work of renowned psychologist Richard Davidson, who, by...
Freediving: Aquateam Series, Ep. 6
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR063EThe Aquateam learns to freedive from a world champion.
Freestyle Skiing (Acceleration): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE115Charlie loves the creativity of freestyle skiing and he works to get maximum air out of the half...
Freezin’ Hot - Where Does Snow Come From? Jack, Season 1
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-07-27When Jack decides to help the kids make some slushy ice drinks, he rigs up a gizmo that quickly...
French River, ON: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR04The French River is one of Canada's most historic waterways, used as a travel corridor by the Huron...
Freshwater: Biomes Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG046We take a look at what makes fresh water so important and find out which plants and animals live in...
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