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Canadian Social Studies

2618 title(s) found.

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Oooh La La French Cuisine! - Winnipeg, MB: Kid Diners Series

Farpoint Films FAR019

Aynalem and Xander are in Winnipeg, MB exploring French cuisine. Xander forages in the forest for...

Operation Clean Up: Wolf Joe Series


When the kids think there is a giant snake in the lake they are determined to solve the mystery...

Opération Nettoyage: Théo le loup séries


Les enfants pensent qu’un serpent géant vit dans le lac et sont déterminés à résoudre le...

Orange T-Shirts (Kamloops, BC): A Good Game Series

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310101

Tyler Fuller, former pro hockey player and Phyllis Webstad, renowned residential school educator...

Organic Panic: Shift Series

Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF002

What does "organic" really mean? Should you eat it? And why does it cost more at the grocery...

Origin Stories: Future History: Harnessing Knowledge. Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0001

Archaeologist/Artist Kris Nahrgang, and Dancer/Activist Sarain Carson Fox share their personal...

Origins: 1491 - The Untold Story of the Americas Before...

1491 Productions Inc. 149101

Indigenous creation stories will be explored as well as key discoveries by archaeologists...

Oscar Peterson: Keeping the Groove Alive

GAPC Productions GAP019

Perfectionist, practical joker, and one of the all-time greatest exponents of jazz, the late Oscar...

Ottawa: Aboriginal Day Live 2017

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0191

At Major's Hill Park in Ottawa, Ontario, hosts Beatrice Deer and Devery Jacobs present many amazing...

Otto's Obsession

Refuge 31 Films R31006

This is a 15 minute version of Otto’s Passion, the story of filmmaker Otto Klassen, one of...

Otto’s Passion

Refuge 31 Films R31005

Otto’s Passion is the story of filmmaker Otto Klassen, one of Canada’s most fascinating...

Où es-tu papa? : 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB102FR

Quand Paul, le papa de Luc, doit s’absenter quelques minutes, Luc doit apprendre à vivre sans...

Où rougissent les coquelicots

Franco Finn Films Inc. FF001F

Où rougissent les coquelicots est le portrait émouvant d’un soldat et de sa communauté durant...

Our Canada - An Introduction

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI093

This introductory program in the Our Canada Series provides students with a broad overview of...

Our Canada - Its Geographic Regions Series

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI092

Canada is the second-biggest country on earth, yet over 80 per cent of the country’s land is...

Our Canada - The Appalachian

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI099

Canada's eastern most geographic region is an area shaped by the forces of glaciation and the ocean...

Our Canada - The Arctic

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI094

Canada's Arctic region is one of the world's most isolated regions, primarily composed of a large...

Our Canada - The Canadian Shield

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI098

The largest of Canada's geographic regions, the Shield is a massive horseshoe shaped area covering...

Our Canada - The Cordillera

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI095

The Cordillera is the most western geographic region in Canada. Formed over millions of years as a...

Our Canada - The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI097

This is Canada's smallest geographic region in terms of area, however, it contains the most people...

Our Canada - The Interior Plains

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI096

The Plains region of Canada is an area of a variety of interesting landforms. Sometimes called...

Our Dance of Revolution

Phillip Pike (dba Roaring River Films) RRF000

This untold history of Toronto's Black queer community spans four decades of passionate activist...

Our Dream: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0629

Songwriter Christa Couture is an award-winning performing and recording artist, non-fiction writer...

Our Endless Resistance: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0630

Métis writer, director, cinematographer and songwriter Shane Belcourt is a two-time CSA-nominated...

Our Great Blue World: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0017

The ocean provides much of the world's oxygen. Science Questers take part in a water ceremony...

Our Last Refuge: The Badger-Two Medicine Story

Thunderheart Media THUN02

“We are going to fight for this place we call our home.” -  Chief Earl Old Person Our Last...

Our Last Words

Farpoint Films FAR062

It has been said that in less than a century only three languages will be spoken on earth: English...

Our Living Legacy

River Voices RVP004

This documentary portrays the campaign to protect the last old-growth forests and forestry jobs on...

Our Mother's Love: Amplify Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0726

Traditional Seneca singer Sadie Buck (Seneca/Tuscarora) creates three new songs inspired by a...

Our Mother's Voice: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0618

Multidisciplinary media artist, performer, and award-winning Métis/Cree musician Cheryl...

Our Spaces: Walrus TV (Episode 5)

Blue Ant Media BAM110

In a world so bursting with information, it’s easy to forget that spaces we live, work, and play...

Our Table

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810017

A Gulf Island BC First Nation helps understand the protection of our oceans and...

Our Way, Our Future: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 4

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE034

The dawning of the 21st century is a watershed period in the building of the Cree Nation. Quebec...

Out of Site: DocJam Series

Canazwest CPI013

During the 1970s, the Site C Dam mega-project was planned by BC Hydro. It is a project that would...

Out of the Shadows, Into the Arms of Community: Urban Native Girl

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0122

Lisa’s father, a former Tsihlqot’in Chief and Residential School Survivor, committed suicide...

Out of This World: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0686

UFOs have been sighted for centuries, always moving in a deliberate manner, leaving at incredible...

Outride: Breaking Trail Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP013

When mountain biker and middle school art teacher Suzanne Moore learns of a mountain bike phys-ed...

Outside of EUrope

Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE004

'Outside of EUrope' is a critical, short documentary examining the exclusionary nature of EU...

Overview Of The War of 1812: Canada AM


200 years ago on June 18th, 1812, President James Madison and the United States Congress declared...

Owen - Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series...

Apartment 11 APT629

Owen is a 9-year-old Canadian Rwandan boy from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. He teaches us...

Pablo Allard and Early Conservation: Bison Return From the Edge...

Square Sheep Films SQU004

Canada was instrumental in bringing bison back from the brink of extinction. The...

Pacific Frontier: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM168

From the San Juan Islands of Washington State - to the Kootenays in the east - we explore the...

Pacific Islands, Climate Justice and Reparations - Maxine...

Paper Tiger PT0030

Maxine Burkett is a professor of law at the University of Hawaii and passionate advocate for...

Pacific Rim Reserve National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM012

Raging pacific storms pound 125 kilometres of rugged western shore into one of the world's premier...

Package Run: Wolf Joe Series


Important packages must be delivered by the friends but Joe is not able to run and jump through the...

Pahquis - Ojibwe, Wikwemikong, ON: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT020

Pahquis is 8 years old. He’s Ojibwe, lives in Wikwemikong ON, and loves to perform. He sings...

Paint the Town Red: Amplify Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0714

Hip-hop superstars Snotty Nose Rez Kids take us on an energetic tour of the Indigenous street art...

Painting Party: Wolf Joe Series


Hoping to win the local art contest each of the trio search for something interesting in nature to...

Pam a du panache : Canot Cocasse Saison 2

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800218

Pam a du panache (épisode 4): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Utiliser son imagination pour...

Pam et la chicoque: Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800230

Thème : Exprimer ses sentiments au lieu d’accumuler les frustrations et exploser. Pam veut se...

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