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Ken Foster
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE039Out of the shadowy world of Vancouver’s Gastown, Ken Foster emerges as an enigmatic figure. A...
Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP035Dylan is a young filmmaker who took on a journey to learn all about plastic pollution and how it...
Kids in Crisis: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0711Inhalant abuse runs rampant among the youth of many First Nations communities across the country...
Kids of the Rocket Siren
Loud Roar Productions LRP000The alarm sounds. A deafening explosion ricochets through the night. As the Kids of the Rocket...
Kim's Story
Bishari Films BF0015If there was a photograph that captured the horrific nature of the Vietnam War it was that of a...
Koop: The Art of Wanda Koop
Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0003Painter Wanda Koop shows us what we missed the first time, what remains hidden, and makes us...
Kristen's Story: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR005Kristen is nine months into recovery, but she is still struggling with how to best occupy her...
Kung Fu — China's Female Fighters
CinéFête A259-S03-02For 18 year old Guo Jia, the day begins at 5:30 am with endurance training. After breakfast there...
Kwnkwnatul - Walking Together
River Voices RVP022Indigenous youth from Canada travel to Africa and share experiences about global issues whilst...
L' adaptation
PVP Films F304-001La crise actuelle de la Covid-19 laissera sans aucun doute des traces importantes sur notre...
L'Nuk 101 - Finding Common Ground
Houston Productions Inc. 000010L’nuk (Mi’kmaq) Elder Joe Michael, invited by Acadia University to lecture on L’nuk...
La Collection des cinéastes autochtones Wapikoni
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000FRLa Collection Comprend: Wolastoq amsqah peciyay (L’origine de la Wolastoq) (3:18)...
La danse et le rêve: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 2
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC02FRDans cet épisode, Laura rencontre Lyle et David Donald, un duo père/fils qui dirigent les...
La grande déconnexion
disconnected Ltd DISC00FLa Grande Déconnexion est un documentaire primé qui révèlepourquoi, dans un monde apparemment...
Lauren: Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR026Last year Lauren began experimenting with drugs and alcohol, this year her usage has exploded. Rand...
Leading People, Change & Culture: Cutting Edge Communication...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0007Includes the following ten programs: Accepting Change - Lack of accountability is a problem, so...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE014Over 5 million American seniors experience food insecurity and are the fastest growing group of...
Legacy of Terror: The Bombing of Air India
Bishari Films BF0013Legacy of Terror is the story of one of the most deadly airline bombings in history: Air India...
Leitis in Waiting
Passion River Films PR0003LEITIS IN WAITING is the story of Joey Mataele and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native...
Leroy Little Bear: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0003Leroy Little Bear is one of Canada’s most renowned Indigenous academics. For Dr. Little Bear...
Let's Make it to Graduation: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR012For Kristie, Suzanne and Kirsten, drug and alcohol use was interfering in many parts of their...
Let's Talk About It
Filmblanc Inc. ICE018According to Statistics Canada, more than half of Canadian women have been victims of at least one...
LGBTQ: Mimi on a Mission Series
Blue Ant Media BAM999The group celebrates all sexualities, and throws a party for National Coming Out Day. They meet...
Liam Haggarty: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0006Liam Haggarty is a non-Aboriginal professor at MRU teaching Indigenous Studies and Canadian...
Libertés en S'Habillant: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC012FREn 1900 commence la fantastique histoire de la libération du corps. Avec la Première Guerre...
Life of Cleese: W5
CTV CTV788When John Cleese was attending the elite Clifton College in Bristol, England, he was studying under...
Life of Ivanna
Video Project, Inc. TVP132Ivanna, a reindeer herder in the Russian arctic and mother of five children, is forced to emigrate...
Life of the Forest - Diana Beresford-Kroeger: The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0089This episode of The Green Interview features Diana Beresford-Kroeger, a unique blend of rigorous...
Lisa vs Lisa: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0114Part Two of the re-thinking of Lisa’s “Bloodlines” article, only this time the question...
Living in the Future's Past
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE086In this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking, Academy Award winner, Jeff...
Locked Up: W5
CTV CTV777Trudging across the snow covered field onto the former grounds of the Brookside Training School in...
Looking for 7's: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM15A gambling junkie with a passion for slot machines aims to conquer her addiction by returning to a...
Losing Our Religion
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE017Losing Our Religion is a feature length documentary about preachers who are not believers, and what...
Loss and Found: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM11A woman learns the baby she’s carrying will be stillborn. But after months of intense grief, she...
Lost and Found
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE032In 2011, Japan was hit by the largest earthquake in its recorded history. The ensuing tsunami...
Love and Money: W5
CTV CTV823Investigative correspondent Avery Haines speaks with victims, including a divorced mother of two...
Love Behind Bars: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM12No one said love was easy, especially when a couple’s only means of contact is through a...
Lucas and Julie: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE038Lucas learns what to expect and how to prepare for a job interview; his mom will help him get ready...
L’art, c’est le message: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04FRLaura rencontre trois artistes visuels très différents qui transmettent des messages uniques...
Magic Pills
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE035Homeopathic medicine is one of the most widely used forms of alternative medicine on the planet...
Maisie and Chris: Old School for Lazy Kids Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1335**Contains course language - mature subject matter** 18-year-old image-obsessed Maisie’s speedy...
Make A Great Impression: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0050Dress for success, be enthusiastic and introduce professionally. The new Cutting Edge interns...
Making Friends with Research Methods
Shortcutstv Ltd STV036We carried out two surveys with social science students asking them what they found the hardest and...
Mama Bears
Video Project, Inc. TVP122The Mama Bears documentary tells the story of two moms who came to the Mama Bear community from a...
Man Running
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE053A doctor runs in a grueling 24-hour, 100-mile ultramarathon over rugged mountain terrain as he...
Managing Performance & Standards: Cutting Edge Communication...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0005Includes the following ten programs: Understanding Accountability - Serena is appalled by lack...
Managing Stress, Safety & Well Being: Cutting Edge Communication...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0006Includes the following ten programs: Surviving Stress and Burnout - Marcus offers a novel way...
Margaret Atwood: Telling Tales from the Future (The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0100Margaret Atwood is an internationally celebrated Canadian writer who has risen to rock-star status...
Mark Anielski: An Economy of Love (The Green Interview)
Paper Tiger PT0099Mark Anielski is the Chief Happiness Officer and President of Anielski Management in Edmonton...
Mass Killings: Mythologies
Shortcutstv Ltd STV041Mass killings, described by the FBI as four or more unlawful killings in a single event, devastate...