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Social Studies

4267 title(s) found.

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The Alex Community Food Centre: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP027

Nick Saul explains to us how the biggest issues of our time: inequity, health, climate change, all...

The Amautalik

Taqqut Productions TPI001

The animated short film ‘The Amautalik’ is adapted from an Inuit traditional story that has...

The Amautalik (French Version)

Taqqut Productions TPI001FR

The animated short film The Amautalik is adapted from an Inuit folktale that has been shared by the...

The Amazing Octopus - Legendary Creature of the Sea: Science...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0251

Learn all about the amazing octopus, a marine cephalopod and invertebrate.  Detailed graphics...

The American Revolution - The War of Independence: Revolutions...

Eduflix Group AB KMG012

In the mid-18th century, Great Britain had formed thirteen colonies on the North American east...

The Amusement Park: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR023

Mia has a great idea to construct an amusement park for her friends, but Rufus and Rango make one...

The Animal Pyramid: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR096

Manon has hurt her ankle and cannot walk. To get better, she must stay inside and rest, but she is...

The Animals in Africa

Eduflix Group AB KMG017

In this film, we learn where Africa is and what kinds of animals live there. We take a closer look...

The Animals in North America

Eduflix Group AB KMG018

In this film, you will learn about where North America is located and the types of animals that...

The Animals We Are: Jane Goodall - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0095

This episode of The Green Interview features Jane Goodall, a primatologist, ethologist...

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Weston Woods WW2582

Based on the book by Rebecca Emberley and Ed Emberley (Roaring Brook)     While hard at work...

The Ant and the Grasshopper: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992003

One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out...

The Arctic Tundra - Biome of the North - Animals and Plants...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0276

Learn about the Arctic Tundra. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video help us understand summer and...

The Arctics

Midnight Light Media Inc. MLMI00

The Arctics explores the history and impacts of the Arctic Winter Games, an international, biennial...

The Armenian Genocide

Phares & Balises A196-007

More than one million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1916 in massacres or brutal deportation...

The Artful Otter: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM198

When Inkie invites Brooke to paint a mural with her, Beck gets worried that he and his sister...

The Arts: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0006

Our hosts, Sarain and Kris explore the world of Indigenous Artists and Storytellers. At the Toronto...

The Assassination of D'Arcy McGee: Canadiana Series, Season 2

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP007

On April 7, 1868, D'Arcy McGee was murdered on his way home from Parliament. He was one of the...

The Astronauts: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR004

Mia and Marty are having a great time pretending to be astronauts and work together to build a...

The ATA Girls: W5


WWII Trailblazers. Meet the Canadian women pilots who ferried war planes to the front lines. The...

The Ballad of Chuck and Andy: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0110

Chuck and Andy head out on a musical journey to the HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL in Manitoba, Canada. Who...

The Battle of Bell Island: W5


For two days in the fall of 1942, German Forces attacked Canada in the Battle of Bell Island...

The Bay of Fundy: Undiscovered Vistas Series

Blue Ant Media BAM311

The Bay of Fundy, on Canada's east coast, is home to the world's highest tides. These surging...

The Beauty Salon: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR102

There is a a strange monster in the pond, even Pedro the duck has never seen it before! The beast...

The Bees' Needs: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season...

Epic Story Media ESM175

When the Ranger’s discover there’s a honey shortage in Eagle Creek, they do their best to draw...

The Best of Friends: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR024

Best friends Mia and Marty are upset with each other and their friends are stuck in the middle...

The Big Fight: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM239

2Much and Delisha build a giant tower made of juice boxes in the This-‘n’-That. 2Much claims...

The Big Freeze: Great Lakes Untamed Series

Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI105

In winter, Great Lakes animals must deal with extreme temperatures. Divers explore the lakebed...

The Big Game: Wolf Joe Series


Joe is concerned that a lacrosse game against a new opponent is one his team is sure to lose so he...

The Big Pie Sale/Colours of the Quilt: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC003

Episode 3A: The Big Pie Sale - Louis tells Randy that he has to deliver kuhkithuw (all) the...

The Big Pie Sale/Colours of the Quilt: Louis Says Series

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0003

Episode 3A: The Big Pie Sale - Louis tells Randy that he has to deliver kuhkithuw (all) the...

The Big Race: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON535

A big sled race is about to begin and Misho and Robin are competing with Mole, Owls and Squirrel...

The Big Recycle: Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0301

In this episode we learn the world of recycling! ADVENTURE:  Chuck and Andy travel a road in...

The Big Talent Show: Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102105

Mooshum’s granddaughter is nervous about her school’s talent show. Mooshum tells her it’s...

The Big Thaw: W5


In her first report since joining the W5 team, Investigative Reporter Avery Haines delivers "The...

The Big Thirst: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR077

There is a scorching heat as the sun makes everything very hot and dry. This causes a shortage of...

The Biggest Pumpkin: Miaomiao Series

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD102

Miaomiao and Doudou are gearing up to enter in a pumpkin contest, but their plans are threatened...

The Birdhouse/Lost and Found: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC005

Episode 5A: The Birdhouse - When Randy arrives at Louis' house, he's given the task of the day...

The Birdhouse/Lost and Found: Louis Says Series

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0005

Episode 5A: The Birdhouse - When Randy arrives at Louis' house, he's given the task of the day...

The Birdhouse: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE201

Roscoe and Bosco are getting into everything. The mailbox, the kitchen, the breadbox … and they...

The Birth of Printing: The Gutenberg Revolution

ARTE France A259-014

Gutenberg is responsible for the most significant invention of the medieval period: movable type...

The Blanketing

Trevor Mack TM0002

In the mid-1800s, the Tsilhqot’in First Nation of British Columbia was nearly wiped out by a...

The Booby Trap: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB281

The Galapagos X Team heads off on its first exciting test mission to take the future back! But when...

The Book of Vaudeville

Farpoint Films FAR002

In 1950, Gene Shelly rescued the tattered remains of an ancient scrapbook from a Winnipeg...

The Boy Who Cried Science/Prince Ahmad: 1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB023

The Boy Who Cried Science (Episode 17) - A young boy is forced to deal with ignorance and fear...

The Boy Who Was Bullied: John Peters Humphrey

Hemmings House Pictures HHP003

This is the story of John Peters Humphrey, a disabled man who fought for global fundamental human...

The Brave Knight: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR116

Manon has a great idea for an activity with her friends, performing a show with Baron the horse...

The Bravest Knight Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB110

The Bravest Knight is one of the first children’s shows in history to feature an openly gay main...

The Bridge Monster: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR007

Mia organizes a picnic for everyone but forgets to invite Rufus and Rango. Feeling upset that they...

The Bristly Perfume: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR110

Manon has created a rose perfume because she loves the smell, but she is not the only one. Whenever...

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