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Not Without Us (56 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP039Demonstrating the power of the masses to challenge Big Oil interests, Not Without Us is an all...
NOVA: Can Alzheimer's Be Stopped
PBS Video 041845Alzheimer's disease strikes at the core of what makes us human: our capacity to think, to love and...
NOVA: The Violence Paradox
PBS Video 041939From suicide bombings to mass shootings, the nightly news can make it seem like we live in the most...
Nudes and Porn: Mimi on a Mission Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1000The group talk about sending nudes and porn awareness. Lizzie thinks twice about having an open...
Nurses - If Florence Could See Us Now (52 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP046Nurses play a critical role in our health care system and have touched the lives of just about...
Nurses - If Florence Could See Us Now (92 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP047Nurses play a critical role in our health care system and have touched the lives of just about...
Nurturing Baby Care - Volume II: Taking Care of Baby: Tips and...
Learning ZoneXpress 430034As babies grow, they learn more about their surroundings. Nurturing them will help babies explore...
Streel Films SF0000The dramatic increase of the North Dakota population, following the oil boom, has come with an...
ODAAPININDAA (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...
Redcloud Studios RS0022OJODAAPININDAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 8): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris omaa...
Of Mice and Monkeys: Ethical Issues in Animal Research
Shortcutstv Ltd STV033Research on non-human animals has played a massive part in the development of psychology. Maybe key...
Oh So Sweet (Ep. 2): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE002Bees are among the most important members of the farm. Learn how to keep your own, harvest honey...
Oil Calling
Brandy Y Productions BYP011Oil Calling is a documentary by by Canadian filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk that follows new immigrants...
On How Finding Environmental Solutions Can be Messy - Tzeporah...
Paper Tiger PT0090This episode of The Green Interview features Tzeporah Berman, who has been designing and winning...
On How to Rediscover Our Sense of Place - David Suzuki: The...
Paper Tiger PT0063This episode of The Green Interview features David Suzuki, a scientist, author, broadcaster...
On Putin's Blacklist
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE020BFrom Vancouver-based filmmaker, Boris Ivanov, ON PUTIN'S BLACKLIST presents the reality of how an...
On The Brink: W5
CTV CTV417They are frustrated. They are angry. They are going broke. They are parents who insist governments...
One Gay City: A History of LGBT Life in Winnipeg
Past Perfect Productions/6801260 Manitoba Inc. PPP001From a deeply closeted culture to a more open and out society, "One Gay City: A History of LGBT...
One Man's Fight to Save the North Atlantic Salmon: Orri...
Paper Tiger PT0054This episode of The Green Interview features Orri Vigfusson, an Icelandic businessman...
One Team: W5
CTV CTV747TSN's Rick Westhead joins Toronto Raptors president Masai Ujiri in Rwanda as his Giants of Africa...
Only One
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF006A woman with a turbulent past confronts the fact that she is the only visible transgender person...
Original Body of Pain
Video Project, Inc. TVP104For pregnant women facing addiction, recovery is rife with judgment, stigma, and a variety of...
Ornament of the World
PBS Video 041936Ornament of the World tells the story of a remarkable time in history when Muslims, Christians...
Our Last Words
Farpoint Films FAR062It has been said that in less than a century only three languages will be spoken on earth: English...
Out in Oil Town: Small Town Queer, Ep. 1
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP02Fort McMurray, Alberta is home to a growing LGBTQ2S+ community. In this episode of Small Town...
Out of the Fire
Bishari Films BF0003Faye Schulman returns to her home town of Lenin; at the time, part of Poland, now in Belarus...
Out of the Shadows, Into the Arms of Community: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0122Lisa’s father, a former Tsihlqot’in Chief and Residential School Survivor, committed suicide...
Pacific Islands, Climate Justice and Reparations - Maxine...
Paper Tiger PT0030Maxine Burkett is a professor of law at the University of Hawaii and passionate advocate for...
Pain Warriors
Visionary Media Inc. VMI000There are no marathon runs for chronic pain, no walks for its cure. Yet chronic pain disables some...
Painful Truth
InFilm Productions IFP003Painful Truth unveils the pain, trauma and loss that resulted from persecution and organ harvesting...
Paradigm Shift: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0027Kris goes to Ottawa to meet Elaine Kicknosway, 60’s Scoop Advocate and Co-Founder of The National...
Patagonia - Growing the Sustainable Company: Yvon Chouinard -...
Paper Tiger PT0048This episode of The Green Interview features Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, a sporting...
Peace Has No Borders
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE009During the Iraq and Afghan Wars, veterans from the United States crossed the border to Canada...
Pedro Pouts: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR094Pedro the duck is very upset when his friends make a joke about him. Though Manon and the farm...
Perils of Porn (W5)
CTV CTV017Ontario woman, Natel King, made fast money in the adult entertainment industry, posing on the...
Perruques et belles dentelles: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC010FRLe 16ème siècle est illuminé par la découverte de nouveaux Eldorados, le 17ème est ébloui par...
Personal Abuse: W5
CTV CTV748A hospital is not a home. If given the option, who wouldn’t prefer to care for their loved one in...
Personal Success & Communication Skills: Cutting Edge...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0001Includes the following ten programs: Overcoming Fears - Everyone has fears but Marcus worries...
Philip Riccio with George A. Romero: Reelside Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1018Wanting to explore filmmaking in the pre-digital era, Philip Riccio turns to his mentor, horror...
Physical Development: Preschoolers Series
Magna Systems 520153From the ages of two to five, preschoolers reach developmental milestones with endless energy and...
Pied Piper of Hamilton (W5)
CTV CTV333W5 investigates cult allegations, a controversial pastor and a family charged with kidnapping their...
Pilot Episode: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep.1
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP201When Dev is running late for work one day, and concerned about this mother, he asks Sam to check in...
Pink Attitude: Princesses, Pop Stars & Girl Power
Phares & Balises A196-009Cheerful, bubbly and colourful, the Girlie-Girl Culture is an unavoidable phenomenon of our western...
Pink Boy
Video Project, Inc. TVP067Pink Boy is a verite-style documentary profiling the challenges of raising a young gender...
Play Your Gender
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE040PLAY YOUR GENDER is a documentary on the realities of being a woman in the music industry. The...
Plea for Mercy: W5
CTV CTV828W5 explores the case of Russell Davis, a Canadian man serving a life sentence in a Florida prison...
Policy: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1
Redcloud Studios RS0003Our hosts, Sarain and Kris unpack the complexities of government policy and its effect on...
Polly Higgins: Making Ecocide an International Crime - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0008This episode of The Green Interview features lawyer Polly Higgins, who in 2010 proposed to the...
Porn Hub: W5
CTV CTV871A Canadian woman speaks out about her nightmarish ordeal to remove all traces of her videotaped...
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR024Recovery is complicated. One of the issues faced by most people in the early stages of recovery is...
Pour l'amour de nos filles: La Collection des cinéastes...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0020FRPour l'amour de nos filles est un court docu-fiction qui informe sur les femmes autochtones...