Social Studies
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Catch that Pika: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA164Pat asks Audrey and Tommy to build a rock shelter for Milo, the collared pika. But Tommy is too...
Catch the Thief: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON554Misho and Robin are going to plant some vegetables in the garden. They have planted carrots...
Catching Fish: Stories of the North Series
102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102109Sekwan went ice fishing with her class today but is disappointed she didn’t catch anything...
Caterpillar: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON548Robin is chasing a caterpillar and Misho decides to join him. After a few misses, Robin and Misho...
Catholic Teachings and Celebrations Explained Playlist
Busted Halo HALO00PLPlaylist consistes of 8 short 2 to 3 minute “explainer videos” from The Paulist Fathers. These...
Cathy Allooloo - River Guide: Northern/Her Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP013Originally from London, Ontario, Cathy Allooloo’s life changed after studying at the University...
Caught Between a Sock and a Stinky Place: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE085Mac goes on a nighttime mission to make sure Jacob stays covered by his snuggly blanket while he...
Cave Art and the Paleolithic Period: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0051In this high-definition program, learn all about the earliest form of art, cave art. When was the...
Cayda - Tsuut’ina Nation, Calgary, AB: Raven's Quest 1
Apartment 11 APT019Cayda is an 11-year-old girl who lives on the Tsuu T’ina Nation reserve near Calgary, Alberta...
Cedric and the Big Bad Wolf: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB120Investigating a call for help on a carrot farm, Nia hears about the time Cedric, Grunt, and Saylor...
Cedric and the Cave: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB113Nia is taught how to track in the woods as she hears the tale of Cedric and Grunt hiding from a...
Cedric and the Dark Castle: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB116Cedric and Grunt sneak into the Dark Castle to find the map to Grunt's bridge. Instead, they...
Cedric and the Fairies: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB115To end a fight between Nia and Grunt, Sir Cedric explains how he helped fairies rid themselves of a...
Cedric and the Giant: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB114As a part of the royal family, Nia must learn the importance of generosity. Sir Cedric remembers...
Cedric and the Green Leaf: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB112Nia's jousting lesson turns into the story of Sir Cedric's first tournament as a Not-Yet-Knight...
Cedric and the Potion Maker: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB119Nia learns the value of believing in yourself, as Sir Cedric tells the story of a magic dragon egg...
Cedric and the Sea Monster: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB118Nia's interest in the Serpent River sparks a tale of adventure from when Cedric, Grunt, and Saylor...
Cedric and the Troll: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB111As Nia learns the proper ways to attempt a tower rescue, Sir Cedric recounts the first time he met...
Cedric and the Wizard: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB117Cedric, Grunt, and Saylor go to the Royal Castle to tell the Queen and King about the dragon. When...
Cédric et la Magicienne: Le Chevalier héroïque
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB117FRCédric, Grogne et Saylor se rendent à la cour royale pour prévenir le roi et la reine de la...
Celebrate Spring Playlist
MCI772Celebrate the magic of Spring in your classroom! This is a great playlist for getting your students...
Celebrate Winter Playlist
MCI711PLThis is a great playlist for getting your primary and elementary students geared up for the winter...
Celebrating Black History Month: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0147Learn all about why and how we celebrate Black History Month. Who was Carter G. Woodson? How was...
Celebration: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0721Cree spoken word artist Zoey Roy meets with legendary Métis artist and activist Maria Campbell...
Ces voyageurs qui changent le monde: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-04Le tourisme est un secteur économique en pleine croissance. C’est même une industrie capitale...
Change and Action: Racism in Canada
CTV Public CTV833From Bell Media Studios, the special, hosted by Tyrone Edwards, Marci Ien, Lainey Lui, and...
Change and Butterflies: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI024The Great Spirit tells the children a time of change is coming, that the world will soon be...
Change it Up: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA190Audrey and Tommy play pirates in the greenhouse and drag their faithful shipmate Jack along on...
Changements climatiques - la réponse du fleuve: Vu du large 1
CinéFête F88-S01-02Le fleuve respire. Les écosystèmes de son littoral sont essentiels à sa propre survie. Pourquoi...
Changer la ville: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-05Quatre-vingt pourcent de la population mondiale habitera dans les villes en 2050... Il est donc...
Changing Towns: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S03-05It is estimated that 80% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. In recent decades...
Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0692CHAOS & COURAGE profiles the fearless and inspirational Indigenous women who serve, protect and...
Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0699Chaos & Courage: Season 2 expands the scope of Indigenous women working on the front lines of our...
Charles and Camilla; King and Queen in Waiting: The Royal...
Blue Ant Media BAM1288Charles and Camilla's enduring relationship is the subject of this documentary which investigates...
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0105In this new, high-definition program, learn all about the life and scientific theories of...
Charles de Salaberry: Canada 1812: Forged in Fire
Blue Ant Media BAM002The Americans were marching to take Lower Canada and strangle supply lines to the east. The...
Charles de Salaberry: Canada 1812: Le Baptême du feu
Blue Ant Media BAMF02Face à l'invasion améicaine, le Bas-Canada manqué d'effectifs, ce qui force Charles de Salaberry...
Charlie Needs a Cloak (Mandarin/English)
Weston Woods WW167MANBIBased on the book by Tomic dePaola (Simon & Schuster) - When Charlie’s old cloak becomes...
Charlotte Cote: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0032Charlotte Cote: Nuu-chah-nulth author and professor Charlotte Cote’s journey has taken her from a...
Chasing Unicorns
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR096EThe narwhal is the unicorn of the sea, a pale-colored porpoise found in Canadian Arctic and...
Chasse: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-08«Quand j’ai appris à chasser, on m’a fait observer et comprendre tous les bruits de la forêt...
Chato and the Party Animals
Weston Woods WW641by Gary Soto, illustrated by Susan Guevara Chato's friend, Novio Boy, has never had a birthday...
Chato's Kitchen
Weston Woods WW380by Gary Soto, illus. by Susan Guevara Chato is a low-riding cat whose favorite food is mouse...
Checking In: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA189Tommy's dads go away for the weekend, so they leave him a phone to check up on him while he stays...
Cheeta Gruban - Living in the Tundra: Northern/Her Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP014Apprentice Hunter Cheeta Gruban credits her close connection to her family, land and traditional...
Chemistry: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0013Actor Nathaniel Arcand explains that everything is made of atoms, from the ocean to the mountains...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 1): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP020Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 2): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP021Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cheveyo, Ha-li and Kimowan - Tofino, British Columbia: Raven's...
Apartment 11 APT510Cheveyo (11), Halidzox (10) and Kimowan (8) are three siblings who live with their family on an...
Chez Bob
Weston Woods WW4026From the hilarious author of Who Wet My Pants?, Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great, and the Dinosaur...
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