Social Sciences
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Insights into Métis History in Canada, Part 1
LeMay Media LM0029Long before Canada was a country, the Métis Nation was a sovereign nation with its own laws and...
Insights into Métis History in Canada, Part 2
LeMay Media LM0030Long before Canada was a country, the Métis Nation was a sovereign nation with its own laws and...
Inspire by Example
Chris Cull CC0000A documentary about the prevalence of prescription drug abuse in Canada, and the effects of...
Internet Addiction: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL28Military man Stephen has long used the Internet as a means to seduce women. In fact it's how he met...
ARTE France A196-018Neither a girl nor a boy, or a little of both, the intersexes are from an invisible community that...
Intimate Dinner Party: Taste of the Country Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1034Danielle’s smaller size party planning skills are put to the test when she hosts and intimate...
Into the Fire: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0694Two Indigenous communities half a nation apart – one in Southern Ontario’s matriarchal...
Into the Mist
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV053This is a biopic based on the life and work of leading Nepali anthropologist Dor Bahadur Bista...
Introducing Debbie: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM08A son asks his father ‘How does it feel to be a grandmother?’ The father responds ‘I’m too...
Introducing Geographical Offender Profiling
Shortcutstv Ltd STV038Geographical offender profiling is now being used by police forces around the world to help focus...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Invisible Man
Supre Incorporated SINC05Retreating from existence, Andrew’s psoriasis scarred his psychology far deeper than his skin...
Iqaluit: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310023Northern Canada is home to the oldest tattooing traditions on the planet. Ippiksaut Friesen, a...
Irak : après les guerres ?
ARTE France F259-S10-58Après 15 années de guerres, l’Irak, pays-mosaïque est-il enfin en train de « faire nation »...
Irak, les ombres de la guerre
Productions Grand Angle F173-005Guerres permanentes, embargos et tensions frontalières ont transformé la seule fenêtre maritime...
Iran : au coeur des tensions
ARTE France F259-S10-59Nucléaire militaire, rivalités avec l’Arabie Saoudite, après-guerre en Syrie, ressources...
Isaac Garcia: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP013Sixteen-year-old Dakota/Ojibwe warrior Isaac Garcia started “Isaac’s Blessing Bags” in...
Islam: En Plusieurs Foi(s)
Arte GEIE F269-S01-05Deuxième religion en importance de la planète – dont 80% des adeptes ne sont pas arabes –...
Island in the Sky: Cahuasqui, Ecuador: Restoration Planet...
Robert E Moberg Films REM007In this episode, we take you to Cahuasqui, a very remote village high in the Ecuadorian Andes. We...
Issues & Debates in Psychology
Shortcutstv Ltd STV008These programs begin with a research question and go on to unpick, clarify and illustrate the key...
It Takes a Community (Fort Willaim First Nation, ON): A Good...
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310093The Anishinaabe community of Fort William First Nation has a beautiful arena. Featuring two ice...
It's You
Ivan D. Ossa IDO002A visual representation of a poem written by Ivan D. Ossa which infiltrates a young man’s mind as...
It's Your Money: Financial Flight School
Learning ZoneXpress 430038As students prepare to live on their own, they need to learn how to be financially wise. This video...
Italian American Fabulous: Chefs of the James Beard House - Ep. 5
Tanner Beach Productions TBP028Two chefs from Atlanta, Sean Telo and Adam Waller treat diners with a menu of American dishes with...
J. L. Sert: A Nomadic Dream
Alé Produccions, Oberon Cinematografica, La Perifèrica Produccions A285-002Josep Lluís Sert was a brilliant, Spanish architect and the first to attain international fame in...
J.R.R. Tolkien, Designer of Worlds
ARTE France A196-006For many people, the English writer JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) is above all the author of the Lord of...
Jago: A Life Underwater
Blue Ant Media BAM476This drama-documentary tells the life story of Rohani, an 80-year-old hunter who dives like a fish...
Jake Chisholm: I Plead the 61 Blues Music Series
Eve Kinizo EK0004This episode highlights Toronto based musician Jake Chisholm, a well established and loved Blues...
James Cook: The Explorers Series
Productions Grand Angle A173-001_C05Cook: A boy is at window watching a ship sail by in the distance… It is 1745 and Cook is 16 years...
Jan van de Venis: Where Human Rights and the Environment...
Paper Tiger PT0007This episode of The Green Interview features Jan van de Venis, an extraordinary Dutch lawyer who...
Janette Bertrand: Ma vie en trois actes
CinéFête F6-S13Une série documentaire en trois épisodes de 43 minutes, fortement inspirée de la biographie Ma...
Japanese Internment: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight...
Sound Venture SVP503The story of Japanese-Canadians interned and relocated during WW2 as told through the eyes of one...
Japon: retour au centre?
ARTE France F259-S10-60Après la 2ème guerre mondiale, désarmé par les Alliés, le Japon se concentre sur la doctrine...
Five2Nine Inc. 529003“Jaya" follows the extraordinary journey of Jaya Krishnan, a Malaysian born Canadian artist...
Jazz in China
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV074The central theme of this documentary is timely. It’s about jazz—a democratic form of...
Jean-Michel Basquiat, artiste absolu
Tamara Films F196-053Ce film est d’abord un voyage. De Brooklyn à Abidjan, en passant par le Mississippi, Puerto Rico...
Jean-Pierre Morin et Yechel Gagnon: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-02Jean-Pierre Morin - SculpteurYechel Gagnon – Artiste multidisciplinaire Un homme et une femme...
Jean-Robert Drouillard et Josée Pedneault: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-08Jean-Robert Drouillard - ScupteurJosée Pedneault - PhotographeJean-Robert Drouillard et Josée...
Jérémie Masse-Maillé - Survie en forêt au Canada: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0170FRTrois personnes ayant une bonne expérience en plein air font appel au guide Jérémie...
Jerome Godboo: I Plead the 61 Blues Music Series
Eve Kinizo EK0006This episode celebrates Canadian Blues Musician Jerome Godboo. Jerome started his career with the...
Jerusalem To The North: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR101EThough their stories cannot be found in the Bible, legends claim that Apostles Jude, John and James...
JFK: The Smoking Gun
MUSE Entertainment MUSE64Veteran Police Detective Colin McLaren spent four years on the forensic cold-case investigation of...
Jihad, Counter-Offensive
ARTE France A242-011How do you de-radicalize kids caught up in the djihad web? How do you help their parents? Djihad...
Jihadi Brides: W5
CTV CTV779W5's Paul Workman visits Canadian women at a refugee camp in Syria who claim they were lured by...
Jim Crow Laws and the Birth of Civil Rights: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0338Learn all about Jim Crow laws and the birth of civil rights in the United States. What were Jim...
Jingle Dress - First Dance
Veritus Pictures Inc. VPI000Jingle Dress – First Dance chronicles Jules Koostachin’s (Cree, Attawapiskat) six-year quest...
Joachim's Wild Riders: GEOlino Series
Arte GEIE A259-S03-0110 year old Luam spent most of his life on the streets and is now moving to Senhor Joaquim's farm...
Joanna Macy and the Great Turning
Video Project, Inc. TVP034Joanna Macy and the Great Turning is a short film about the societal shift now underway from an...
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