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Consumer Studies

692 title(s) found.

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La vue: Human +: Le futur de nos sens

Ideacom International F266-S02-02

La science de la vue vient d’entrer dans une ère nouvelle.  Nous commençons à comprendre...

Le goût et l'odorat: Human +: le futur de nos sens

Ideacom International F266-S02-04

Sentir… aussi naturel que respirer. 16 fois par minutes vous inspirez de l’air qui passe par...

Le toucher: Human +: Le futur de nos sens

Ideacom International F266-S02-01

Le toucher est une force invisible de la nature humaine. Non seulement, il perçoit de tous petits...

Legume + This Sous Rising: The Illegal Eater Series

Farpoint Films FAR043

New York City, a place where cultures meet and collide. Steven uncovers a subterranean food...

Les maîtres des éléments

AB Productions F296-S09

D’ici 2050, alors que les ressources de la planète ne suffisent déjà plus à assurer les...

Let's Make a Deal: W5


Calgary consumers are still more likely than not to be exposed to questionable sales tactics and...

Life Outdoors - Flower Farmers and Beekeeper: No Ordinary Life...

BG Content Inc. BG0006

In this episode of No Ordinary Life, we step out in nature with flower farmers Kenny and Sarah...

Life Underwater: No Ordinary Life Series

BG Content Inc. BG0009

Nova Scotia is known as Canada's Ocean playground and Sean McMullan and April Weickert are both...

Life with Less Waste

Happen Films HAP005

In Hobart, Tasmania, Lauren & Oberon Carter and their three daughters have been making lifestyle...

Listuguj, QC: Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0760

The Gaspe Bay Peninsula is home to some of Canada’s highest sustained winds. Three Mi’gmaq...

Lite and Hoppy IPA: Homebrew Master Series

Dean Rainey DR0037

Brewmaster Sarah helps hobby-brewer Phil create a Light Ale with a Hoppy Finish. Also, Tommy from...

Little Buffalo, AB: Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0756

Growing up in the Cree speaking Lubicon Lake Band in Little Buffalo, AB, Melina Laboucan Massimo...

Living in the Future's Past

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE086

In this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking, Academy Award winner, Jeff...

Living the Change

Happen Films HAP006

Sometimes it can feel like the environmental, economic and social issues the world is currently...

Llama Loving Farmer: No Ordinary Life Series

BG Content Inc. BG0005

Have you ever dreamed of spending the day on a farm full of llamas, sheep and barn cats? Well, this...

Looks Can Be Deceiving: W5


It seems there's nothing these days people won't consider doing to look a little bit younger...

Love and Money: W5


Investigative correspondent Avery Haines speaks with victims, including a divorced mother of two...

Low-Bush Blues: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0744

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, describes the...

Lucky Bug Farm Market Garden - Baden, ON: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C028

Lucky Bug Farm is a one-quarter-acre ecological market garden operating on rented land 25 minutes...

Maize: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED04

Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern...

Makin' Bacon (Ep. 10): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE010

In this episode, Ian shows you how to make your own bacon without the use of dangerous nitrites or...

Making a Commitment to Exercise: Busy Bodies Series

Switch SWED129

Learn how you can make a commitment to fitness, the importance of integrating fitness and nutrition...

Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04

Man 2.0 is the multi-ethnic and multicultural result of today's science. For 4.5 billion years...

Manoomin: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 12

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100612

Sam and Chuck travel to the Bad River Indian Reservation in northern Wisconsin, where they learn...

Manufacturing Chaos

Video Project, Inc. TVP120

Manufacturing Chaos offers a survey on the recent rise of disinformation from a global...

Mark Anielski: An Economy of Love (The Green Interview)

Paper Tiger PT0099

Mark Anielski is the Chief Happiness Officer and President of Anielski Management in Edmonton...

Marketing's 4 Ps: The Consumer Angle

Learning Seed 200226

Students learn the traditional four Ps of marketing strategy - product, place, price and promotion...

Massage, tradition millénaire... mode planétaire

Via Découvertes Production F173-031

Pratique ancestrale, phénomène et mode planétaire, le massage constitue une bulle de bien-être...

Massage: Age Old Tradition, Worldwide Phenomenon

Via Découvertes Production A173-028

Age-old tradition or worldwide fashion, massages are a bubble of well-being where one can seclude...

Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07

By 2050, the Earth’s population will have reached nearly 10 billion people. Today the planet’s...

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd - Bladworth, SK: Depth of Field...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C029

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd is a grain and livestock operation that uses renewable energy and...

Mealworm Popover and Tapenade: Bug Bites Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1164

Follow Haley Chamberlain Nelson as she walks viewers through the natural history of mealworms, and...

Meat the Future: The Next Agricultural Revolution

LizMars Productions Inc. LMPI00

Imagine a world where real meat is produced sustainably without the need to breed, raise and...

Medicines and Children

Productions Grand Angle A173-021

Children are the forgotten ones of medicine. Drugs given to children have always been risky...

Metals: Art of Craft Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1432

In this episode we meet the masters of metal – men and women who pit their human hands on one of...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Methane, Dream or Nightmare?

ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01

From the Arctic Ocean to the ocean depths of Japan, from the frozen lands of Siberia to the...

Microwave Ovens: Just the Facts Series

Learning ZoneXpress 430056

Ever wonder how a microwave oven actually cooks food? The mystery is solved as Chef Jon uses a...

Milk Cow, Make Cheese (Ep. 4): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE004

Love pizza? Learn how to make it from scratch! In this episode, Ian teaches you how to milk a cow...

Minerals: Elements of Human Nutrition Series

Learning Seed 200224

Minerals are more than squares on the periodic table; they're crucial to our health. Learn the...

Mining Cobalt and Lithium for Rechargeable Batteries - The Human...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0334

Learn all about the unspoken human cost for mining cobalt and lithium for the rechargeable...

Modern Mediterranean Cuisine: Chefs of the James Beard House -...

Tanner Beach Productions TBP036

Chef David Blonsky and Chef Fabio Viviani from Chicago showcase a modern take on Mediterranean...

Modification Masters: Guitar Picks. Season 2

Blue Ant Media BAM403

In this episode of Guitar Picks, Ian Thornley will do anything to a guitar to get the sound he...

More Curious Series

Switch SWED134

Do you find yourself marveling at the world around you? Ever wonder how stuff works or where it...

Morts à crédit

ARTE France F259-022

Chaque jour en France, trois personnes se donnent la mort parce qu’elles sont tombées dans la...

Moscow, Jakarta, Santiago, Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Taipei and Miami...

Switch SWED84

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Mr. Noah and the Second Flood

Shebafilms Studios RTV061

Mr. Noah, a descendant of the original ark builder, lives with his wife and family on a peaceful...

Mumbai, Copenhagen, Atlanta, Dublin, Houston, Luxor and New...

Switch SWED88

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

My Digital Life

Learning ZoneXpress 430176

My Digital Life explores the perils and possibilities of the brave new digital world. This...

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