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Jago: A Life Underwater
Blue Ant Media BAM476This drama-documentary tells the life story of Rohani, an 80-year-old hunter who dives like a fish...
Jan Vermeer: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0025When Dada is magically doubled by a mirror, Mati, Dada and Dada 2 are whisked off to the...
Japan: Empire Builders Series 1
Pilot Productions 555022In this episode of Empire Builders, we explore the remarkable history of one of the world’s most...
Jardiner la Terre: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-07L’agriculture intensive, les mauvaises pratiques forestières et la pêche industrielle ont...
Jasper Dark Sky Festival: Star Trails Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP029All of nature's wonders convene at the Jasper Dark Sky Festival. Explore the phenomenon of space...
Jasper National Park, AB: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP34Jasper is far from any major city and less visited than many of its Rocky Mountain neighbours...
Jelly Jailed - How Does Gelatin Work? Jack, Season 2
PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-02-08How does gelatin work? A secret plan to help Mom make a prize-winning Jelly sculpture results in a...
JFK: The Smoking Gun
MUSE Entertainment MUSE64Veteran Police Detective Colin McLaren spent four years on the forensic cold-case investigation of...
Joanna Macy and the Great Turning
Video Project, Inc. TVP034Joanna Macy and the Great Turning is a short film about the societal shift now underway from an...
Joe Dicks - Kayak dans les glaciers de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador...
HG Distribution HG0172FRLe guide d'observation d'icebergs à L'Anse aux Meadows, Joe Dicks, reçoit un Terre-Neuvien...
Johannes Kepler: The Music of the Spheres
Film Ideas FI0035Young German mathematician, Johannes Kepler, decided to prove the heliocentric theory of...
Josée Auclair - Observation de caribous au Nunavut: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0171FRLa guide d'aventure Josée Auclair exploite, avec sa famille, une auberge 5 étoiles située au lac...
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
Weston Woods WW578by Simms Taback Joseph, the tailor, is very resourceful. When his overcoat becomes old and...
Journey to Palomar
PBS Video 041102The film traces the story of the Chicago-born astronomer George Ellery Hale, considered the father...
Journey: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep...
Buck Productions 300062Everything comes to a head as heavy snow signals the nearing of the end of the journey. Their final...
Juan de Fuca Marine Trail, BC: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP20The Juan de Fuca Provincial Park is a 73 km hiking trail stretching along the western shoreline of...
Jud Jones - Nage avec les bélugas au Canada: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0174FRÀ Churchill, au Manitoba, Jud Jones accueille deux touristes venues faire du kayak et nager avec...
Judgment Day - Intelligent Design on Trial
WGBH WG0201Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial captures the turmoil that tore apart the community of...
Jumps and Pounds: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 8
Square Sheep Films SQU008This episode tells the methods First Nations used to hunt the bison on the Northern plains...
Junkyard CSI (Genetics): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE184Shania decides to take her family dog, Cyrus, to the junkyard so Anne can do some experiments on...
Junkyard Sleepover (Astronomy): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE145Anne has a super secret surprise for Nick and Shania; the only catch is that the surprise is...
Jurassic Junkyard (Dinosaurs): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE185Nick is having a recurring bad dream about terrifying dinosaurs after watching a scary movie. Anne...
Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story (57 Minute Version)
Silvapark Films Inc. PLF004Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail...
Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story (73 Minute Version)
Silvapark Films Inc. PLF003Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail...
Just for Boys - All About Puberty: Start Smart Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0123This program is especially designed to appropriately introduce preteen boys to the many changes to...
Just My Size: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM263When Codie wishes to be bigger, Mia helps him grow with code. Only, he grows too big and can't fit...
Kaboom: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON622When the trio go to top of Mount Vesuvius to explore, they are surprised to see steam rising up...
Kaiwhenua Organic Garden/Meares Island Plant Walk
Aarrow Productions AP0025Kaiwhenua Organic Garden/Meares Island Plant Walk: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw travels to Raglan, New...
Kanaka Bar, BC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0757Situated in the hottest place in Canada, the Kanaka Bar Indian Band know firsthand the rising...
Kananaskis Country, AB: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP50Located in the southwest corner of Alberta, "K-Country" encompasses 4000 square kilometres of...
Kangaroos and Wallabies - Varieties, Life Cycle, and...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0282Learn all about kangaroos and wallabies. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video images teach us...
Kasman: Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT599Ten-year-old Kasman wants to be an eco-ambassador for all-seasons, and the Green Squad can't wait...
Katherine Johnson - NASA's Human Computer: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0260Explore the incredible life and accomplishments of NASA's Katherine Johnson, nicknamed the "Human...
Katie Loves the Kittens
Weston Woods WW877by John Himmelman (Henry Holt) Katie, a little dog, is so excited when Sara Ann brings...
Kejimkujik National Park, NS: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP64In a province renowned for its seashores and fishing villages, Kejimkujik is an inland pocket of...
Kelpmania: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB295The future is running out of resources – everything from kelp snacks to rubber duckies! The gang...
Ken Burns Presents The Gene: An Intimate History
PBS Video 041943The Gene: An Intimate History is a four-hour documentary from Ken Burns and Barak Goodman, adapted...
Ken Burns: Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio
PBS Video 040374From Ken Burns, producer of THE CIVIL WAR, comes the story of radio's creation of radio and three...
Ken Foster
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE039Out of the shadowy world of Vancouver’s Gastown, Ken Foster emerges as an enigmatic figure. A...
Kenli Herefords and Apiary - Haldimand County, ON: Depth of...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C026A cow/calf, pastured chicken and honey bee operation, using a mix of ecological and conventional...
Kenya - Elephants: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE372Rosie and Julian go to an elephant rescue centre in Kenya where they play with a team of...
Kenya - Giraffes: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE373Rosie and Julian visit a giraffe centre where they feed the tallest animals on earth. They even...
Kenya - Rhino: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE369On a Kenyan safari, Julian and Rosie climb into a big Jeep and go to a giant park to see endangered...
Kenya - Samburu Tribe: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE370Rosie and Julian visit a Samburu village where they find out what it’s like to sleep in a mud...
Kenya - UNICEF School: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE371Rosie and Julian raise the flag at a 1-room UNICEF school in Kenya. They play outside with the...
Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary, B.C.: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP53This northern BC wilderness is Canada's first Grizzly bear sanctuary. Over 100 bears prowl the...
Kicks: Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series
Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP003Are you ready to learn some powerful kicks?! Master Karate Todd is ready to show you how it’s...
Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP035Dylan is a young filmmaker who took on a journey to learn all about plastic pollution and how it...
King of the Dinosaurs: W5
CTV CTV649Phil Currie has devoted much of his 65 years to digging up dinosaur bones and studying them. It's a...
Kingdom of the Seahorse
WGBH WG0324To many of us they are a figure of fancy on a par with the unicorn. To scientists, however, the...
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