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Botanical Menace - Why Do Some Plants Eat Insects? Jack, Season 1
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-07-26When Jack accidentally trashes Mom’s roses which she’s been growing especially for today’s...
Bothersome Cousin: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR117Manon reveals to Baz that donkeys are a cousin to the horse. Excited and happy with this news, Baz...
Boucar Diouf: Marcher vers l'autre
PVP Films, PVP Monde F303-S01-01Originaire du Sénégal, Boucar Diouf est arrivé au Québec – plus précisément à Rimouski...
Bouddhisme: En Plusieurs Foi(s)
Arte GEIE F269-S01-03Étonnante cette religion sans Dieu, née en Inde au 6e siècle avant Jésus-Christ, et que...
Bougainville: The Explorers Series
Productions Grand Angle A173-001_C03Bougainville: Exploration of the oceans has always excited the imagination. In the 15th century...
Bouge avec Mimik
Image-In Atlantic IIA133Bouge avec Mimik utilise le mime et la danse accompagnée de chants pour encourager les jeunes...
Bouge avec Mimik - Part 1
Image-In Atlantic IIA105L'expression de soi s’enseigne en utilisant le langage du corps, le mouvement, l'appropriation de...
Bouge avec Mimik - Part 2
Image-In Atlantic IIA119Bouge avec Mimik utilise le mime et la danse accompagnée de chants pour encourager les jeunes...
Bouncing and Bending Light: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0055What is the difference between reflection and refraction? A puzzling question lands you in the...
Boundless Potential
PBS Video 041628What should the generation entering their late 40s, 50s and 60s do with the second half of their...
Bourse, ton univers impitoyable
Illégitime Défense F269-002Après la crise de 2008, les failles d'un système dont tout repose sur l’économie financière...
Bow River, AB: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 2
Good Earth Productions GEGCR19The Bow River means many things to many people. It begins its 507-kilometre trek in the Rocky...
Bowfin: Leo’s FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE004The FishHeads are going prehistoric with the Bowfin - a predator fish that has been around since...
Bowling (Momentum): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE110Jennifer, a keen young bowler, joins Nakeem and pro Melissa in a bowling alley. They learn the...
Boxing: Busy Bodies Series
Switch SWED125Learn about boxing, one of the oldest and most popular sports. Find out more about the sport's...
Boxing: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 4
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME30This episode joins Kenzie Wilson of Cross Lake as she speaks of her hard work and accomplishments...
Boys with Braids, Smudge Walk, Supaman, INCA Summer Institute...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ023Episode 8 features stories on the INCA Summer Institute (held at First Nations University of...
bploi wai dtaai: Leave Her to Die
Think Positive Productions Inc. TPPI00A 2 year old baby girl lay alone on a bamboo mat in a government orphanage in Northern Thailand...
Bradley - Walpole Island, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT182Bradley is an 11-year-old Cayuga boy from the Six Nations of the Grand River who loves spending...
Brain Chemistry: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR033Rand shows his group SPECT images of normal brains and brain images of those who belong to people...
Brain Fitness 2: Sight and Sound
PBS Video 041096This program, specifically designed to help people get the most from their vision and hearing as...
Brain Fitness Frontiers
PBS Video 041202This program illustrates how ordinary people are using their brain plasticity to create lasting and...
Brain Fitness: Volume 1 - 4 Pack
PBS Video 041467This Brain Fitness Pack includes: Brain Fitness: Peak Performance - Dr. Michael Merzenich, PhD...
Brain Scans: Alcohol & The Teenage Brain
Human Relations Media 600234This video takes teens on a tour of several labs across the country including one at the University...
Brain Traps: Problem Solving Skills
Learning Seed 200095There are no "viewers" for Brain Traps, only participants. This highly involving video presents a...
Brains on Trial with Alan Alda
PBS Video 041675As the trial gets underway, Alan Alda speaks with legal experts and scientists to determine if...
Brainstorm Within: New Hope for Epileptics (W5)
CTV CTV443A rediscovered surgical procedure is providing hope to epileptics who don't benefit from...
Brambahl: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0730Perry plays a Juwalarai game similar to jump rope called “Brambahl.” Later, he prepares and...
BRAND MARKETING: Why We Eat, Drink, And Wear Brand Names
Learning Seed 200115Are we branded for life? Branding is a revolution in marketing as well as a shift in how we view...
Brand New Hop: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM226With Penny away, Hop is overwhelmed running the diner. Filipa makes him a robot to help out. But is...
Brand New Shoes: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP06The kids put on an animal dance competition. But when Aunty B sees that Khadijah’s feet are sore...
Branded For Life: W5
CTV CTV343John Hudak spent 24 years as a respected RCMP officer. That all changed in 2000, when Hudak started...
Brandon's Bee Line: Brewster the Rooster Series
Monster Entertainment MON017Brandon discovers a bee and asks Maggie and Brewster ‘Why do Bees make a buzzing sound when they...
Bras d'Or Biosphere Reserve, Nova Scotia: Striking Balance...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV018Bras d'Or Lake is located in Nova Scotia and consists of a salt - water estuary watershed 'inland...
Bras d'Or Lake - The Muse, NS: Great Canadian Lakes Series
Good Earth Productions GEGCL01Bras d'Or dominates the centre of Cape Breton Island - a lake surrounded by ocean. It got its name...
Brave New Foods: The BioTech Revolution
Learning Seed 200141Learn that even those organic apples or free range chicken breasts from the local health food...
Braver Together: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0022When the friends gather for a sleep-over, Nina is anxious about being away from her mom until she...
Brazil - Beach: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE440Jessica and Jake play foot volley on the beach in Rio de Janeiro! The duo meets an artist friend...
Brazil - Pink Dolphins: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE437Jessica and Jake travel to meet the Desana tribe of the Amazon and watch a ceremonial dance. They...
Brazil - Statue: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE439Jessica and Jake head up to Sugar Loaf Mountain and spot a famous statue named Christ the Redeemer...
Brazil - Tree Climbing: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE438Climbing out of their tree house hotel, Jessica and Jake meet some monkeys! They head off into...
Bread Comes to Life
Weston Woods WW2035This is the story of how the staff of life begins with grains of wheat and becomes a loaf to eat...
Bread: The Know It All Guide To... Series
Blue Ant Media BAM622Is your bread heaven a standard sliced white, a fancy focaccia with rosemary and grapes, or French...
Breadmaking and Ancient Grains Workshop: Taste of the Country...
Blue Ant Media BAM1036Danielle French’s first passion is bread-making, using ancient heritage grains such as red fife...
Break of Dawn: Earth to Luna, Season 3
Monster Entertainment MON603As Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are taking care of the chickens they are surprised to find the rooster...
Breakdancing (Centripetal Force - Motion in a Curved Path)...
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE103B Boy, Logan discovers that centripetal force has a lot to do with some of his wild breakdancing...
Breakfast ... Because
Learning ZoneXpress 430086Explore why breakfast is so important! Engaging and creatively written, this video emphasizes the...
Breakfast Club: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE065ADelivery Debbie goes undercover to stop a group of villains. They need to find out the address...
Breakfast Eggstravaganza
Learning Seed 200174What would a cooking show on MTV look like? Pretty much like Breakfast Eggstravaganza! This is...
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