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Kelpmania: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB295The future is running out of resources – everything from kelp snacks to rubber duckies! The gang...
Ken Burns Presents The Gene: An Intimate History
PBS Video 041943The Gene: An Intimate History is a four-hour documentary from Ken Burns and Barak Goodman, adapted...
Ken Burns: Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio
PBS Video 040374From Ken Burns, producer of THE CIVIL WAR, comes the story of radio's creation of radio and three...
Ken Foster
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE039Out of the shadowy world of Vancouver’s Gastown, Ken Foster emerges as an enigmatic figure. A...
Kenli Herefords and Apiary - Haldimand County, ON: Depth of...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C026A cow/calf, pastured chicken and honey bee operation, using a mix of ecological and conventional...
Kenya - Elephants: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE372Rosie and Julian go to an elephant rescue centre in Kenya where they play with a team of...
Kenya - Giraffes: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE373Rosie and Julian visit a giraffe centre where they feed the tallest animals on earth. They even...
Kenya - Rhino: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE369On a Kenyan safari, Julian and Rosie climb into a big Jeep and go to a giant park to see endangered...
Kenya - Samburu Tribe: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE370Rosie and Julian visit a Samburu village where they find out what it’s like to sleep in a mud...
Kenya - UNICEF School: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE371Rosie and Julian raise the flag at a 1-room UNICEF school in Kenya. They play outside with the...
Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary, B.C.: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP53This northern BC wilderness is Canada's first Grizzly bear sanctuary. Over 100 bears prowl the...
Kicks: Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series
Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP003Are you ready to learn some powerful kicks?! Master Karate Todd is ready to show you how it’s...
Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP035Dylan is a young filmmaker who took on a journey to learn all about plastic pollution and how it...
King of the Dinosaurs: W5
CTV CTV649Phil Currie has devoted much of his 65 years to digging up dinosaur bones and studying them. It's a...
Kingdom of the Seahorse
WGBH WG0324To many of us they are a figure of fancy on a par with the unicorn. To scientists, however, the...
Kitchen Lab: Finding Stuff Out, Season 5
Apartment 11 APT071There’s no limit to the kinds of experiments you can do in the kitchen with household items. From...
Kitchen Science Series
Educational Voice 992226This engaging animated series aims to motivate, challenge and make learning fun! The kitchen is the...
Kite Flight: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM264When Codie's kite gets stuck in a tree and even Evu the kite expert can't get it out, Mia programs...
Kites: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON555Misho and Robin are inside the house watching TV. They refuse to go out, but suddenly the TV...
Kiticikicewinan - Ma langue: La Collection des cinéastes...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0011FRDans leur campement en pleine forêt abitibienne, Émilie et Normand partagent lors d'un souper...
Kitlope Valley Provincial Park, BC: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP18The Kitlope Valley is the largest intact coastal temperate rainforest in the world. It's a complete...
Kitten's First Full Moon
Weston Woods WW894Based on the book by Kevin Henkes (HarperCollins) What a night! The moon is full. Kitten is...
Klippers Organic Acres - Cawston, BC: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C027Klippers Organic Acres provides organic produce to customers–on site, through Vancouver farmers...
Kluane, YK: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0767Long before the inception of one of Canada’s most picturesque national parks, this remote part of...
Knoydart Dairy Farm - Knoydart, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C042Knoydart Farm is the Maritimes’ only grass-fed, free-range and certified organic dairy farm. The...
Koalas - Anatomy, Habitat and “Crikey” Fun Facts: Science...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0225Learn about koalas, Australia’s native “bear”. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video images...
Kootenay Lake - Between a Rock and a Hard Place, BC: Great...
Good Earth Productions GEGCL05It looks like an enormous liquid question mark dropped into the narrow confines of the rugged but...
Kootenay National Park, BC: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP47Kootenay National Park is the "undiscovered" park of the Rockies, and shelters remarkable climactic...
Kouchibouguac National Park, NB: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP49Kouchibouguac has the most dynamic ecosystem in the national parks system; it is constantly...
Kyra: Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT591Eight-year-old Kyra is obsessed with ecology, and for her ninth birthday, she wants to celebrate...
L' adominable chose : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-08-32Quels sont les effets de l'altitude ? Lorsque les enfants entendent à la télévision que...
L' antenne et la chauve-souris : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-04-16Comment font les chauves-souris pour se déplacer dans le noir ? En essayant de faire un transfert...
L' eau : une ressource, un défi: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-02L’eau est une ressource vitale. Pourtant, que ce soit dans les pays les plus riches ou les plus...
L' éco-empreinte
Little Animation F155-003L'éco-empreinte est un film d'animation mettant en vedette les personnages Terre, Rosie et Org...
L' économie du goût: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-09À l’heure où l’on souhaite un développement durable de nos économies, la culture et les...
L' évasion de Bougalou : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-05-19Pourquoi y a-t-il plusieurs races de chiens ? Alors qu'il erre dans un parc, Bougalou est capturé...
L' heure du bain: Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-01-01Qu'est-ce que la condensation et l'évaporation? Lorsque Bougalou fait tomber la console de jeux de...
L'Afrique aujourd'hui: La valse des continents
ARTE France F259-S02-05L’épopée géologique africaine, c'est la formation d’une seule entité continentale alors que...
L'Amérique centrale: La valse des continents
ARTE France F259-S02-02Entre l’Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Sud, les forces de la Terre ont fait une toute petite...
L'Amérique du nord: La valse des continents
ARTE France F259-S02-01L’Amérique du Nord ne cesse de se réinventer. Le continent est aussi un monde sauvage de...
L'Amérique du sud: La valse des continents
ARTE France F259-S02-03L’Amérique du Sud est un territoire de contrastes et d’excès. Elle abrite la plus longue...
L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0002FRMati, une petite fille, et Dada, son ami robot, explorent le monde artistique en faisant la...
L'atmosphère toxique: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-04Industries, exploitations minières, mais aussi transport aérien, trafic automobile : Notre...
L'eau: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-01Depuis plus d'un siècle, les activités humaines et industrielles font peser d'importantes menaces...
L'Équipe climat de Parcs Canada Séries
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV000FRL'Équipe climat de Parcs Canada est une série numérique dynamique qui présente les personnes et...
L'Essor d'une Nation: Commemorons Nos Aviateurs Canadiens de La...
Sound Venture SVP031L'essor d'une nation est une trilogie de documentaires avec la narration de Bernard Voyer et d'un...
L'ours polaire (Polar Bear): L’ Esprit des Ours (The Spirit of...
Nature 360 Productions Inc./Esprit des Ours Film Inc. 360101The Inuit peoples living in the Canadian Far North have many myths about the night sky in which...
La Blattemobile: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-02-05Pour rendre son vaisseau indestructible, Jack s'intéresse à certaines bestioles repoussantes...
La chaîne se déchaîne: Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-03-11Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne alimentaire? Jack apprend ce qu'est une chaîne alimentaire lorsqu'il...
La Collection des cinéastes autochtones Wapikoni
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000FRLa Collection Comprend: Wolastoq amsqah peciyay (L’origine de la Wolastoq) (3:18)...
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