World History
795 title(s) found.« First « Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next » Last »
Nuclear Lands: A History of Plutonium
ARTE France, Kami Productions, Seconde Vague Productions A259-005Nuclear Lands examines three areas in the world whose landscapes are dominated by nuclear sites...
Nuclear Power Plants in War Zones: A New Threat?
Autentic GMBH AUT019How safe are nuclear power plants in war-torn areas? This gripping documentary lays bare the...
Occupation: Ultimate Blitzkrieg: WWII - The Battle of Crete
Pilot Productions 555003The resulting German and Italian occupation of Crete was marred by massacres on both sides: of...
Of Land and Bread (30 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP098Of Land and Bread is a series of vignettes about the daily life of Palestinians in the West Bank...
Of Land and Bread (60 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP088Of Land and Bread is a series of vignettes about the daily life of Palestinians in the West Bank...
Of Land and Bread (90 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP089Of Land and Bread is a series of vignettes about the daily life of Palestinians in the West Bank...
Old Traditional Rome: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1218Rome, the eternal city, is often referred to as an open-air museum, where its beauty really is...
Old Venice on the Water: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1210David sets out with his family to get the true Venice tourist experience, and meets a charming...
Oliver Jones : l’homme-piano
CinéFête F289-S02-02Il maitrise tous les styles musicaux, mais le géant du piano Oliver Jones s’est véritablement...
Olivier Paradis - Trekking in Morocco: Adventure Guides, Season 4
HG Distribution HG0187Olivier Paradis welcomes Canadian tourists for the trekking expedition of a lifetime in Morocco’s...
On Target: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0733Perry tries his hand at archery, which is a well-known sport among Mongolian people. Later, he...
On the Brink of War: The Kennedys, Season 1, Ep. 6
MUSE Entertainment MUSE37Jackie leaves JFK after one too many infidelities; with his marriage in shambles, Jack has to deal...
One Nation, Two Countries: Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04-01This episode of Divided Korea recounts how Japanese colonisation and the Korean War engendered two...
One Nation, Two Countries: Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04-01This episode of Divided Korea recounts how Japanese colonisation and the Korean War engendered two...
One Team: W5
CTV CTV747TSN's Rick Westhead joins Toronto Raptors president Masai Ujiri in Rwanda as his Giants of Africa...
Operation Yellow Bird
Illégitime Défense A269-006In 1989, Chinese students demonstrated in Tiananmen Square in Beijing to claim more rights and...
Opération Yellow Bird
Illégitime Défense F269-006En 1989, des étudiants chinois manifestent sur la Place Tiananmen de Pékin pour revendiquer plus...
Ornament of the World
PBS Video 041936Ornament of the World tells the story of a remarkable time in history when Muslims, Christians...
Où rougissent les coquelicots
Franco Finn Films Inc. FF001FOù rougissent les coquelicots est le portrait émouvant d’un soldat et de sa communauté durant...
Outside of EUrope
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE004'Outside of EUrope' is a critical, short documentary examining the exclusionary nature of EU...
Overview Of The War of 1812: Canada AM
CTV CTV555200 years ago on June 18th, 1812, President James Madison and the United States Congress declared...
Pablo Allard and Early Conservation: Bison Return From the Edge...
Square Sheep Films SQU004Canada was instrumental in bringing bison back from the brink of extinction. The...
Painful Truth
InFilm Productions IFP003Painful Truth unveils the pain, trauma and loss that resulted from persecution and organ harvesting...
Pancakes, Muffins, Tea, Soup, Noodles, Cheese, Biscuits: Food...
Switch SWED18Welcome to Food Stories! In this episode, we examine common food dishes and food styles that have...
Pandemic Pandemonium: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM702Despite modern medicine, a global pandemic like the Spanish influenza of 1918 could kill millions...
Eduflix Group AB KMG003The word pandemic comes from Greek and means “pertaining to all people”. At the end of 2019...
Pangaea and Continental Drift: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0350Learn all about Pangaea and continental drift. What is Pangaea? What is continental drift, and...
Paper: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1433This episode celebrates four incredible craftsmen who use the seemingly humble paper as an...
Papouasie occidentale: conflit oublié
CinéFête F259-S10-04Les Papous de Nouvelle Guinée occidentale vivent sous la coupe de l’Indonésie depuis 1963 et...
Papua New Guinea: World's Most Isolated Tribes Series
HG Distribution HG0199Journalist Jorge Said travels through Papua New Guinea and discover surprising rituals in this...
Parks Canada: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 7
Square Sheep Films SQU007The plains and wood bison are integral to the ecosystem of Elk Island National Park, and fencing...
Party Animals: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1449Humans are born party animals - and whether it’s a chance to cut loose, break the rules, or just...
Passing The Torch - Canadians Go to War, 1939 - 1941: For King...
Shadow Pine Studios Inc. SPS018In May 1940, the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler launches his “Blitzkrieg” or “Lightning War” of...
Pemmican and York Boats: Bison Return From the Edge of...
Square Sheep Films SQU002In the early 19th century, there was intense competition between the North West Company and the...
Perruques et belles dentelles: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC010FRLe 16ème siècle est illuminé par la découverte de nouveaux Eldorados, le 17ème est ébloui par...
Persecution: Hitler's Displaced War Children Series, Ep. 2
Autentic GMBH AUT049From 1939 to 1945, Germany waged a racist war of extermination in Europe. Not even children were...
Persian Gulf Security Issues: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV63The Persian Gulf remains tense as the rivalry between the regional powers of Saudi Arabia and Iran...
Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution
PBS Video 040030Early Christianity faced powerful obstacles: Roman might and the power politics of ancient...
Petite France: W5
CTV CTV759Fortune, Newfoundland (population 1,458) is a sleepy maritime town on the southeastern boundary of...
Philadelphia, Oslo, Montreal, Chicago, Boston, Washington and...
Switch SWED87This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Philip; King Without a Crown: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1297A documentary programme telling the real story of Prince Philip; from war hero to the rock at the...
Phnom Penh, A New Start: David Rocco’s Dolce Southeast Asia...
Blue Ant Media BAM1203In the 1970s Cambodia was a blossoming country until the Civil War. David meets a few locals who...
Pictures From A Hiroshima Schoolyard
Video Project, Inc. TVP059Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard presents the aftermath of the first atomic bomb through the...
Places in the World: The Middle East
Eduflix Group AB KMG051We are now going to visit the Middle East region. We will learn about its nature, climate, history...
Planet X: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM703The hunt for extraterrestrial life could be dangerous, some scientists warn. People claiming to be...
Platinum, Iodine, Aluminum, Iron and Tungsten: Everyday Elements...
Switch SWED112This episode takes a look at the following elements: Platinum Iodine Aluminum Iron Tungsten
Politics and The Origin of Off-Shoot Cuisines: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD014Chef Christine Cushing explores the ramifications of the beginning of a new worldwide wave of...
Pollution: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0804Since the removal of forests 150 years ago and ongoing intensive land use, sediment has been going...
Pologne : quelle place en Europe ?
ARTE France F259-S10-77La Pologne de Monsieur Duda et les États-Unis de Monsieur Trump partagent beaucoup d’atomes...
Portland, San Francisco, Ho Chi Minh, Palm Springs, Siem Reap...
Switch SWED92This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...