Social Sciences
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Beyond Baby Blues (Ep. 11): Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM17A woman with beauty, brains, wit and confidence fell into a deep postpartum depression when her...
Beyond Genetics
Shortcutstv Ltd STV000There’s a revolution that is challenging a century of taken for granted assumptions about...
Beyond Human Power
Wolf Spirit Films Inc. WSFI00Canada once jailed indigenous peoples for dancing, but today new generations are finding inner...
Beyond My Skin: A Documentary about Identity, Addiction and...
Supre Incorporated SINC02A dark confession about the consuming effects of psoriasis. Chef Chhayden battles with addictions...
Beyond the Bystander Effect
Shortcutstv Ltd STV037The bystander effect has long been used to explain the lack of ‘good Samaritan behaviour’...
Beyond the Looking Glass
Human Relations Media 600115Beyond the Looking Glass: Self-Esteem and Body Image addresses a common dilemma among teens: how to...
Beyond the Spectrum: A Family's Year Confronting Autism (86...
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI004Offers a different perspective of children with ASDD as it examines early intervention and insight...
Bhutan: The Pursuit of Gross National Happiness - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0091Green Interview host Silver Donald Cameron presents a documentary on Bhutan that focuses on the...
Biblical Armageddon: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM704Followers of Nostradamus say his prophecies foretold major tragedies throughout history, and some...
Big Pharma - Labos tout puissants (52 Minutes)
ARTE France F196-040AForte de ses réseaux d’influence, avec une puissance comparable à celle d'un État, l'industrie...
Big Pharma - labos tout puissants (90 Minutes)
ARTE France F196-040BForte de ses réseaux d’influence, avec une puissance comparable à celle d'un État, l'industrie...
Biggest and Loudest Volcanic Eruptions - Vesuvius, Yellowstone...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0345Explore the biggest and loudest volcanoes around the world. With breathtaking footage, this video...
Biggest Tsunamis of All Time - And the Science Behind Them...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0346Learn all about tsunamis? What is a tsunami and how does it form? What are the biggest tsunamis...
Bighorns at the Junction
Robert E Moberg Films REM000Bighorns at the Junction follows the story of filmmaker Robert Moberg as he attempts to find out...
Billy Graham, le pasteur de l'Amérique
Illégitime Défense F269-012Billy Graham : un nom, une figure charismatique. Pour ceux qui le connaissent, une personnalité...
Biodiversity: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0209Biodiversity is the wide variety of life - plants, animals, fungi, and microorganism - that exists...
Biology Terms - Living, Non-Living, Life Cycle, Endangered...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0101In this high-definition program, learn all about important biology terms that align with biology. ...
Bird Box: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300105The emotional and healing power of their time on the land is profound for Aaron, who reflects on...
Birdbath, Cabinet and Toolbox: Kings of the Wood, Season One...
Blue Ant Media BAM1418At their workshop in the woods, the Kings of the Wood have their work cut out on three challenging...
Birds of a Different Feather: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0688For many Indigenous peoples Raven is revered but is also known as a trickster. Shayla visits...
Birth Mothers Never Forget: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM07This episode follows the story of a woman who as a teenager was forced to give up her first-born...
Birthing Justice
Video Project, Inc. TVP121Black women in the United States are three to five times more likely to die from pregnancy-related...
Bison or Buffalo?: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep...
Square Sheep Films SQU009This episode tells the physiology and life of bison. Both plains and wood bison are featured, and...
Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction
Square Sheep Films SQU000The bison's presence is magnificent, and yet their story is filled with tragedy and played a...
Bison Ribeye Steak: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3
Tanner Beach Productions WGC308Chef Rupert reviews a couple of viewer recipe submissions and demonstrates a pan-fried Bison Ribeye...
Bison: Wild Game Cooking, Season 2
Tanner Beach Productions WGC201Chef Rupert demonstrates an easy recipe for Bison, a Wellington dish.
Biting into Change (Local Food): Green Heroes Series, Season 2
CineFocus CIN008Food is at the core of our life, but changing how we produce and consume food is at the centre of a...
Bitten: W5
CTV CTV849W5's Molly Thomas speaks to a Canadian Lyme disease patient who had to struggle for years just to...
Bitter Melon Soup: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5
Dean Rainey DR0033On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jean whips up a healthy, thai soup with an extreme flavour and...
Bitter: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD020The taste of Chinese medicinal herbs, bitter flavor is said to clear "heat", strengthen the...
Bizou, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0058BIZOU is a lively, animated, pre-school series that teaches the wonderful world of animals to...
Black Bear Bow Hunt: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 9
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100609In the boreal forest of northern Alberta, at-risk moose populations are further endangered by a...
Black Boys
Video Project, Inc. TVP100Marking 400 years since enslaved Africans arrived in Jamestown, "Black Boys" illuminates the full...
Black Community Mixtapes Series
OYA Media Group OYA006Black Community Mixtapes is an award-winning 5-part documentary series following KhaRå Martin, a...
Black Heart, White Men
Ekletik Productions, Off World A196-005Black Heart, White Men relives the story of the colonization of Central Africa from 1480 to the...
Black Heart, White Men
Ekletik Productions, Off World A196-005Black Heart, White Men relives the story of the colonization of Central Africa from 1480 to the...
Black History Collection Playlist: Seeing Canada Season 3 Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP083Journalist, Brandy Yanchyk travels to Southern Ontario to learn about the Underground Railroad and...
Black History in Southwestern Ontario: Seeing Canada, Season 3
Brandy Y Productions BYP086Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk explores Southwestern Ontario where she learns about the...
Black History Month Playlist
MCI777PLExplore and celebrate the heritage, traditions and culture of Black History, past and present. The...
Black Land Reparations - Giving Back What Was Wrongly Taken...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0199Learn all about Black land reparations. What are reparations? What is Eminent Domain? Why...
Black Sheep Farm - Grey County, ON: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C013Black Sheep Farm is an agroecological farm that raises sheep on pasture, using intensive managed...
Black Sheep Farm - Grey County, ON: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C013FBlack Sheep Farm is an agroecological farm that raises sheep on pasture, using intensive managed...
Bloodlines - “Is Blood Thicker Than Love?”: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0113Lisa questions the CBC Aboriginal article called “Bloodlines” that she wrote the previous year...
Bloodlines of the Slave Trade
Video Project, Inc. TVP125Bloodlines of the Slave Trade examines the lives of two people whose only connection is a genetic...
Blowing Out the Candles: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM10Birthdays are a time for celebration, but rather than celebrate with his family, a young man...
Blue River - Kanahus Manuel, BC: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310059Kanahus Manuel is from the Secwepmc Nation (the Land of the Spilling Waters), located in southern...
Bob Gimlin, The Legend Behind the Legend: Red Earth Uncovered...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0055Tom tells Shayla to go meet the Legend behind Bigfoot and talk to Bob Gimlin. Bob was one of the...
Body Builders Never Cheat?: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL21Banned substances are a big problem in the world of body building. Ken is hired by Matthew Park of...
Body Language
InformAction A83-012What is the connection between the smile of the Mona Lisa and the behaviour of a terrorist...
Bomb Girls: A Documentary
Barbara Dickson BADI00Scarboro’s Best Kept Secret. “Bomb Girls: A Documentary” features five Canadian bomb girls...