Environmental Studies
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Faire respirer la ville: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-04Les villes modernes croulent sous le poids des voitures et des constructions en béton, créant des...
Family Feast (Ep. 1): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE001Welcome to the most compelling food show on TV. Ian Knauer lives on the family farm in...
Farm Troubles: W5
CTV CTV731CTV's Peter Akman investigates the farming of Atlantic salmon in B.C., a fish whose very existence...
Farmyard Jamboree Band: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE207There's a lot of work to do on the farm! Wilton chops wood, while Gussy does laundry. Wilton runs...
Fathom Five National Marine Park, ON: Destination Parks Series
Good Earth Productions GEDP04Fathom Five was created as Canada’s first National Marine Park to protect the shipwrecks in its...
Feeling the Apocalypse
Chen Sing Yap CSY000From the disappearing wildlife in his hometown Owen Sound to the news stories about melting of...
Femke Wijdekop - Defender of Those Who Defend the Earth: The...
Paper Tiger PT0004This episode of The Green Interview features Femke Wijdekop, a Dutch lawyer, broadcaster and...
Ferme Coopérative Tourne Sol - Les Cèdres, QC: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C017Ferme Coopérative Tourne Sol is a 15-acre ecological farm that produces certified organic...
Ferme Fiola Farm - Ste-Geneviève, MB: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C018Ferme Fiola Farm is a family-owned and operated farm on the 120-acre Fiola family homestead...
Ferme Marcel Goguen Farm - Cocagne, NB: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C019Ferme Marcel Goguen Farm is a diversified operation featuring 6 acres of apple trees and 4 acres of...
Feu !: L’équipe climat de Parcs Canada
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV001FRLe feu est utilisé comme un allié dans la prévention des incendies dévastateurs. Difficile à...
Field Notes
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT013A woman’s passion for birds leads to an appreciation of the natural world that exists in the...
Fighting for the Right to a Healthy Environment: Ada Lockridge...
Paper Tiger PT0013Ron Plain and Ada Lockridge are members of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, a native community in the...
Filtering a Plastic Ocean
North Shore Productions NSP000Waste that ends up in the ocean is often overlooked. From solid garbage to sewage disposal to...
Financing the Green Entrepreneurs: Andrew Heintzman - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0027Interview with Andrew Heintzman, the president and co - founder of Investeco, the first Canadian...
Finding Gulo
Wild Confluence Media WCM003"Finding Gulo" follows a backcountry ski guide & field biologist who attempt to document an elusive...
Finding the Balance
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810015Finding the Balance: First Nations on southern Vancouver Island are working to protect their...
Fire and Ice: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0306In this episode we learn about global warming. ADVENTURE: In this episode Chuck and Andy are...
Fire Pit Chicken (Ep.11): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE011Before brick grilling the chicken, Chef Ian Knauer shows us how to spatchcock the carcass. Brining...
Fire!: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV001Fire is used as an ally in the prevention of devastating wild fires. Hard to imagine but fire is...
Fire: Fixing Nature Series
AB Productions A296-S03-02In May 2016, in Fort MacMurray, Canada, a massive wildfire spread quickly and wreaked havoc in...
Fire: Masters of the Elements Series
AB Productions A296-S07-02Fire produces heat and light. It is naturally associated with the sun. At the heart of the solar...
First Nations versus Fossil Fuels - Canada: Native Planet Series...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0773From his home in the Squamish Nation, host Simon Baker traces the path of the proposed Northern...
First Nations, Métis & Inuit Studies Playlist (Post Secondary...
MCI805A collection of Canadian - produced programs covering historical, social, economic and...
First Nations, Métis & Inuit Studies Playlist (Secondary...
MCI775This playlist compiled of ten Canadian-produced programs covers many aspects of First Nations...
Fix and Release
Junction Box J JBJ000Most freshwater turtle species in Canada are at risk. Habitat destruction, car and boat hits...
Fixing Nature Series
AB Productions A296-S03Pollution, global warming, desertification and the consequences of human and industrial activities...
Flavor on Steroids (Ep. 12): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE012Fresh herbs brighten up the flavor of anything. Learn how easy it is to grow your own herbs at...
Flying High: Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0108Can flying actually be environmentally friendly? The boys go behind the scenes at one of Canada's...
Food For Thought: W5
CTV CTV575W5's Tom Kennedy visits a Manitoba pig farm to get a glimpse of life on the other side of the...
Food is My Teacher (26 Minute Version)
Food is My Teacher (44 Minute Version)
Food Waste Dining in France: Restoration Planet Series, Season 1
Robert E Moberg Films REM017Our France adventures begin after a long journey from Canada. In the Pyrenees Orientale, we found...
Food Without Limits: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291145Tiffany Grenkow has made it her life’s mission to feed as many people as she can. Her gardening...
Food: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0312In this episode we learn about eco-friendly eating. ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy face-off in a...
Fools and Dreamers; Regenerating a Native Forest
Happen Films HAP002Fools & Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest is a documentary about Hinewai Nature Reserve, on...
Footprints: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0208In this episode we find out what a Carbon Footprint is and how we can reduce it. ADVENTURE: When...
For the Birds: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB296In the future, animals have taken over the streets! The gang goes back in time to discover Doc...
Forbidden Places Series
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL00The greatest forces that shape our lives are also the least understood and reported on in the daily...
Forests: Biomes Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG043In this video, we learn about forests, one of the world’s biggest biomes. We’ll start by...
Forests: Canada's Natural Resources Series
LeMay Media LM0013Forests: In this program, we explore the concept of sustainability in regards to Canada's forests...
Four Rivers Drone Program
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV081Over the summer of 2021 the Four Rivers Group undertook an ambitious project to certify members of...
Foxes In The Henhouse: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR018EA dozen tiny lives hang in the balance as Hope fights to save a clutch of chicks trapped in their...
Fraser River, BC: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR11FRASER RIVER, BC The Fraser is the largest river in British Columbia, and it drains about...
Freshwater: Biomes Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG046We take a look at what makes fresh water so important and find out which plants and animals live in...
From Brownfield to Greenspace: Sustainable Urban Land Use
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE001Using the example of a former landfill site, From Brownfield to Greenspace: Sustainable Urban Land...
From Finance to Farmer
Happen Films HAP012Andrew Martin once worked in the finance industry in Australia, but after learning about the true...
From Flint: Voices of a Poisoned City
Video Project, Inc. TVP024From Flint goes beyond the news headlines to spotlight the impact of the devastating water...
From Point A to Point B: Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0106When Chuck and Andy need to make an urgent, super-rush delivery across the city they find out...
From Seed to Seed
Growing Local Productions GLP000The joy and heartfelt struggle of a Canadian family to sustain their organic farm in a changing...