Canadian History
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Together Again: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk...
Buck Productions 300113Life-changing and unforgettable, the journey is reflected upon by the group months later. In a...
Tommy - Kahnawà:ke, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3
Apartment 11 APT512Teiota'sharià:kon – whose English name is Tommy – is a 7-yr old Kanien'kehá:ka boy from...
Tommy Douglas In His Own Words
Zoot Pictures ZP0007Tommy Douglas in his Own Words is a biographical one-hour documentary, presented in an unusual...
Top 10 Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GETTCPThis is a one-hour countdown adventure that takes viewers to some of the most spectacular regions...
Torch: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...
Buck Productions 300083The three canoes deftly take to the water and cross a windy lake towards a signal fire. Past and...
Torngat National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM014Torngat Mountains National Park folds treeless and rugged up the Labrador coast. Aboriginal people...
Toronto - Toby Sicks: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310062When Anthony (Toby Sicks) Hooper learned he was Métis at age 21, he did a lot of research into his...
Toronto - Jay Soule: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310013Jay Soule is a multidisciplinary artist known as “Chippewar” in the Indigenous community. His...
Toronto Carnival: Black Community Mixtapes Series
OYA Media Group OYA008KhaRå Martin, Toronto actress and filmmaker, enlightens views about the hidden messages in the...
Toronto: Aboriginal Day Live 2017
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0193Hosts Christian Pilon and Eve Ringuette introduce us to some amazing musicians, rappers and...
Toxic Time Bomb
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV003“Toxic Time Bomb” is about the impact of industrial pollution on a community and about...
Toyo - Akwesasne Territory: Raven's Quest, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT014Toyo is a 9-year-old Mohawk boy from Akwesasne, ON. He’s a Kung Fu fan and he shows us some of...
Tracking the Caribou: Woodland Caribou Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE013In episode 2 Frankie heads north to talk with Dr. Art Rodgers, a research scientist, about his...
Trap (sn̓ ʕacús): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...
Buck Productions 300091The return of one adventurer and addition of another gives the group hope as their search for food...
Trap: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 11
Buck Productions 300061Low energy and missing home and family is straining nerves. Needing to move on they welcome a...
Trapping the Elusive Lynx: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 4
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100604Sam and Chuck spend a few days as helpers on a large northern Saskatchewan trapline, where they...
Treasures of the Land: A Magnificent Journey Series
Good Earth Productions GECMJ2Enjoy the beauty of Canada's wildlife, forests, mountains, and coastlines. Visit Kouchibouguac...
Treaties Recognition Playlist
MCI804Treaty Recognition Week was recently legislated by the Province of Ontario to provide recurring...
Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0747“Treaty Road” follows Saxon de Cocq and Erin Goodpipe as they examine the role that Saxon’s...
Tréchelle Bunn - Movement is Medicine: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP011Tréchelle Bunn is a 22 year old University of Manitoba hockey player whose life motto is...
TRIPPING The Bruce (180 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS03This stunning documentary invites viewers onboard a sailboat for a 34-kilometre voyage along the...
TRIPPING The Bruce (60 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS04This 1 hour condensed version of TRIPPING The Bruce invites viewers onboard a sailboat for a...
TRIPPING The Niagara
Good Earth Productions GETS02TVO Original TRIPPING The Niagara takes viewers on a 3 hour hawk’s-eye journey, soaring and...
TRIPPING The Rideau Canal (240 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS01TRIPPING The Rideau Canal is an immersive four-hour documentary that takes you on a virtual tour of...
TRIPPING The Rideau Canal (60 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS00TRIPPING The Rideau Canal is an immersive one hour documentary that takes you on a virtual tour...
Tristan - Montreal, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT529Tristan is an 11-year-old boy from Montreal, Quebec. He is Canadian Jamaican and loves being...
Troubled Waters
Barking Dog Pictures A270-002As world food shortages loom large commercial ice fishers in northern Canada are leaving a majority...
True North: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0707From Carcross in the Yukon Territory to the far reaches of Nunavut, life in Canada’s north can be...
Truth and Reconciliation - The Legacy of Residential Schools in...
LeMay Media LM0007This program examines the history, legacy and current impacts of the Residential School experience...
Truth and Reconciliation: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ001RezX TV is an Indigneous lifestyle show produced by RezX entrepreneur Chris Ross from the Red Earth...
Truth, Dance and Reconciliation
Aarrow Productions AP0000Truth, Dance and Reconciliation: The story of Canada's residential school system and its traumatic...
Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Playlist
MCI735An in-depth study of the effects of colonialism in Canada from a historical and contemporary...
Tsu'xitt: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0795Orcas (killer whales) are the largest of the dolphin family species, very intelligent marine...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (55 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043ACe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (73 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043BCe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Tuktut Nogait National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM162This hidden wonder of the arctic is one of the great secrets of the Parks system. Tuktut Nogait...
Turkey - Blue Mosque: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE407TJ and Tristan take a plane ride to Istanbul and visit a big park full of tiny model buildings...
Turkey - Hot Air Balloon: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE409TJ and Tristan ride a hot air balloon over of the cave cities of Cappadocia. They camelback ride to...
Turkey - Sugar Festival: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE406TJ and Tristan fly to Istanbul on their very first plane ride. There, they celebrate “Seker...
Turkey - Turkish Bath: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE408On a visit to Istanbul, Tristan and TJ visit a traditional Turkish bath. Then it’s off to a...
Turner Valley Gas Plant, AB: Historylands Season 5
Good Earth Productions GEHL53It was here in the prairies southwest of Calgary that Alberta's legendary oil and gas industries...
Two-Spirit Identities: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0621Mohawk songwriter Shawnee and Ojibwe-Cree Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby consider the history and role of...
Tzouhalem (52 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS01Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...
Tzouhalem (92 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS00Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...
U of S Grad Pow Wow, Mosaic FN Pavilion, Shana Pasapa, Constant...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ009This episode features stories on; Mosaic First Nations Pavilion, the University of Saskatchewan...
Ukraine - Dancing and Puppets: Are We There Yet? World...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE363When Molly and Sam visit Kiev they dress up in colorful costumes for traditional dancing and later...
Ukraine - Easter Eggs: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE362Molly and Sam explore the streets of Kiev where they ride a cable-driven funicular railway, go to...
Ultimate Guinea Pig Power: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0210It this episode it’s all about alternative forms of power. From solar to wind we learn that there...
Uncharted Surveyor: The Peter Fidler Story
Farpoint Films FAR005In the year 1788, what was to become Canada was anything but a quiet wilderness. A corporate war...
Uncharted Waters
Molly Dennis MODE00Uncharted Waters celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/Atl’ka7tsem (UNESCO...