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World History

798 title(s) found.

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Pologne : quelle place en Europe ?

ARTE France F259-S10-77

La Pologne de Monsieur Duda et les États-Unis de Monsieur Trump partagent beaucoup d’atomes...

Portland, San Francisco, Ho Chi Minh, Palm Springs, Siem Reap...

Switch SWED92

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Pourquoi y a-t-il encore des famines?

CinéFête F259-S10-08

Facteurs climatiques, économiques et politiques se combinent pour aboutir au désastre humain. Ces...

Prince Harry; The Troubled Prince: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1295

Prince Harry has led a life of rare privilege but also unique problems. Born into royalty, he was...

Princess Anne; The Daughter Who Should Be Queen: The Royal...

Blue Ant Media BAM1298

This documentary examines the life of Princess Anne.  The Queen’s second eldest was born into a...

Princess Margaret; The Trouble with Margaret: The Royal...

Blue Ant Media BAM1299

The Royal family is meant to be a role model to the nation, the epitome of duty and sacrifice, but...

Printemps Éternel

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD169FR

Grâce à une combinaison d’images contemporaines et d’animations inspirées des illustrations...

Protecting the 'Song Lines' - Australia: Native Planet Series -...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0776

Simon travels to the Kimberly in Northwest Australia to see why the Goolarabooloo people are...

Psychedelics: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1442

Psychedelics have impacted history for as long as there have been people wanting to get their minds...

Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11

À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...

Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11

À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...

Putin's Pals: W5


Russian oligarchs gained immense wealth when the Soviet Union fell, and state-run industries were...

Putin: The New Tsar

Blue Ant Media BAM1381

Admired by former President Donald Trump and feared by his rivals, Putin: The New Tsar is an...

Quand l'amour rend aveugle I

CinéFête F289-S01

« L’amour rend aveugle », dit-on. Tellement que de trop nombreuses personnes, des femmes en...

Quand la Sibérie sera chinoise

Flair Production F242-016

Chinoise au XVIème siècle, la Sibérie extrême-orientale devient russe après la défaite de...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Queen Mary; Duchess, Princess, Queen: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1300

Queen Mary of Tek is a Royal with a fascinating story - this documentary charts her history from...

Queens for Life: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1438

In the last 200 years 2 women have sat on the British throne for two thirds of the time - Queen...

Qui défend l'Europe?

CinéFête F259-S10-20

Face aux guerres en Libye, Syrie, Mali, Ukraine, l’Europe des 28 et ses 512 millions...

Quinoa: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED01

Grains have been staple sources of nutrition and livelihood for most cultures and countries for...

Race to Berlin: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1445

In the last year of World War II, two gigantic armies charge across northern Europe to take Berlin...

Ravitailler les îles du bout du monde

CinéFête F301-S03-05

Au Canada, sur la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec, le Bella-Desgagnés dessert des villages perdus dans...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754

RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...

Reagan Gorbachev, Duel at the Top

Illégitime Défense A269-008

When they first met in 1985, tensions were running high, and the world acclaimed Reagan and...

Reagan Gorbatchev, duel au sommet

Illégitime Défense F269-008

Lorsqu'ils se rencontrèrent pour la première fois, en 1985, à une époque de tensions extrêmes...

Reclaiming History - Hawaii: Native Planet Series - The Fight...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0774

Simon travels to Hawaii to examine the growing native sovereignty movement and how it helped halt...

Recreational Fishing: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0803

New Zealand has a consistently high rate of boat ownership per capita and with the Hauraki Gulf on...

Red Sea Rivalries: Great Decisions 2020 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV17

The Red Sea has remained vital for global trade since the time of ancient Egypt. Once home to the...

Red Sea: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM988

This time John is off to explore one of Egypt’s national parks – Wadi El Gamel on the south of...

Reflections on the Great War Series


Reflections on the Great War is a series of short vignettes focused on aspects of World War One...

Refugees: A Market Under Influence

Phares & Balises A196-017

For the vast majority of us, refugee camps respond to the needs of an emergency situation and yet...

Réfugiés: un marché sous influence

Phares & Balises F196-022

Pour la grande majorité d’entre nous, les camps de réfugiés répondent à une situation...

Regional Disorder - The Middle East: Great Decisions 2019 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV02

The Middle East is in turmoil. Almost a decade after the Arab uprisings; civil wars, failed states...

Remembering Juno Beach


Jim Parks was only 15 when he joined the Canadian Army. He was part of the brigade that landed on...

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II - (April 21, 1926 - September 8...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0320

Learn all about the life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British...

Remembrance Day Playlist


A completely Canadian-produced selection of titles suitable for your Grade 3-12 students. This...

Respecting the 'Maoi' - Rapa Nui (Easter Island): Native Planet...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0777

Simon travels to the remote South Pacific Island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to see how the growth...

Rethinking the Nuclear Framework: Great Decisions 2019 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV03

For decades, agreements like the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty have limited the spread of...

Revival of the Old Capital, Turin: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia...

Blue Ant Media BAM1214

The northern-Italian city of Turin is known for its postwar success as one of the European...

Revolution and Reform - The Making of Modern Iran: Great...

Scorpion Television SCTV09

Countering Iran has been a foreign policy objective of U.S. administrations since the Islamic...

Révolutions et Modes: Une Histoire du Look

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC011FR

Que ce soit sur le plan politique, industriel ou social, le 19ème siècle en Europe est celui des...

Revolutions Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG000

Notable revolutions in recent centuries include the creation of the United States through the...

Rice: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED11

Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice)...

River Valley Civilizations

Eduflix Group AB KMG019

For thousands of years mankind lived as hunters and gatherers, following the crops and the animals...

Road to Victory - The Canadians at War, 1944 - 1945: For King...

Shadow Pine Studios Inc. SPS023

On April 30, Adolf Hitler kills himself and on 7 May Germany surrenders. The war in Europe is over...

Rock n Roll: Underground Milan: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia...

Blue Ant Media BAM1213

Heading to the less crowded, more trendy areas of Milan with a local musician as his guide, David...

Roman Food & Social Projects: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1221

Rome has always been a multicultural city, and that’s apparent now, more than ever. David spends...

Rome, Kansas City, Venice, Buenos Aires, Macau, Dallas and...

Switch SWED90

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Rome’s Music and Immigrants: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia...

Blue Ant Media BAM1219

Spending time with a few socially minded Roman chefs and entrepreneurs, David learns how they have...

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