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Social Studies

4264 title(s) found.

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Mission Panda: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA165

The Shelter has a prestigious guest: Huan, a giant panda. Everyone is super excited, but for Huan...

Mistissini Healing

Stephanie Vizi SV0000

Examines the trauma experienced by the intergenerational survivors of Canada's residential school...

Mix métiers 1

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S06

Mix métier est une série jeunesse dynamique qui s’inspire de la mode des youtubeurs. Elle...

Mix métiers 2

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S08

Mix métier est une série jeunesse dynamique qui s’inspire de la mode des youtubeurs. Elle...

Mixed Salad/Mrs. Charles is a Superhero: Louis Says Season 2)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0010

Episode 1A - Mixed Salad: Cree elder Louis asks Randy to take oskâtâskwak (carrots) for their...

Moi en premier : Canot Cocasse Saison 1

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800206

Moi en premier (épisode 6): Canot Cocasse Saison 1: Thème : Le leadership et le service  Au...

Mole: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON550

Misho and Robin are underground - they are digging a hole searching for dinosaur bones. To be more...

Mon idole, c'est moi! : Canot Cocasse Saison 1

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800213

Mon idole, c'est moi! (épisode  13): Canot Cocasse Saison 1: Thème : S’accepter comme la...

Mongolia - Camels: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE467

Jake and Jessica wake up in a special Mongolian hut called a Ger in the middle of the Gobi Desert...

Mongolia - Eagles: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE466

Jessica and Jake visit an Eagle Festival where they see Mongolian horseman use eagles to catch...

Mongolia - Throat Singing: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE468

Jessica and Jake’s friend takes them to an old Buddhist monastery where they get to see the...

Monks of The Golden Triangle

CinéFête A259-S03-04

Fast as the wind, a group of young monks gallops through the wild forest in northern Thailand...

Monster Hunger: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR111

The spring weather makes the grass nice and tender, a perfect meal for Feta the goat who has a huge...

Monster Surprise: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB300

In the future, Oshie’s beach party is cancelled due to a... sea monster?! The kids go back in...

Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, Quebec: Striking Balance...

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV023

Quebec's Mont Saint-Hilaire towers an impressive 400 metres above the St. Lawrence lowlands. The...

Montreal Main - Blvd. of Dreams, QC: Historylands Season 4

Good Earth Productions GEHL42

It was the boulevard of dreams - The Montreal Main represented hope and a new life to wave after...

Montreal: Aboriginal Day Live 2017

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0194

From downtown Montreal, hosts Brittany LeBorgne and Samian introduce us to musicians, dancers and...

Moon Mac: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE120

Jacob and his Grandma want to see the full moon with his telescope, but they can't see anything...

Moonflower: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB286

In the future, Orchid and her dad want to plant a special singing moonflower on a nearby hill –...

Moravian Missions - A Culture Divided, Labrador: Historylands...

Good Earth Productions GEHL46

Hopedale, Nain and Hebron (inhabited as early as 4045 BC). In 1751 these communities would become...

More and More: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR069

Baz the donkey is not very self-confident. He feels clumsy in most activities he does. Manon is...

More Curious Series

Switch SWED134

Do you find yourself marveling at the world around you? Ever wonder how stuff works or where it...

More Feathers: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0031

Today, Louis has asked Randy to make a kanâcihcikanis (feather duster) to bring to Mrs. Charles.

More Than Just the Fur Trade

LeMay Media LM0017

More Than Just the Fur Trade: A 20 minute video chronicling the role the fur trade played in the...

Moreno Glacier: Geographic Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992124

An animated geography video takes us to the Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina’s Patagonia...

Morris's Disappearing Bag

Weston Woods WW230

by Rosemary Wells - Morris impresses his older siblings when he opens the last box under the...

Morris's Disappearing Bag (Mandarin/English)

Weston Woods WW230MANBI

Based on the book by Rosemary Wells -   Morris impresses his older siblings when he opens the...

Moscow, Jakarta, Santiago, Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Taipei and Miami...

Switch SWED84

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Moses - Egypt and the Ten Plagues: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG031

In this animated film we will learn the story of Moses, the son of an Israelite slave who was...

Moses - The Exodus and the Ten Commandments: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG032

The Israelites had, with Moses’ help, managed to free themselves of Egypt and the Pharaoh. God...

Mostly Ghostly Mystery: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM172

When Beck and Brooke are spooked by a haunted sunken shipwreck, the Rangers dive deep to...

Mother Bruce

Weston Woods WW2949

Based on the book by Ryan T. Higgins (Disney-Hyperion)  Bruce the bear likes to keep to...

Mother Daughter Day: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA180

Audrey is over the moon: her mom has promised to spend the day alone with her! Unfortunately, Sonia...

Mother of the Bonobos (Republic of the Congo) - GeoCulture...

Film Ideas FI0047

Claudine André and her staff raise orphan Bonobos. They spare them from a life as pets - squeezed...

Mountain Lion Hunters: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 3

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100603

Sam and Chuck travel to southwestern Colorado to learn about the Southern Ute Tribe. Trekking...

Mouse On A Mission: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE208

Mouse needs to stock up for winter. As Wilton gardens, she steals a blue plum from under his nose...

Mr. Charles Builds a House/Poor Porcupine: Louis Says Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0014

Episode 1A - Mr. Charles Builds A House:  Randy and Katie search for the perfect location for an...

Mr. Charles Builds a House/Poor Porcupine: Louis Says Season 2...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC014

Episode 1A - Mr. Charles Builds A House:  Randy and Katie search for the perfect location for an...

Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep/Light up the Party: Louis Says Season...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0015

Episode 1A - Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep:  Mr. Charles needs to cover his miskîsikwa (eyes) so he...

Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep/Light up the Party: Louis Says Season...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC015

Episode 1A - Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep:  Mr. Charles needs to cover his miskîsikwa (eyes) so he...

Mr. FrouFrouPants: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB302

In the future, all the animals are shedding at once and furballs are taking over the world! The...

Mr. Jane and Finch

OYA Media Group OYA000

Winston LaRose, a beloved 80-year-old activist/amateur documentarian who has documented the Black...

Mr. Noah and the Second Flood

Shebafilms Studios RTV061

Mr. Noah, a descendant of the original ark builder, lives with his wife and family on a peaceful...

Mr. Prime Minister: W5


An exclusive interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just days after he led the Liberal Party...

Mrs. Charles' Treasure: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0039

Today, Louis says that Mrs. Charles needs Randy to nitona (to find) âpihkohkahikan (the key) for a...

Muddy the Waters: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV046

Episode 2 of All Too Clear follows the growing movement of people trying to figure out how to...

Muddy Waters: Urban Native Girl

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0119

Lisa travels to Winnipeg, the Urban Aboriginal Capital of Canada; a city on the rise or a city...

Mumbai Massacre: Secrets of the Dead

PBS Video 041189

Told from the perspective of victims and survivors in their own words, Mumbai Massacre places...

Mumbai, Copenhagen, Atlanta, Dublin, Houston, Luxor and New...

Switch SWED88

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Museums, Monuments & Living History: Future History - Harnessing...

Redcloud Studios RS0009

Our hosts, Kris and Sarain dig deeper into the world of Archaeology, preservation of artefacts and...

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