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Social Studies

4262 title(s) found.

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Lloyd Robertson in China


Robertson talks with people in rural and urban China to reveal how the country is coping with...

Lock and Kea: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA168

Audrey's hyperactive cousin Alex comes to visit the Shelter. Audrey and Tommy show him the secret...

Lola's Fancy Dress: Lili and Lola Series, Season 3

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB257

Lili and Lola’s family visit her aunt’s home for Norooz and are dressed to the nines for a...

Lon Po Po - A Red Riding Hood Story from China

Weston Woods WW690

by Ed Young Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of...

Long Point Biosphere Reserve, Ontario: Striking Balance Series 1

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV025

Reaching forty kilometres into Lake Erie, Long Point in Ontario, is the world's longest freshwater...

Long Walk Home: The Incredible Journey of Sheila Burnford

Franco Finn Films Inc. FF0000

For decades, The Incredible Journey has been a family classic with numerous generations embracing...

Longball: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810006

Longball (Episode 7): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many...

Longball: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8106CS

Longball - Ep 7: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many thought...

Lonny s’en va : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM236FR

Lonny se dispute avec Alfred et Ronny et décide d’emménager chez Hop et Penny. Pour les deux...

Los Angeles - Two Ravens: Skindigenous Series, Season 2

Nish Media 310027

Two Ravens is an Opata tattoo artist based in East Los Angeles. As an activist, he was injured at...

Los Angeles vue du ciel: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-05

C'est une ville sans véritable centre, sans gratte-ciels ou presque pour une ville américaine...

Los Gatos Black on Halloween

Weston Woods WW858

by Marisa Montes, ill. by Yuyi Morales (Henry Holt) The monsters crowd the Haunted Hall. Los...

Lost and Found: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE476

A lost dog finds its way into the playground and the kids have to figure out a way to get it back...

Lost and Sound: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE117

Jacob, Gwen and Molly are playing Hide and Seek with their stuffies. Priscilla and Molly are the...

Lost Bones: In Search of Sitting Bull’s Grave

Farpoint Films FAR000

In 1953, a few residents from Mobridge, South Dakota snuck across the North Dakota border and stole...

Lost in the Desert: Earth to Luna, Season 4

Monster Entertainment MON623

Luna’s family is traveling in the desert. Noticing how often sand storms seem to change their...

Lost in the Fog: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR082

When the animals wake up in the morning they discover the garden is gone. The weather system has...

Louis Says Series: Season 3

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0018

Featuring twenty new stories, season three of Louis Says follows Randy, his dog Osky and best...

Louis Says, Season 3 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC018

Louis Says is a Canadian series aimed at teaching and reinforcing character values to primary-aged...

Louis Says: Season 1

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0000

Louis Says is a Canadian series aimed at teaching and reinforcing character values to primary-aged...

Louis Says: Season 1 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC000

Louis Says is a Canadian series aimed at teaching and reinforcing character values to primary-aged...

Louis Says: Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0009

Louis Says is an animated children's television series that follows the adventures of a 6-year-old...

Louis Says: Season 2 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC009

Louis Says is an animated children's television series that follows the adventures of a 6-year-old...

Louisiana: Seeing the USA Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP066

Brandy Yanchyk starts her Louisiana journey in New Orleans where she makes a po' boy sandwich...

Love and War: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI005

Q'os is in love with Igis, but Igis is too much in love with herself so he goes to Raven for...

Lovely - Toronto, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT507

Lovely is an 8-year-old girl and lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is from the Dakota Plains First...

Low Hanging Fruit/Disco Ball: Louis Says Season 3

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0026

Mrs. Charles is going to a costume party tonight. Help Randy find Kā Pōskākih Othākansa (bowls)...

Low Hanging Fruit/Disco Ball: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC026

Mrs. Charles is going to a costume party tonight. Help Randy find Kā Pōskākih Othākansa (bowls)...

Low-Bush Blues: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0744

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, describes the...

Lower Canada: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM179

From the cities of Ottawa and Montreal we head south, exploring a maze of international boundary...

Luane - Toronto, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT538

Luane is a 7-year-old girl who lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is Canadian and Afro Brazilian, and...

Lucie à la pêche: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-02

Les jeunes amis de Lucie ne sont pas très doués pour la pêche à la ligne. Alors, elle...

Lucie au bord de la mer: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-03

Sur la plage en été, Lucie finit par s’ennuyer. Alors, elle s’envole pour observer le...

Lucie contre la pollution: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-10

Lucie nettoie, avec des enfants d’une école primaire, une plage jonchée de déchets. C’est le...

Lucie en voyage: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-05

Lucie recherche son cousin Marin dans tous les ports de Méditerranée. C’est l’occasion de...

Lucie et les trésors de la mer: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-09

Lucie en vacances au bord de la mer se fait de nombreux amis. Tess la seiche lui apprend à...

Lucie exploratrice: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-01

Lucie regarde sa série préférée sur les pirates, dont certains ont été de célèbres...

Lucie explore les fonds sous-marins: Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09-08

Lucie se lance à la découverte des dessous de la mer. Elle visite d’abord La Flore, un...

Lucie raconte la mer

Productions Chromatiques F186-S09

Après Les enquêtes de la Luciole et Lucie raconte l'histoire des sciences, Lucie, petite luciole...

Lucky Bug Farm Market Garden - Baden, ON: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C028

Lucky Bug Farm is a one-quarter-acre ecological market garden operating on rented land 25 minutes...

Lucky Ducklings

Weston Woods WW2621

Based on the book by Eva Moore, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Orchard) -   A true story about...

Lulu - Mississauga, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT630

Lulu is an 8-year-old girl from Mississauga, Ontario. She is Brazilian Canadian and speaks English...

Lulu Lynx Plays with her Friends: Tiny Square Critters

Monster Entertainment MON063

Lulu Lynx heads outside during the night and meets some new friends to play with.  Set in the...

Lumière, caméra, sauvons la Vallée des Aigles! : Luna, Bric...

Epic Story Media ESM182FR

Les Aventuriers doivent apprendre à gérer un tyran lorsque la star de cinéma Boris...

Luna at School Playlist

Monster Entertainment MON464

Luna loves science! Join Luna and her friends for her daily adventures at school. Episodes...

Luna Parc: Homemade Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1284

In a unique small town in Stokes State Forest, New Jersey, one man has created a house made for the...

Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la rescousse, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM123FR

Le trio de meilleurs amis Luna, Bric et Poulpi utilisent leur intelligence, leur humour et un sac...

Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la rescousse, Saison 2

Epic Story Media ESM170FR

Le trio de meilleurs amis Luna, Bric et Poulpi utilisent leur intelligence, leur humour et un sac...

Luna, Bric et Poulpi – 2 : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à...

Epic Story Media ESM183FR

Lorsque Boris Tête-de-Bélier, une star de cinéma, fait jouer Luna dans son dernier film, le...

Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM123

Best buddies Luna, Chip and Inkie are always eager to lend their friends a wing, paw or tentacle...

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