Social Sciences
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Death of a Loved One: W5
CTV CTV700In late October 2016, police charged former Ontario nurse Elizabeth Tracy Mae Wettlaufer with eight...
Death on the Lake: W5
CTV CTV854Was it an accidental drowning, or something more sinister? W5's Jon Woodward investigates the death...
Death or Canada
Ballinran Productions Limited BALL03Death or Canada presents an epic tale of sacrifice and courage in the face of overwhelming...
Death Penalty: Who is Accountable for Overdose Deaths?: W5
CTV CTV880W5's Avery Haines investigates the growing trend of drug overdose deaths being treated by law...
Death Wish: W5
CTV CTV919CTV W5 investigates the growing demand for medically assisted death, and reveals stories of those...
Death's Playground: W5
CTV CTV816W5 invesigates a series of unsolved murders in London, Ontario which may be the work of at least...
Deaths on Credit
ARTE France A259-015Three people kill themselves every day in France because they’ve become trapped in a vicious...
Decoding Autism: Canada AM
CTV CTV472In Canada AM's newest 5-part program, two autism experts discuss early diagnosis and intervention...
Deep Rooted: Exploring the Mental Health Crisis in Canadian...
VAN WICKIAM VANW00The film follows four agriculture producers in discussing their mental health and how it relates to...
Defending Democracy and the Water Rights: Maude Barlow - The...
Paper Tiger PT0057This episode of The Green Interview features Maude Barlow, a Canadian environmental activist and...
Defending the 'Wakas' - Chile: Native Planet Series - The Fight...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0778Simon travels to the Atacama Desert in northern Chile where high atop the Andes Mountains the Colla...
DeGrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity
Asociacion Camara Libre A285-001Degrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity, tackles the big question of economic...
Deliverance Ministry - Choosing God Over Family: W5
CTV CTV432In the small farming community of Ballinafad, Ont. - an hour's drive from Toronto - a drama is...
Delivering the Promise: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 2
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE033While massive development projects steam ahead, Eeyou communities are facing major health, housing...
Demand for Justice: W5
CTV CTV857Canadian war veteran, Keith Villeneuve, has harboured a dark secret for 50 years, about the abuse...
Dementia, Dad and Me (45 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF000The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Dementia, Dad and Me (77 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF001The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Democracy of the Gullible, The Internet Paradox
Alpha Zoulou Films A263-002In less than 20 years, the Internet revolution has had a much deeper impact than all the other...
Démographie : où sont les jeunes ?
ARTE France F259-S10-46Nous sommes 7,6 milliards d’êtres humains, selon les estimations de l’ONU. Et jamais nous...
Demon Mineral
Video Project, Inc. TVP117Demon Mineral can be considered an anti-Western, flipping the classical cinematic paradigm by...
Demonstrate Your Strengths: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0058Surprise people with knowledge, experience and self-awareness. Dion considers he is a hot...
Denial: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR006This episode is about denial and the defense mechanisms that go along with it. Denial keeps us from...
Denmark's Renewable Energy and Community Magician: Søren...
Paper Tiger PT0097This episode of the Green Interview features Søren Hermansen, Denmark's "world-class energy...
Dépeçage: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-09Chez l’Innu, le caribou est l’élément de subsistance par excellence, celui qui fournit les...
Depth of Field: Films about Farming Series
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C008Depth of Field is a series of short documentaries showcasing Canadian farmers and farm workers...
Derek Klapka - Rafting en Nouvelle-Zélande: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0188FRDerek Klapka est une sommité dans le milieu du rafting. Accompagné de touristes en quête de...
Derek Klapka - White Water Rafting in New Zealand: Adventure...
HG Distribution HG0188Accompanied by young tourists in search of daring challenges and spectacular landscapes, rafting...
Descente en luge: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0003FRSortis glisser dans la neige, Théo, Nina et Bruno se portent au secours de Bricolo Jo dont la...
Desert Riders
Filmblanc Inc. FILM00Camel racing, often called the Sport of Kings, is one of the most popular sports in the Middle...
Design Basics: The Elements
Learning ZoneXpress 430016Anytime you create something, a sketch or a skyscraper, you are designing. Explore the ELEMENTS of...
Design Basics: The Principles
Learning ZoneXpress 430017A lively, entertaining, quickly-paced video narrated by an award-winning actress! Take your...
Design II: The Principles
Learning ZoneXpress 430166A lively, entertaining, quickly-paced video narrated by an award-winning actress! Take your...
Design: All About Color
Learning ZoneXpress 430136Color has the ability to create emotion and influence our moods. Color is a powerful tool in...
Designer $hit: A Microbiome Love Story
The Best Part Inc. BEPA00After suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for a nearly decade, filmmaker Saffron Cassaday tries a new...
Devil's Bargain: A Journey Into the Small Arms Trade
Bishari Films BF0008Small arms are the real weapons of mass destruction, killing more than half a million people a...
Dev’s Job Juggle: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 7
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP216Dev has received the job offer of his dreams in another province. Taking the job will mean...
Diagnosis - A Potentially Unknown Neurological Syndrome: W5
CTV CTV886Todd Battis investigates a mysterious brain disease and reveals missteps and failures of the New...
Diamond in the Snow: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0619Lacey Hill is Oneida of Six Nations, Wolf Clan. She is a singer/songwriter and inspirational...
Diana, Part Four: How Diana Changed Britain
Blue Ant Media BAM1292Diana changed Britain in ways no other royal has ever done - and she also changed what it meant to...
Diana, Part One; A Mother’s Love: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1289In this film we’ll reveal how Diana raised William and Harry, from her attempts to protect them...
Diana, Part Three; Her Last Summer: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1291In the years before she died, Diana left her royal life behind and emerged as a different...
Diana, Part Two: Queen of Hearts: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1290She was known for those much-publicized, protocol-shattering visits with AIDS sufferers, and walks...
Diaspora Nations: A World of Altered States Series
Pilot Productions 555007The first episodes in a new series about the world's many Diaspora's. The series explores where in...
Dig Deeper
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV078By Digging Deeper into the lives of four unique and diverse Indigenous artists from Australia, we...
Digging in the Dirt
Back Road Productions Inc. BRPI00Digging In The Dirt is a documentary about the psychological costs of working in Alberta’s oil...
Digital Blackout - Disengaging from Social Media (for a while)
Twisted Scholar GUM003Like time-warping to 1995, what would it be like for your students to go back to an era of no...
Dirty Legacy: W5
CTV CTV844W5 investigates a small Alberta town that once prospered thanks to the oil industry that is now...
Dirty Little Secret: W5
CTV CTV023Former residents of Mount Herbert orphanage are locked in a bitter legal battle with the provincial...
Dirty Tricks: W5
CTV CTV794W5 correspondent Peter Akman examines the cyber threat to Canadian democracy in “Dirty Tricks”...
Disordered Eating: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1459In 2018 Zara McDermott was body shamed on Instagram, an event that led to extreme dieting. Zara...
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