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613 title(s) found.

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Shanghai Express: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 1

Farpoint Films FAR050

Dean Gunnarson attempts to defend his title of World's Most Daring Escape Artist by escaping from...

Shore Dive/Reef Survey: Aquateam Series, Ep. 8

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR065E

The Aquateam investigates how tourism affects coral reefs.

Siem Reap Art Will Save Cambodia: David Rocco’s Dolce...

Blue Ant Media BAM1204

The famed temples of Angkor Wat withstood the civil war of the 1970s and today the town of Siem...

Silk Road Odyssey

Academic Media Network GS0017

Follow the ancient Silk Road across Asia. Our journey traces the path of adventurous merchants who...

Simon Roussel - Kayak en eau vive au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0162FR

Simon Roussel accueille trois athlètes de kayak, dont un champion canadien, pour une expédition...

Singapore: David Rocco’s Dolce Southeast Asia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1200

Singapore is a modern metropolis that may seem slightly authoritarian, but if you scrape below the...

SKY GODS: The Price of Our Love of Flying

Sarah Robertson ABP002

Powered flight is one of the greatest of all human achievements, and international cooperation has...

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM021

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park , located in Thunder Bay, Ontario offers some breathtaking scenery...

Smiths Falls, Ontario and Abbotsford, British Columbia: Seeing...

Brandy Y Productions BYP099

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Smith Falls, Ontario where she learns how to drive a...

Songkran: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992134

This animated video class examines the Songkran festival in South East Asia. Songkran, a festival...

Sophie Deschamps - Camping sur banquise au Nunavut: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0183FR

La guide Sophie Deschamps et ses clients mettent le cap vers le sud-est de l'île Bylot pour...

Soup: Take the Dive, Season 2

Prairie Boy Productions PBP014

As it starts getting cold, you start looking for the warmth only a good broth can produce.  Jorge...

Sour: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD019

According to science humans are the only mammals that are attracted to sour.  Chinese medicinal...

Source to Sea: Waterworld Africa Series

Blue Ant Media BAM528

Despite many obstacles, a river always finds its way from source to sea as part of the earth's...

South Devon: Britain's Scenic Railways, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1515

We take a steam train ride across the Yorkshire Moors, and follow efforts to protect south Devon's...

South Shore, Nova Scotia: Canada Over the Edge, Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR002E

From the port city of Halifax to the historic Acadian shores and international waters beyond, this...

Spain La Mancha: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes, Ep. 6

HG Distribution HG0141

In Spain, the vino amigos head to Bodegas Isidro Milagro, and have a chance to look at one of their...

Spicy Thai Basil (Pad Ka Pow): Try Thai Tonight, Season 3 - Dean...

Dean Rainey DR0017

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, join Dean as he tries to cook a better version of Jean's Spicy...

St Patrick's Day: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992138

This animated video class is all about St. Patrick's Day. This national holiday for the Irish is a...

St. John's to St. Pierre: Canada Over the Edge, Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR013E

This aerial survey explores the Atlantic coastline, from the wonders of Newfoundland and the Avalon...

St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM160

The scattered terrain of St. Lawrence Islands is a significant migration corridor for many small...

Stéphan Senécal - Plongée sous-marine au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0163FR

Le plongeur technique Stéphan Senécal emmène des plongeurs visiter les épaves du J.B. King dans...

Stir Fried Beef with Asparagus: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5

Dean Rainey DR0032

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jean prepares her savory stir fried beef with asparagus and a...

Stir Fried Spicy Fish: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5

Dean Rainey DR0029

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jean introduces us to some unique herbs she uses in her stir...

Stockholm archipel des plaisirs: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-03

L’archipel de Stockholm, c’est sans doute la géographie la plus morcelée d’Europe. Un...

Stuff: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0111

Do we have too much stuff? In the past you only owned as much as you could carry. Chuck and Andy...

Summer Solstice Supper Club + Milkfish: The Illegal Eater Series

Farpoint Films FAR037

Steven begins in San Francisco, California and ends up in Yolo County for the all-raw Summer...

Superior Country: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM174

We begin an aerial journey east, along the shores of Lake Superior - exploring the city of Thunder...

Supper Underground + Cobra: The Illegal Eater Series

Farpoint Films FAR038

Austin, Texas, self-dubbed as the city of weird. Steven lands in town looking for an odd illegal...

Surviving the Cold War - USA: Native Planet Series - The Fight...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0775

Simon travels across Arizona, Utah and New Mexico to see why the United States Environmental...

Sweden - Sailboat Race: Are We There yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE395

Molly and Sam dance, ride and roller-coast their way through a carnival at the Baltic festival...

Sweden - Seals: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE394

Molly and Sam step back in time when they visit an open-air museum in Sweden. They dress in...

Sweden - Troubadour: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE396

In Stockholm, Molly and Sam meet their Troubadour friend at the Pippy Longstocking Museum. They...

Sweden - Vasa Museum: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE393

When Molly and Sam visit Stockholm, they take a floating taxi to a museum for a sunken ship – the...

Sweet: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD018

Chinese cuisines use sugar very differently from Western cuisines, and Christine starts her...

Sydney, Guangzhou, Singapore, London, Tokyo, Jerusalem and...

Switch SWED81

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Sylvie Brassard - Kitesurf en Australie: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0193FR

Il y a un an et demi, la guide Sylvie Brassard a quitté le Canada pour s'installer en Australie...

Sylvie Brassard - Kitesurfing in Australia: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0193

Guide and instructor Sylvie Brassard has been running a kitesurf school in a remote part of...

Take the Dive, Season 2

Prairie Boy Productions PBP012

Discover delicious hidden gems in your province. Urbanite Jorge re-introduces his suburban friend...

Tamar Globerman - Observation de grizzys en...

HG Distribution HG0160FR

Le plongeur technique Stéphan Senécal emmène des plongeurs visiter les épaves du J.B. King dans...

Terra Nova National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM017

Terra Nova's rugged boreal forest was protected from fire for decades, a decision that is in fact...

Thai Style Hainan Chicken with Rice: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5

Dean Rainey DR0030

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jeans prepares the Thai version of Hainan chicken and we get...

Thailand - Bangkok: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE383

One day in Bangkok Molly and Sam ring bells for good luck at a temple, have fun painting umbrellas...

Thailand - Songkran: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE384

Sam and Molly have a soaking good time celebrating Songkran, the Thai New Year.  They give food to...

Thailand - Tigers: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE385

Molly and Sam take a bamboo raft up the river to visit a secluded temple where monks raise orphaned...

The Ballad of Chuck and Andy: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0110

Chuck and Andy head out on a musical journey to the HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL in Manitoba, Canada. Who...

The Big Recycle: Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0301

In this episode we learn the world of recycling! ADVENTURE:  Chuck and Andy travel a road in...

The Big Sleazy Speakeasy + Flavor Elevator: The Illegal Eater...

Farpoint Films FAR045

Bay St. Louis, Mississippi is a Gulf Coast town with a definitive underground dining scene. Here...

The Blue Lagoon: Waterworld Africa Series

Blue Ant Media BAM526

Nestled on the western coast of South Africa lies an extraordinary cove which is host to an...

The Child of Fire: Volcanic Odysseys (Episode 2)

Blue Ant Media BAM100

When Tom Pfeiffer hears that Anak appears to be going into a violent phase, he hops on a plane to...

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