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Canadian Social Studies

2618 title(s) found.

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Project Cold Days (50 minute version)

Lex Film Inc. LEX001

**This film is CRTC Certified - No illicit drug use or swearing** Project Cold Days explores the...

Project Cold Days (77 minute version)

Lex Film Inc. LEX000

Project Cold Days explores the lives of people surviving Ottawa’s streets in the cold.  Shot...

Protect Our Future Daughters: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0020EN

Protect Our Future Daughters is a short docu-drama about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women...

Protecting Our Children: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0706

Of the 30,000 children in ministry care across Canada, half are Aboriginal. Most of these children...

Provincial and Territorial Symbols of Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI012

In this new production, you will discover the official symbols and emblems for each of the 13...

Puglaas - Jody Wilson-Raybould Rethinks Her Future: W5


W5’s Sandie Rinaldo gives us a glimpse into the private life of Jody Wilson-Raybould, a...

Pukaskwa National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM165

The diverse, rugged wilderness of Pukaskwa National Park is the only one of its kind in Ontario. It...

Puktew Muin (Fire Bear)

Little Bear Big Wolf Pictures LBBW00

While listening to their uncle retell the Mi'kmaq story of Skus and Muin, two precocious children...

Puppy Pile: Wolf Joe Series


Buddy is so nervous around a new large puppy that his fear turns a simple dog walk mission into a...

Puttin’ Down Roots

Electric Monk Media Ltd. EMML07

Puttin’ Down Roots is an artistic take on gardening and creation. Engage your senses and frolic...

Quand l'amour rend aveugle II

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S01

Si on le décrit souvent comme la plus belle expérience de la vie, le sentiment amoureux possède...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Queen Mary; Duchess, Princess, Queen: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1300

Queen Mary of Tek is a Royal with a fascinating story - this documentary charts her history from...

Queen's Hotel Blues (Remastered)

Windecker Road Films WRF007

The history and stories of a historic yellow brick hotel slated for demolition in Owen Sound...

Quel camp choisir? : 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB106FR

Après qu'il a prêté Amala à l’équipe de kickball ennemie, Sam a du mal à garder l’esprit...

Quetico Provincial Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM022

Find out how Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario earned its reputation as the canoeing Capital of...

Qui Est Nagamo?: Théo le loup séries


Lorsque les enfants trouvent un journal intime dans une vieille souche d’arbre, ils doivent non...

Quiet Cheer/Scrambled Words: Louis Says Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0013

Episode 1A - Quiet Cheer:  Mrs. Charles is writing a book and Louis tells Randy to make sure she...

Quiet Cheer/Scrambled Words: Louis Says Season 2 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC013

Episode 1A - Quiet Cheer:  Mrs. Charles is writing a book and Louis tells Randy to make sure she...

Quill - Kitigan Zibi, QC: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT006

Quill is an 11-year-old Algonquin girl from Kitigan Zibi, Quebec. Quill hunts for wild garlic in...

Quinn - Vancouver, British Columbia: Sunny's Quest Series...

Apartment 11 APT535

Quinn is a 7-year-old boy who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. His family comes from Lesotho...

Quittinirpaaq National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM018

Quittinirpaaq National Park is quite literally on top of the world on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut...

Quttinirpaaq National Park, NU: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP05

Quttinirpaaq, on Ellesmere Island, protects the most northerly lands in North America.  This...

R-A-T-É: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB107FR

Sam cherche un trèfle à quatre feuilles pour aider Lili pendant le concours d’orthographe...

Radio de la Baie de la Tortue: Théo le loup séries


Lorsque les enfants donnent un coup de main à la station de radio locale, ils découvrent qu’une...

Raechel - Woodbridge, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT544

Raechel is an 11-year-old who lives in Woodbridge, Ontario with her parents and brother Matthew...

Raiders and the Lost Art: W5


CTV W5 investigates Canada’s largest art heist, 50 years after thieves snatched masterpieces from...

Raincoast's Fight: Coastal Revival Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP034

In the Great Bear Rainforest huge coastal mountains plunge into the ocean covered with ancient...

Rainy Day: Anaana’s Tent Series

Taqqut Productions TPI014

Rita Claire prepares for a rainy day outside with Qimmiq. Celina Kalluk visits to play the guitar...

Rainy Day: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)

Taqqut Productions TPI014IN

ᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᕿᒻᒥᕐᓗ ᐱᕙᒌᔭᖅᑑᒃ ᓯᓚᓗᓐᓂᐊᕐᓂᖕᒐᓄᑦ...

Rainy Day: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE486

The kids decide what they want to do when plans to go outside are scrapped because of the...

Rapid Ascent - Ismael Kone: W5


Midfielder Ismael Kone made an immediate impression in his debut with the Montreal Impact and...

Raquettes: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-04

La raquette innue est un outil ingénieux permettant d'être à l'aise l'hiver en forêt. Étant de...

Rassemblement: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-13

Avec l'automne, la saison froide commençait à se mettre en place. Il fallait dès lors que les...

Raven and the Coyote: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI009

Coyote asks Raven to teach him to fly, so Raven suggests he grab Coyote’s nose and carry him high...

Raven and the Dogfish Woman: Legendary Myths - Raven Adventures...

Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P005

Raven transforms into a man and encounters a mysterious woman who is his match in many ways. They...

Raven and the First People: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI002

Bored and frustrated with the new animals, Raven and Eagle find a giant clam shell with the first...

Raven and the Sea Wolf: Legendary Myths - Raven Adventures Series

Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P002

In “Raven and the Sea Wolf,” Raven is challenged to find and conquer the mystical creature of...

Raven Gets Sick: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI010

It’s a cold winter and everybody is sick. Frog arrives and tells them how long ago, the animals...

Raven Goes Fishing: Legendary Myths - Raven Adventures Series

Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P003

Raven is lonely and hungry. In “Raven Goes Fishing,” he manages to barely escape from the...

Raven Meets the Little Makers: Legendary Myths - Raven...

Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P004

In “Raven Meets the Little Makers,” Raven has wandered outside of his familiar islands. He...

Raven Steals the Light: Legendary Myths - Raven Adventures Series

Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P001

“Raven Steals the Light” is an adaptation of a traditional story that has been retold by...

Raven Steals the Sun (Haida): Amy’s Mythic Mornings

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0104

Amy, Casey and Theodore meet an unusual boy who is on his way to his village. The chief has stolen...

Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI000

This series follows the adventures of Raven, the most powerful deity of indigenous mythology, and a...

Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI014

This series follows the adventures of Raven, the most powerful deity of Aboriginal mythology and a...

Raven's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT000

Raven’s Quest features first-person stories told by Indigenous children from across the country...

Raven’s Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT500

Raven’s Quest features first-person portraits of Indigenous kids from across the country. Each...

RCMP Coast to Coast: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0704

Female Aboriginal RCMP officers from BC’s Fraser Valley and Halifax Nova Scotia, share stories of...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754

RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...

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