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Mid-Day in the Garden of Good and Odd: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE047A

When things in town get covered in jam, the agents turn to Odd Todd for help. The villain is...

Middle Childhood

Learning Seed 200214

During middle childhood - the period between ages 6 and 12 - children reach many critical...

Middle Childhood Series

Magna Systems 520155

Series Includes: Middle Childhood: Physical Growth & Development 22 minutes Copyright © 2008...


Magna Systems 520023

We've all heard the phrase "midlife crisis." But what does this mean? Is it a good thing, or bad...

Midwives: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0701

Pre-contact, midwifery was a traditional practice among First Nations across the country. Driven...

Mighty Jack: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA192

Audrey and Tommy make educational videos with Jack to raise awareness about the situation of...

Mighty Rivers: Canadian Waterways Series

Good Earth Productions GEPCW002

This program tells the stories of some of Canada's most impressive rivers. From the mighty St...

Mighty, Mighty Construction Site

Weston Woods WW3028

Written by Sherri Duskey Rinker Illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld At last—here from the team...

Migration - Caribou, Elephant Seals, Monarch Butterflies: Animal...

Blue Ant Media BAM354

Epic flights, adventurous sea journeys, and exhausting road trips all play a key part in the lives...

Migration: Finding Stuff Out, Season 5

Apartment 11 APT065

Some animals migrate because they have to find food or warmth. Some animals don’t migrate because...

Migration: The Wild, Wild East

Blue Ant Media BAM346

Instincts drive animals along ancient migration routes on great journeys of the natural world...

Migrations intra-africaines

CinéFête F259-S10-16

Contrairement à une idée reçue, la majorité des migrants africains ne traversent pas la...

MIIJIM (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge...

Redcloud Studios RS0007OJ

Kris dash Sarain ogojipidaanaawaa anishinaabe miijim. Omawidisaawaan dibaakonige ikwe Adrianne...

Miina - Winnipeg, Manitoba: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT513

Miina is a 9-year-old Anishinaabe girl who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba with her family, two cats...

Mike Francis, Colin Cripps, Chris Bennett and Paul Bigsby...

Blue Ant Media BAM326

See the reunion of two old friends: Colin Cripps, guitarist for Crash Vegas, Blue Rodeo, and Bryan...

Mike Labrosse - Pêche au saumon en Ontario: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0173FR

Mike LaBrosse est guide de pêche récréative sur le lac Ontario. Il reçoit un trio venu vivre...

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

Weston Woods WW004

by Virginia Lee Burton Big diesel machines threaten to put Mike Mulligan and his faithful old...

Milan, The Fashion City: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1212

As the most progressive city in Italy, it’s not surprising that Milan attracts world-renowned...

Miléna Georgeault - Canoë au Yukon: Guides d'adventures...

HG Distribution HG0185FR

La guide de plein air Miléna Georgeault et son conjoint accueillent deux touristes pour une...

Miléna Georgeault: Canoeing in Yukon: Adventure Guides, Season 3

HG Distribution HG0185

Miléna Georgeault and her boyfriend welcome two tourists in Canada’s final frontier. This...

Military Mysteries: Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1502

Military mysteries are revealed from above; a Nazi weapon in Northern France designed to turn the...

Military Secrets: Soldiers Speak Out On Sexual Misconduct: W5


W5 investigates sexual misconduct in the military, and interviews Canadian soldiers who claim they...

Military: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0708

Aboriginal women serving in Canada’s armed forces are often introduced to military service...

Milk Cow, Make Cheese (Ep. 4): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE004

Love pizza? Learn how to make it from scratch! In this episode, Ian teaches you how to milk a cow...

MILK: Born Into This World

Filmblanc Inc. ICE027

According to UNICEF and WHO, 7 MILLION children die every year due to malnutrition, of those, 1...

MILL TIMES: David Macaulay

PBS Video 040123

This animated program centers on a small New England community similar to Pawtucket, Rhode Island...

Milla: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT597

Milla is a twelve-year-old girl who loves spooky movies, trick or treats, and Halloween! What she...

Mille Musk Ox is Sad: Tiny Square Critters

Monster Entertainment MON054

Mille the Musk Ox hears Mum and Dad argue and gets sad. Fortunately, help can be found by the...

Millet: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED05

A key ingredient of bird seed in the West, this ancient gluten-free grass is a staple food in many...

Milling Around: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE225

The Moohs take the chicks on a trip to the Mill, so Matilda can take a nap. Promising pancakes as a...

Millions of Cats

Weston Woods WW005

by Wanda Gag This is the classic story about the gentle old man who looks for one cat for his...

Milton’s Secret

Buck Productions 300070

A coming-of-age family film about overcoming fear, anxiety, stress and bullying. A heart-warming...

Mimar Sinan: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0039

The Mihrima Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, was designed by the architect Sinan and the exterior...

Mimar Sinan: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0039FR

Mati et Dada visitent la mosquée Mihrimah avec son achitecte Mimar Sinan, qui leur explique son...

Mimi on a Mission Series

Blue Ant Media BAM996

YouTuber Mimi Misfit takes seven teenagers from across Britain on a fact-finding mission to...

Mind Over Matter: Mindworks Series

Switch SWED65

What determines how we make decisions - what we think, or what we feel? Our brain perceives and...

Mind Over Money: NOVA

PBS Video 041242

Mind Over Money investigates the shattering impact the recent global financial meltdown had on how...

Mind the Store: Wolf Joe Series


Enthusiastically minding the store for Mishoom, Joe convinces Eva to buy a skateboard resulting in...

Mind/Body Connection: How Your Emotions Affect Your Health

Human Relations Media 600646

In this program students learn how their emotional health affects their physical health and vice -...

Mindworks Series

Switch SWED56

Mindworks explores how we think and see by playing games with our brains. This 13-part...

Minerals You Eat

Learning Seed 200085

Have some rocks for lunch. Finally, here's an up-to-date video on a key topic. Viewers learn about...

Minerals: Elements of Human Nutrition Series

Learning Seed 200224

Minerals are more than squares on the periodic table; they're crucial to our health. Learn the...

Mingan Archipelago National Park, QC: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP23

The Mingan Archipelago consists of a coastal chain of 900 islands and islets in the Gulf of St...

Mingan Archipelago National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM166

A scattering of thirty limestone islands and over 1000 islets, Mingan Archipelago is a sacred gem...

Minimum Wedge (NOW: 10/27/2006)

PBS Video 040908

In the last days of campaigning, a battle is brewing over wages. Congress hasn't changed the...

Mining Cobalt and Lithium for Rechargeable Batteries - The Human...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0334

Learn all about the unspoken human cost for mining cobalt and lithium for the rechargeable...

Minister's Island - A Forgotten Shrine, NB: Historylands Season 4

Good Earth Productions GEHL43

This island is described as New Brunswick's "best-kept secret". It has a double claim to fame...

MINO BIMAADIZIWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...

Redcloud Studios RS0010OJ

Kris dash Sarain odazhindaanawaa mino bimaadiziwin. Onagishkawaawaan nenaadawi’iwe inini John...

MINOCHIGEWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...

Redcloud Studios RS0026OJ

MINOCHIGEWIN: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 12): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

Mira, une histoire de cœur

CinéFête F293-001

Ce film nous présente un homme bon, rieur, coloré, amoureux des chiens, qui un jour a eu...

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