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Message from the Grave: Web of Darkness Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1354A dishonest antiques dealer makes a disastrous mistake, summoning an enraged spirit. A mother and...
Message in a Rocket (Flight): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE178School starts tomorrow and Anne, Nick and Shania are doing test runs of a rocket messenger system...
Messengers to the West: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR102EThe Bible’s book of Acts recounts the Apostle Andrew’s presence at Pentecost, and Peter as the...
Metals: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1432In this episode we meet the masters of metal – men and women who pit their human hands on one of...
Meteor Shower - What is a Meteor Shower? Jack. Season 1
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-01-03Jack decides to ‘surprise’ Nico and Dad by arranging for a meteor to land in the garden during...
Methamphetamines: The Hard Facts
Human Relations Media 600288In this hard-hitting program, students will learn what methamphetamines are, how they are illegally...
Methane Hydrates, A New Energy Bonanza?: Methane, Dream or...
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-02The methane contained in the ocean floor in the form of methane hydrate also represents a...
Methane, Dream or Nightmare?
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...
Methye Portage, SK: Historylands Season 5
Good Earth Productions GEHL59It was the longest portage in the fur trade. Twenty kilometeres of trail hacked out of a rough...
Métis Culture and Traditions Collection
LeMay Media LM0026Collection includes five segments: Métis Jigging - Métis jigging originated in the Red River...
Métis Games: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810003Métis Games (Episode 4): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on many tough challenges when he visits...
Métis Games: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8103CSMétis Games - Ep 4: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on many tough challenges when he visits the...
Métis Harvest: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 13
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100613Sam and Chuck travel to St. Laurent, Man., one of the largest Métis communities in the world...
Métis Scrip
LeMay Media LM0031In the aftermath of the Battle of Batoche, the Canadian government offered “scrip,” a coupon to...
Mexican Standoff: W5
CTV CTV422Guadalajara. Mexico's city of churches. A wonder of colonial architecture and a must see for...
Mexico - Animals: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE352It’s a sunny, hot day in Mexico as Molly and Sam feed a baby manatee, meet sun-loving lizards and...
Mexico - Mexican Town: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE351It's a jam-packed day in a small Mexican town as Molly and Sam meet local musicians, learn how to...
Mexico - Pyramid: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE350Sam and Molly discover an ancient Maya pyramid at Chichen Itza and witness an exciting match of the...
Mexico: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310012The ancient city of Palenque was once a hub of Mayan civilization. For centuries after its decline...
Mexico: The Royal Tour
PBS Video 041551He's traveled with the King of Jordan, the President of Peru, the Prime Ministers of New Zealand...
Mexique : mur, drogues et corruptions
ARTE France F259-S10-70C'est le deuxième pays le plus dangereux au monde après la Syrie : le Mexique. Pourquoi le pays...
Mexique, la basse Californie vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-05Vu du ciel, du nord au sud, la Basse Californie dévoile un visage inattendu du Mexique : nature...
Mexique: On fête ensemble
Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-01Victoria, qui a des origines mexicaines, invite son amie Kate à célébrer la fiesta el dia de los...
Mi'gmaq: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME70This episode focuses on the work of the Listiguj Education Directorate and 3 generations of...
Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM260MIA is an enthusiastic 8-year-old girl who loves to code! CODIE is the adorable little robot she...
Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM260FRMia est une petite fille de 8 ans très enthousiaste qui adore le codage ! Codie est l'adorable...
Mia series, Season 1
Sardine Productions SAR000Help Preschool to Grade 2 students in their first steps towards being truly aware of “others”...
Mia the Terrible: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR017Mia wants to play Viking with her friends and declares herself the Chief. Mia enjoys ordering her...
Miaomiao Series
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD065Much of the Chinese language is based on pictures, and much preschool learning is visual in nature...
Micah - Montreal, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT624Micah is a 10-year-old boy from Montreal, Quebec. He is Canadian, Jamaican and German, and super...
Michael: Independence: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR034Michael has now been sober for five months. He decides he would like his independence and decides...
Michaelangelo: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0026FRMati et Dada découvrent comment Michel-Ange était un excellent sculpteur et comment une sculpture...
Michael; Co-Dependency: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR039Michael and his mother Keely discuss their drug and alcohol problems and their co-dependency...
Michel Girouard : la rumeur court toujours
CinéFête F289-S02-06Natif de Montréal, Michel Girouard est un chroniqueur culturel dont le travail est principalement...
Michel Jasmin : Debout
CinéFête F261-S03-01Animateur de grand talent, Michel Jasmin se passionne pour la radio dès l’enfance...Interviewer...
Michel Louvain : l’impérissable charme du chanteur de charme
CinéFête F244-S03-02Au Québec, nulle carrière artistique ne ressemble à celle de Michel Louvain. À 20 ans, ce...
Michel Rivard : La complainte… Et pas mal plus
CinéFête F301-S01-05L’auteur, compositeur et interprète Michel Rivard est une figure dominante de la chanson...
Michel Saulnier et Sylvain Brouthillette: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-06Michel Saulnier - SculpteurSylvain Bouthillette - Artiste en arts visuelsMichel Saulnier...
Michel Tremblay, naissance d'un peuple
CinéFête F150-S14-13... Michel Tremblay est l'auteur d'un nombre considérable de pièces de théâtre, de romans, et...
Michelangelo: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0026In an Italian marble quarry, Mati and Dada discover how Michelangelo created his sculptures. He...
Michèle Deslauriers : La vraie nature de Michèle Deslauriers
CinéFête F301-S01-06Figure dominante de la scène artistique québécoise, la comédienne Michèle Deslauriers trace...
Michèle Richard : je survivrai
CinéFête F244-S03-01Michèle Richard a plus de 60 ans de carrière à son actif… à 66 ans! Enfant déjà, elle...
Micheline Lanctôt : mille et un plans
CinéFête F261-S03-07Née en 1947, Micheline Lanctôt est une touche-à-tout du domaine cinématographique. Actrice...
Michelle’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP302In 1982 Michelle met the love of her life in Grant. Through marriage and having kids, they always...
Micro Mycology: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0069How to make ice cream without a freezer? A puzzling question lands you in the wondrous world of...
Microbial: Kitchen Science Series
Educational Voice 992233A kitchen is the perfect place for children to see science in action. In this animated program, we...
Microplastics and My Health - What I Need to Know: Science Kids...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0224Learn all about the widespread occurrence of microplastics in the environment. Detailed graphics...
Microscopic Revelations: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0060How long is our DNA? A puzzling question lands you in the wondrous world of microbiology. Have...
Microwave Mysteries - Beep, Zap, Defrost!: In the Kitchen Series
Learning Seed 200242Most people know what a microwave is, but do we really know what goes on in there? Trace the...
Microwave Ovens: Just the Facts Series
Learning ZoneXpress 430056Ever wonder how a microwave oven actually cooks food? The mystery is solved as Chef Jon uses a...
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