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Social Sciences

3117 title(s) found.

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Math in Psychology Series

Shortcutstv Ltd STV010

For psychology students not so comfortable with the math, this film provides a clear step by step...

Matthew Penn (Law & Order, Damages, Royal Pains): The Art of...

Empreinte Digitale A296-S01-05

Actor by training, Matthew Penn began directing theatre before being hired as a director on a...

Maya Angelou

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0024

Developed by an English curriculum writer, this program introduces students to the amazing life and...

Maymay Fishing: Wolf Joe Series


Joe is convinced he's not good at fishing but finding a little forest spirit in distress he uses...

MC Mooserific: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2

Epic Story Media ESM191

When Maureen discovers that Emilia won’t be able to perform at tonight’s Moosical Revue, she...

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd - Bladworth, SK: Depth of Field...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C029

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd is a grain and livestock operation that uses renewable energy and...

Mealworm Popover and Tapenade: Bug Bites Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1164

Follow Haley Chamberlain Nelson as she walks viewers through the natural history of mealworms, and...

Meat the Future: The Next Agricultural Revolution

LizMars Productions Inc. LMPI00

Imagine a world where real meat is produced sustainably without the need to breed, raise and...

Media and Aggression

Shortcutstv Ltd STV022

This Short Cut TV episode deals with the relation between media and aggression. Are these two...

Media Resistance - Land and Water: The Wapikoni Indigenous...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0007EN

Media Resistance: Land and Water is Ashton Janvier’s second Wapikoni project that sheds light on...

Medical Outposts: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0712

Canada is home to some of the most technologically advanced medical services in the world, but not...

Medicine (mrim̓ stn): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...

Buck Productions 300095

With their minds and bodies adapting to the land, the group welcomes a medicine teaching about the...

Medicine and Survival: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 1

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100601

Sam and Chuck travel to the Painted Warriors Ranch in Alberta to learn traditional Métis bush...

Medicine: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...

Buck Productions 300080

The sun has returned and the group are finally feeling the power of nature, as well as the healing...

Medicines: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...

Buck Productions 300107

After days of losing weight and her body growing weak, Britt is forced to make a painful and...

Meeting My Aggressor - Restorative Justice Pathways

416 Productions A196-024

December 2017. A woman, victim of rape by a stranger in her childhood, finds herself in dialogue...

Megan's Seminar: Drug Class Series, Season 3

Cooper Rock CPR036

Through the help of a treatment centre Megan has decided to quite drinking and doing drugs. As part...

Megan: Drug Class Series, Season 3

Cooper Rock CPR030

Megan comes to Rand to discuss her drug and alcohol problem. As Megan is new to the Drug Class...

Melina Laboucan-Massimo: “Violence Against the Earth Is...

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0025

Melina Laboucan-Massimo is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta. She has worked on social...

Mental Health: Prison Series 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1338

**Contains course language** Durham has one mental health nurse for almost 1000 men. At any one...

Mer de Chine : bataille navale ?

ARTE France F259-S10-67

C’est l’une des principales routes maritimes de la planète, et c’est une mer depuis...

Mer des caraïbes : un vent nouveau se lève ?

ARTE France F259-S10-68

Cuba, Jamaïque, République Dominicaine… La Mer des Caraïbes fait rêver ! Mais on connaît mal...

Mer Rouge : guerre froide en eaux chaudes

ARTE France F259-S10-69

Depuis l’ouverture du canal de Suez en 1869, la Mer Rouge est devenue zone de passage...

Merchants of the Wild Series, Season 2: NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)

Buck Productions 300085

Merchants of the Wild, Season 2 is a vivid 13 part, 30 min documentary series mixing culture...

Merchants of the Wild Series; BC - Syilx Territory, Season 3

Buck Productions 300086

Merchants of the Wild follows a group of Indigenous adventurers as they journey along ancient paths...

Merchants of the Wild Series; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season 4

Buck Productions 300100

Merchants of the Wild, Season 4 is a vivid documentary series mixing culture, survival...

Messengers to the West: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR102E

The Bible’s book of Acts recounts the Apostle Andrew’s presence at Pentecost, and Peter as the...

Metals: Art of Craft Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1432

In this episode we meet the masters of metal – men and women who pit their human hands on one of...

Methane Hydrates, A New Energy Bonanza?: Methane, Dream or...

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-02

The methane contained in the ocean floor in the form of methane hydrate also represents a...

Methane Hydrates, A New Energy Bonanza?: Methane, Dream or...

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-02

The methane contained in the ocean floor in the form of methane hydrate also represents a...

Methane Hydrates, A New Energy Bonanza?: Methane, Dream or...

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-02

The methane contained in the ocean floor in the form of methane hydrate also represents a...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Métis Culture and Traditions Collection

LeMay Media LM0026

Collection includes five segments: Métis Jigging - Métis jigging originated in the Red River...

Métis Harvest: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 13

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100613

Sam and Chuck travel to St. Laurent, Man., one of the largest Métis communities in the world...

Métis Scrip

LeMay Media LM0031

In the aftermath of the Battle of Batoche, the Canadian government offered “scrip,” a coupon to...

Mexico: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310012

The ancient city of Palenque was once a hub of Mayan civilization. For centuries after its decline...

Mexique, la basse Californie vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-05

Vu du ciel, du nord au sud, la Basse Californie dévoile un visage inattendu du Mexique : nature...

Michael; Co-Dependency: Drug Class Series, Season 3

Cooper Rock CPR039

Michael and his mother Keely discuss their drug and alcohol problems and their co-dependency...

Michel Saulnier et Sylvain Brouthillette: À tout hasard

CinéFête F272-S02-06

Michel Saulnier - SculpteurSylvain Bouthillette - Artiste en arts visuelsMichel Saulnier...

Michelle’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1

The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP302

In 1982 Michelle met the love of her life in Grant. Through marriage and having kids, they always...

Microwave Ovens: Just the Facts Series

Learning ZoneXpress 430056

Ever wonder how a microwave oven actually cooks food? The mystery is solved as Chef Jon uses a...

Middle Childhood

Learning Seed 200214

During middle childhood - the period between ages 6 and 12 - children reach many critical...

Middle Childhood Series

Magna Systems 520155

Series Includes: Middle Childhood: Physical Growth & Development 22 minutes Copyright © 2008...

Midwives: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0701

Pre-contact, midwifery was a traditional practice among First Nations across the country. Driven...

Mike Labrosse - Pêche au saumon en Ontario: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0173FR

Mike LaBrosse est guide de pêche récréative sur le lac Ontario. Il reçoit un trio venu vivre...

Miléna Georgeault: Canoeing in Yukon: Adventure Guides, Season 3

HG Distribution HG0185

Miléna Georgeault and her boyfriend welcome two tourists in Canada’s final frontier. This...

Military Secrets: Soldiers Speak Out On Sexual Misconduct: W5


W5 investigates sexual misconduct in the military, and interviews Canadian soldiers who claim they...

Military: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0708

Aboriginal women serving in Canada’s armed forces are often introduced to military service...

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