Current Events
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Ghost Children
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC000More than 230 million children around the world have never been registered at birth and are now...
Global Supply Chains and National Security: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV62The shutdown of global supply chains due to the Covid-19 pandemic brought to the fore an issue with...
Goalie: Life and Death in the Crease
Blue Ant Media BAM698Clint Malarchuk barely survived the most gruesome injury in NHL history, nearly bleeding to death...
Great Decisions 2019
Scorpion Television SCTV00Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...
Great Decisions 2020
Scorpion Television SCTV14Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...
Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV61Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...
Groënland : banquises et convoitises
ARTE France F259-S10-55En août 2019, Donald Trump a proposé au Danemark de lui « racheter » le Groenland. Une...
Growing Up Scared: W5
CTV CTV752A discussion on aging for individuals with disabilities. W5’s Sandie Rinaldo explores a tough...
Hani's Journey: W5
CTV CTV687Refugees living in Canada like Hani are often inspired and stimulated, but also face many hardships...
Hani: W5
CTV CTV702W5's "HANI" continues its coverage of Hani Al Mouria, a young Syrian refugee who settled in Canada...
Hate Crime - Uncensored
Blue Ant Media BAM1107Hate Crime: Uncensored is a new documentary featuring testimony and footage of a variety of...
Hate Crime in Everyday Life
Shortcutstv Ltd STV029Hate Crime is high profile now, but the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just...
Healing Hands: W5
CTV CTV678W5's Victor Malarek is on location with a Canadian team on a medical mission in Kyiv that is...
Hell or Clean Water
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE128A former fisherman who just 10 years earlier thought nothing of tossing garbage out of his truck...
Hockey Mom: W5
CTV CTV744TSN's Rick Westhead tells the inspiring story of Connie Radunske, the loving mother of a...
Holodomor: le génocide oublié
InSitu Production F212-007Dans les années 1932-1933, l’État soviétique organise une famine artificielle en Ukraine, le...
Homotherapy (52 Minute Version)
EgoDoc Productions A296-014In 2019, some people are still considering homosexuality as a disease. By studying movements coming...
Hooked: W5
CTV CTV863As families in Canada continue to struggle with a new reality forced upon them by the pandemic...
Hope and Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World
Autentic GMBH AUT046COVID-19 is just the latest in a long line of pandemics that have devastated societies. We revisit...
Hospital Secrets: W5
CTV CTV742So here's a scary thought. You're in a hospital. Need pain killers. But don't get them. Not because...
How I Became An Elephant
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE001How I Became an Elephant is one girl's journey to inspire a movement.When Juliette West set out on...
Hunting in Packs
Video Project, Inc. TVP112Delving into the high-stakes and absurd institutions of western politics, Hunting in Packs follows...
I'm Sandie Rinaldo; 50 Years in Journalism
CTV CTV941The hour-long special explores Rinaldo’s family history, documenting how the daughter of...
In Defence of the Amazon - Atossa Soltani: The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0077This episode of the Green Interview features Atossa Soltani, the founder and Executive Director of...
In The Dark: W5
CTV CTV688Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the families of residents of an Ontario nursing home who were sexually...
In the Name of Confucius
Passion River Films PR3809In the Name of Confucius is the first documentary exposé of China’s multi-billion dollar...
In the Name of God: W5
CTV CTV679W5's Victor Malarek speaks with former students of the now abandoned Grenville Christian College on...
In the Name of Science: W5
CTV CTV709A national council responsible for monitoring animal welfare in research laboratories is...
India and Pakistan: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV16India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rode a wave of Hindu nationalism to a historic reelection in...
Inside Wuhan: W5
CTV CTV825The epidemic COVID-19 virus has caused international apprehension for everyday life, but in Wuhan...
Into The Eye: W5
CTV CTV729W5's Kevin Newman follows two Canadian storm chasers as they drive into Hurricane Harvey after...
Irak, les ombres de la guerre
Productions Grand Angle F173-005Guerres permanentes, embargos et tensions frontalières ont transformé la seule fenêtre maritime...
Iran, rêves d'empire
CinéFête F259-030Syrie, Irak, Liban, Arabie Saoudite, Yemen… Mais aussi Russie, États-Unis, France… Ce film se...
Jan van de Venis: Where Human Rights and the Environment...
Paper Tiger PT0007This episode of The Green Interview features Jan van de Venis, an extraordinary Dutch lawyer who...
Japon, la tentation nationaliste
CinéFête F259-029Entre 1895 et 1945, le Japon a poursuivi une guerre permanente dans le Sud-Est asiatique. Après la...
Jet-Lagged: W5
CTV CTV727Kevin Newman investigates how when it comes to pilot fatigue, Canadian regulations are way behind...
Juneteenth - Freedom Day: Holiday Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0060In this high-definition program, learn all about Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the end of...
Kids of the Rocket Siren
Loud Roar Productions LRP000The alarm sounds. A deafening explosion ricochets through the night. As the Kids of the Rocket...
Kim's Korea - Inside North Korea: W5
CTV CTV764It is a dystopia ruled by 3 generations of despots who’ve groomed their own people through cult...
King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s Coronation: History Kids...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0325Join us for a royal affair! It's the coronation ceremony of King Charles III and Queen Camilla with...
L' adaptation
PVP Films F304-001La crise actuelle de la Covid-19 laissera sans aucun doute des traces importantes sur notre...
La bombe et nous, l'arme atomique aujourd'hui
J.C. Bauduret F198-004Têtes nucléaires dans le monde:Russie 7290 | États-Unis 7000 | France 300 | Chine 260...
La crise du coronavirus: moment hamiltonien - Sommets: dans les...
Beliane F242-S01-2Lorsque le virus frappe l'Europe en mars 2020, on assiste à des confiscations de masques sur le...
La fin des Ottomans
CinéFête F259-S08Une fresque historique méconnue, portée par des archives photographiques et cinématographiques...
La griffe magique
Productions InformAction inc. F61-024L'image féérique du Cirque du Soleil a fait le tour de la planète, mais le public connaît peu...
La mémoire des vaincus (1922-1945)
CinéFête F259-S07-03En assassinant dans certains pays d’Europe près du tiers des travailleurs, la Première Guerre...
La volupté de la destruction (1840-1906)
CinéFête F259-S07-01Né en France, autour de la Commune de Paris et dans le sillage de la Grande Révolution...
Last Chance Kids: W5
CTV CTV778When Dr. Marla Shapiro first started practising medicine, kids diagnosed with ALL or Acute...
Laugh Attack - Comedy Adapts to Cancel Culture: W5
CTV CTV935Sandie Rinaldo investigates how Canadian stand-up comedians are adapting to the climate of 'cancel...
Le dessous des cartes
CinéFête F259-S10Depuis 10 ans, ce magazine décrypte les rapports de force, les enjeux internationaux de notre...