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Canadian Social Studies

2618 title(s) found.

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Place Is Punk: Amplify Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0720

Haida band Jason Camp and The Posers reveal how their beautiful home of Haida Gwaii inspires their...

Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0100

The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...

Planet Echo, Season 2

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0200

The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...

Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0300

The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...

Plastics: Planet Echo, Season 2

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0212

In this episode we find out that there a many alternatives to plastic... this could be...

Plight of the Barn Swallow

Wilderness Committee 010048

The barn swallow is one of the world's most widely and common bird species. Yet for decades now...

Plus courageux ensemble: Théo le loup séries


Les amis sont réunis pour une soirée pyjama, mais Nina n’aime pas être loin de sa mère et...

Point Pelee National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM009

This birder's paradise is a theatre of life and death. There are more species at risk here than any...

Policy: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0003

Our hosts, Sarain and Kris unpack the complexities of government policy and its effect on...

Pollinators: The Wild, Wild East

Blue Ant Media BAM338

The Annapolis Valley is the Wild Wild East's most important agricultural centre. Explore honeybees...

Pologne: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-10

Le père d’Aline est né en Pologne. Pour faire découvrir cette culture riche et des costumes...

Pommes, raisins secs, oignons, oh non! : 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB096FR

Malgré les doutes de Sam, Lili croit qu’elle peut se souvenir de la liste de courses de madame...

Poplar’s Schtick: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0745

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, forages for...

Port de lunettes obligatoire: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB097FR

Lili a peur de dire qu’elle a perdu ses lunettes, mais elle ne fait que des bêtises en cachant...

Portages: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-06

« Vers le 5 août, nous partions vers l’intérieur des terres et, autour du 16, nous commencions...

Post-War Design: Design By Decade (Episode 1)

Blue Ant Media BAM077

The post-war period in Canada was a golden age of progress and production. After the Second World...

Postcards From Dawson City: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST03

Who are the new adventurists of Dawson City, once the heart of the Klondike Gold Rush? Our host...

Postcards From Edmonton: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST07

Join host Christa Couture for a nostalgic visit back to her hometown, Edmonton. Reconnecting with...

Postcards From Fredericton: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST02

Get charmed in Fredericton, a delightful historical city in the heart of Canada’s Maritimes. Host...

Postcards From Montreal: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST06

Are you ready for a glow-up in Montreal, Canada’s most fashionable city? Join our host Christa...

Postcards From Niagara Falls: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST05

Take a trip on the kooky side at Niagara Falls, one of Canada’s most famous tourist hot spots...

Postcards From Salt Spring Island: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST04

Getaway to laid-back Salt Spring Island and unwind with our host Christa Couture on Canada’s West...

Postcards From Whistler: Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST08

Whether you like to ski or decidedly do not, adventure awaits in the mountain town of Whistler...

Postcards From…Season 5

Postcards Productions Inc. POST00

A travel series for the senses. Postcards from… is an invitation to everyone to reimagine travel...

Potlatch Keepers

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0769

Potlatch Keepers shares the personal story of Indigenous filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie who returns...

Pots and Plants/High and Dry: Louis Says Season 3

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0022

Randy helps Mrs. Charles find a big pot for Pahkwesikanāpos (soup).

Pots and Plants/High and Dry: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC022

Randy helps Mrs. Charles find a big pot for Pahkwesikanāpos (soup). Please click here for the...

Pour l'amour de nos filles: La Collection des cinéastes...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0020FR

Pour l'amour de nos filles est un court docu-fiction qui informe sur les femmes autochtones...

Pow Wow and Exhibition: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge...

Redcloud Studios RS0005

Our hosts, Kris and Sarain break down the concepts of Pow Wow, ceremony and exhibition. They meet...

Power Brothers: Planet Echo, Season 4

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0409

ADVENTURE: Fed up with being tied to the grid... Chuck and Andy go in search of a new, greener...

Power of Three: Wolf Joe Series


The trio invent their own sports competition but Joe becomes focused on winning until Buddy reminds...

Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0755

Power to the People is a series that discovers how indigenous people, values and wisdom are...

Prairie Garden Seeds - Cochin, SK: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C033

Founded in 1986, Prairie Garden Seeds is a small, family-operated seed company based in...

Precious Frog: Symbol of a Vanishing Wetland

Wilderness Committee 010046

Seldom seen out of water, the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) prefers the safety of the marsh...

Premier contact

Nish Media 310072FR

Premier contact est une série documentaire qui permettra à six Québécois de vivre une immersion...

Premier Contact - Beothuk

MacLeod 9 Productions 300156

Une partie de chasse de Béothuks venus de l’Ouest. Une expédition de Nordiques du Groënland...

Préparatifs: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-05

Après les grands rassemblements et les mariages, les Innus se préparaient déjà à la remontée...

Prête? Pas prête? : 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB087FR

Quand Amala veut prouver qu’elle est prête à avoir un animal de compagnie, Ronchinou lui montre...

Pretend Not to See Me: The Art of Colette Urban

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0001

Life and art intersect on a spectacular Newfoundland farm where visual artist Colette Urban mounts...

Pride and Prejudice: W5


Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the son and grandson of George Dixon, who served with pride during World...

Prince Edward Island National Park, PEI: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP02

This is one of the country’s smallest and most visited parks, located in Canada’s smallest...

Prince Harry; The Troubled Prince: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1295

Prince Harry has led a life of rare privilege but also unique problems. Born into royalty, he was...

Prince Rupert - Lianna Spence: Skindigenous Series, Season 3

Nish Media 310064

Lianna Spence is a 38-year-old Tsimshian multi-disciplinary artist from Prince Rupert, in...

Prince Rupert - Nakkita Trimble: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310011

Nakkita Trimble is the only tattoo artist from the Nisga’a Nation. Along with elders from her...

Princess Anne; The Daughter Who Should Be Queen: The Royal...

Blue Ant Media BAM1298

This documentary examines the life of Princess Anne.  The Queen’s second eldest was born into a...

Princess Green Mantle: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0053

While in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Shayla calls Tom and asks if she can stay to check out a second...

Princess Margaret; The Trouble with Margaret: The Royal...

Blue Ant Media BAM1299

The Royal family is meant to be a role model to the nation, the epitome of duty and sacrifice, but...

Problème de cabane: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB088FR

Eddie veut construire la cabane de ses rêves, mais ses amis ne partagent pas ses idées et le...

Produire La Menace

Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI01FR

Produire la menace examine un épisode profondément troublant de l'histoire du Canada lorsqu'un...

Profound Lessons from Indigenous Law: John Borrows - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0011

John Borrows is one of Canada's most prolific and celebrated legal scholars and a professor of law...

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