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Environmental Studies

1334 title(s) found.

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Chester and Wilson: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR031E

As more and more orphans flood the rehab, Hope revisits the case of two long-term patients and has...

Chinook Salmon: Leo's FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE016

There's so much to do to help the Chinook Salmon, Leo has the team split up to complete their...

Cinnamon from the Islands of Sri Lanka: The Magical World of...

Autentic GMBH AUT014

Sri Lanka, known for its rich flora and fauna, is the cradle of Ceylon cinnamon. European powers...

City Food: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0024

As Indigenous people we have our own medicines and foods. Science Questers investigate how to...

Classification Practice and Learning About Microorganisms: Our...

Pinegrove Productions PPE022

Jesse wakes up from a nightmare - a hospital scene. He freaks out when he realizes that his body is...

Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve, British Columbia: Striking...

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV019

Encompassing 350 000 hectares on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Clayoquot Sound contains some...

Climat: le temps de l'action - Sommets: dans les coulisses des...

Beliane F242-S01-01

Pour son tout premier Conseil européen en tant que président en décembre 2019, l’ambitieux...

Climate Change and Fires: Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0196

Learn all about forests as ecosystems and their vital role for humankind.  Understand how and why...

Climate Change Babies

Jocelyn Demers JODE00

Climate Change Babies takes a hopeful approach to the climate crisis by focusing on people taking...

Climate Change Causing Insect Relocation: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0323

Learn all about how and why insects are relocating due to climate change.  How and why is insect...

Climate Change: Sustainability and Climate Change Series

291 Film Company 291119

Climate change refers to the increase in average global temperatures and the causes and impacts of...

Climate Crisis: Global Heatwaves - A Clear and Present Danger...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0200

Recently climate change has caused more frequent global heatwaves. What is climate change? What is...

Climate Displacement & Sustainable Solutions Playlist

Elizabeth Miller SHORE01

From the Shore Line Project. Half of the world’s population lives by the coast and increasing...

Climate Refugees

Video Project, Inc. TVP014

Climate Refugees is the first feature film to explore in-depth the global human impact of climate...

Climate Sceptics: The Climate War

Phares & Balises A196-010

For some years now, climate sceptics have been questioning the reality of global warming. These...

Climate Wars: Gwynne Dyer - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0015

Interview with Gwynne Dyer, an internationally renowned independent journalist and expert on war...

Climate: Time for Action - Summits: In the Secrets of European...

Beliane A242-S01-1

For his very first European Council as President in December 2019, ambitious Charles Michel, the...

Cloves and Nutmeg from the Moluccas: The Magical World of Spices...

Autentic GMBH AUT013

The Moluccas Islands once were the spice chambers of Europe. Cloves and nutmeg were only grown on...

Coastal Revival Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP033

Coastal Revival tells the story of how passionate environmentalists and First Nations peoples are...

Coasties: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV002FR

L'érosion côtière n'est pas une plaisanterie et les Canadiens de tout le pays participent...

Coasties: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV002

Coastal erosion is no joke and Canadians across the country are actively taking part in monitoring...

Cocos Island and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1426

Joakim travels to Cocos Island, Costa Rica to be part of a shark tagging expedition. We will learn...

Commerce : a la conquête des océans

ARTE France F259-S10-43

L’expansion du commerce a poussé l’homme à conquérir les océans : les routes se sont...

Commercial Fishing: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0802

Commercial fishing is often singled out as the main culprit in over-exploitation, but there is a...

Communauté d'avenir: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-10

Les collectivités autochtones se retrouvent souvent dans une situation de grande pauvreté et de...

Community Service: Ways to Do What's Right

Learning ZoneXpress 430068

Help students become a positive force in their communities. Students will discover how to plan and...

Composting For Busy People

Video Project, Inc. TVP015

Learn from real people about how to compost. They'll show you in their own backyards everything...

Comprendre l'adaptation à divers habitats: Une incroyable...

Pinegrove Productions PPF023

Benoit rêve qu'il lui pousse une autre paire de bras afin de s'adapter à son environnement...

Conserving the Nyae Nyae - Namibia: Native Planet Series - The...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0779

Simon travels to travels to Namibia to learn why the San people, the oldest culture on the planet...

Contribuer à changer le monde: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S12-01

Agir localement pour avoir un impact globalement. Changer le monde est un projet pour le moins...

Copper: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR020E

A little fox with major health problems needs multiple surgeries to survive, and four raptors are...

Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014

Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...

Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014F

Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...

Coronation Gulf: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM185

Hope Bay: Gold in the Greenstone Belt Prospectors have been seeking precious metals from this...

Cow Factory

ARTE France A259-013

How would you like your cow? Plump? Hornless? Producing lactose-reduced or insulin-enriched milk? A...

Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0014

COYOTE'S CRAZY SMART SCIENCE SHOW (Coyote Science) is a visually stunning, award-winning...

Creatures of Place

Happen Films HAP001

Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick...

Créer une économie à l'échelle humaine: Les Artisans du...

PVP Films F150-S12-03

L'économie actuelle est complètement déconnectée de la réalité des gens et des nouvelles...

Crocodiles vs. Alligators - Similarities, Differences, Fun Facts...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0264

Learn all about the similarities and differences between crocodiles and alligators, the biggest...

Crow Trouble: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE200

Two trouble-making crows, Roscoe and Bosco, arrive at the Mooh Farm in the middle of the night...

Crowing Pains: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE223

While having a tug-of-war over a worm with Rosco, Bosco gets thrown backward and ends up stuck in a...

Crying Oceans

Educational Voice 992801

Prepare for an emotive journey with the video “Crying Oceans”! Join us on a thought-provoking...

CSI to the Rescue: Woodland Caribou Series

Pinegrove Productions PPE017

In episode 6 Frankie and Tanner fly north into the heart of the boreal forest in winter time. They...

Culture as a Resource for Sustainable Development: Architects of...

PVP Films A150-S03-07

Approximately half of the world’s population is now under the age of 25. The problems facing...

Curious Series

Switch SWED28

Big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science, technology...

Cutthroat Trout: Leo’s FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE009

Leo sends Christian & Sayat to Western Canada to meet the Cutthroat Trout, a member of the salmon...

Cutting-Edge Gardeners: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S05-07

Intensive farming, unsustainable forestry methods and industrial fishing have seriously depleted...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE025

This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from...

Dance of the Propertius Duskywing: A Butterfly on the Brink

Wilderness Committee 010047

In Canada, British Columbia is one of only two provinces (the other being Alberta) that does not...

Dancing Lights: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0689

Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, is an awesome light show caused by electrically charged...

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