Social Studies
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Salt of the Sea: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON566After checking out Dr. Jane’s new saltwater fish over at the pet shop, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde...
Salty Brine: Brewster the Rooster Series
Monster Entertainment MON004Brewster and the gang meet Cod Wriggles and ask ‘why is the ocean salty?’ They take a dive into...
Sam s’est Enfui!: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0032FRRefusant de se laisser conduire chez le vétérinaire, Sam le petit chien se met à courir comme un...
Same, Same but Different
Weston Woods WW2708Based on the book by Jenny Sue Kosteck-Shaw (Christy Ottaviano Books) - Elliot lives in...
Samuel Morse
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0272This program explores the important achievements of Samuel Morse. What event inspired Morse to...
San Silversto: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes, Ep. 3
HG Distribution HG0138In Piedmont, Italy, the three vino amigos search for a beautiful Barolo wine. Owner Paolo...
Sans terre, c'est la faim
CinéFête F253-002 BSans terre, c’est la faim est un film coup-de-poing qui explore le revers du phénomène mondial...
Saskatchewan and Manitoba: Seeing Canada, Season 2
Brandy Y Productions BYP049Brandy Yanchyk has a cowboy experience in Saskatchewan and searches for beluga whales and polar...
Saskatchewan Prairie: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3
Blue Ant Media BAM172We explore the frontier region of Saskatchewan - from the vast plateaus of Cypress Hills Provincial...
Saskatchewan River Delta
291 Film Company 291060Canada's Saskatchewan River Delta and its wetlands cover nearly 10,000 square kilometers in...
Saskatoon and Winnipeg: Seeing Canada Series, Season 1
Brandy Y Productions BYP015Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to learn about the local...
Save the World! The Game Show: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0413Chuck and Andy set out to save the world by using their brains. With the evil Skink plotting the...
Say Cheese: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON635Going through some of Dad's photos for work, the trio gets to wondering, how do cameras work...
Scared of His Own Shadow: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON583When Jupiter spots his shadow late one night, he’s frightened by the shape and size, thinking...
Scaredy Bearcat: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA174Audrey and Tommy are supposed to give Onyx the bearcat a tour of the Shelter, but Audrey keeps...
Scaredy Squirrel
Weston Woods WW882Based on the Canadian Book by Mélanie Watt (Kids Can Press) Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut...
Scavenger Hunter: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE090Mac and Jacob are on a scavenger hunt that Grandma set up in the house. They’ve already located...
School's First Day of School
Weston Woods WW2983Based on the book by Adam Rex. Illustrated by Christian Robinson (Roaring...
Science and State: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series
Pilot Productions 555019Episode 4, Episode 4, "Science and State” looks at Joseph Banks, the imperialist and globalist...
Science and Technology: 1491 - The Untold Story of the Americas...
1491 Productions Inc. 149106The ingenuity, skill and talent of Indigenous people is found in the earliest use of the number...
Science in Progress
Superbe Films A296-S06Educational and entertaining, the animated short series, Science in Progress takes us on a journey...
Science Kids Animal Life Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0207Wonderscapes's Science Kids Animal Life programs allow students to learn all about animal life...
Science of Art: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0012Indigenous people used plants and minerals to get colour for their art. Métis Michif artist Amanda...
Science of Music: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0004Rock out with us as we make some noise and learn about the scientific wonders of music. The drum is...
Scoop Gets Scooped!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR061Unable to sleep, Beanie witnesses his newsstand buddy Scoop getting kidnapped by two hooded...
Scooter: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON536Misho and Robin want to ride their bicycles with Squirrel but Misho’s bike has a flat tyre. The...
Screaming Heads - Turning Ashes into Art: Living History Series
Warren Schlote WSCH10Screaming Heads, near Burk's Falls, Ontario, is the passion project of artist Peter Camani. What...
Sea Lamprey: Leo's FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE025The FishHeads learn there's no reason to be scared of the creepy, blood-sucking fish known as the...
Sea of Life
Oceanic Productions OP0000The ocean produces most of the oxygen in the air that we breathe. It's home to 80% of all life on...
Sea Shepherd: Paul Watson - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0022Interview with Paul Watson, an animal rights activist and stalwart advocate of the marine...
Sea Turtle Rescue in Ecuador: Restoration Planet Series, Season 2
Robert E Moberg Films REM010An inspiring grassroots sea turtle rescue program in Ecuador in is the feature of this episode. We...
Seabird Island: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810004Seabird Island (Episode 5): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on some unusual challenges when he...
Seabird Island: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8104CSSeabird Island - Ep 5: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on some unusual challenges when he visits...
Seabird Rescue: Restoration Planet Series, Season 2
Robert E Moberg Films REM006An unexpected seabird rescue leads filmmakers Robert and Vanessa Moberg on their next inspiring...
Search and Rescue: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 2
Picture This Productions PTP002A realistic Search and Rescue exercise brings out difficult memories for Rangers searching for a...
Search Party (Theories): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE213The kids send Pidgely into Magnus Tech to save Robo-mouse. While undertaking that rescue mission...
Season Finale: RezX TV, Season 4
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ048Season Finale (Season 4 - Episode 8): Season 4 Season Finale with Host Chris Ross and Guest Co-Host...
Season Premiere: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ016After a successful first season, Cadmus Delorme and Erin Goodpipe are back to host Season 2 of...
Seasons: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0231Learn all about the four seasons: winter; spring; summer and fall. How does the earth rotate to...
Seasons: The Wild, Wild East
Blue Ant Media BAM347Every year animals migrate to the Wild Wild East. These incredible journeys bring humpback whales...
Seaweed Gin, Métis Stew and Whisky: Seeing Canada, Season 4
Brandy Y Productions BYP102Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Sooke, British Columbia where she learns about...
Sechelt Green Jobs/Sechelt Run-of-River Project and Salmon...
Aarrow Productions AP0028Sechelt Green Jobs/Sechelt Run-of-River Project and Salmon Channel/Squamish Estuary: Host Leigh...
Sechelt, BC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0761Resiliency and sustainability are apt descriptions of the shíshálh (Sechelt) Nation located on...
Secret Agent Chip: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM184There’s something fishy going on in Eagle Creek. But don’t worry, Secret Agent Chip is on the...
Secret Secretaries
GAPC Productions GAP020This one-hour documentary examines the vital role Canadian women played in putting an end to World...
Secret Warriors: W5
CTV CTV632W5 goes behind-the-scenes for an exclusive look at CSOR (Canadian Special Operations...
Secrets of the Dead: The Man Who Saved the World
PBS Video 041603This film explores the dramatic and little-known events that unfolded inside a nuclear-armed Soviet...
Secrets of the Osa Peninsula: Restoration Planet Series, Season 2
Robert E Moberg Films REM011The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is described as the most bio intense area on the planet. It is also...
Secrets of the Royal Art Collection: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1302We lift the lid on the Royal Collection, the largest private art collection in the world. We...
See Norman Run: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE089Jacob and Mac are dressed as robots and playing fetch with Norman in the attic. However, when Jacob...
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