Social Sciences
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Confucius and the Origin of Food Philosophy: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD013From Acropolis, where Plato, another food philosopher, lectured, to the hill side home of 20th...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD001Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD008Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD016Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most sophisticated organized cuisine in the world...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD000Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0000The first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0001The first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0000FRThe first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Conning Canada: W5
CTV CTV596W5 first reported on Sandra Gordon in 2006 as part of the investigation Criminal Immigrants. Back...
Conquistadors War and Revolution: A Mexican Story Part 1 - The...
Pilot Productions 555041The Spanish conquest of Mexico in the early 1500s began 300 years of colonial rule which decimated...
Conquistadors War and Revolution: A Mexican Story Part 2 - The...
Pilot Productions 555042The War of Independence charts the violent struggle by Mexicans to break free, the subsequent loss...
Conquistadors War and Revolution: A Mexican Story Part 3 - Civil...
Pilot Productions 555043The War of Independence charts the violent struggle by Mexicans to break free, the subsequent loss...
Conquistadors War and Revolution: A Mexican Story Part 4 - The...
Pilot Productions 555044The Mexican Revolution in the early part of the last century was another bloody event, but one...
Conserving the Nyae Nyae - Namibia: Native Planet Series - The...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0779Simon travels to travels to Namibia to learn why the San people, the oldest culture on the planet...
Consumed By Conspiracy: W5
CTV CTV861The term conspiracy has taken on new meaning in the age of social media. Despite what certain...
Contemporary Culture: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 5
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0655Three Indigenous entrepreneurs with businesses focused on contemporary culture but grounded in...
Contractor Fraud: W5 Investigates
CTV CTV972Every year, Canadians deal with irresponsible contractors or those who purposefully defraud others...
Conversion: Small Town Queer, Ep. 2
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP03Jay Whitehead just wanted to belong. After he came out to his church, he was sent to conversion...
Cool Black North
Second Time Around Productions Inc. STAP00Cool Black North explores the unique and vibrant Canadian Black Community and its role in our...
Cop Dog: W5
CTV CTV846W5's Molly Thomas meets Major, a police dog with an incredible talant that has helped him crack...
Coretta Scott King and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0043Learn all about the amazing life of Coretta Scott King and how integral she was to carrying on the...
Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...
Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014FCornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...
Cosmogonie: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-01L’Innu Aitun prend tout son sens dans la notion du respect, le mamu kataiak, une notion érigée...
Cosmos: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0003Our Science Questers go in search of star knowledge and build a medicine wheel; Kai shows us how to...
Cosplay Culture
Ubique Films Inc. A293-002Featuring the work of talented cosplayers from around the world, this documentary will bring you...
Côte est: Les États-Unis vus du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-01De la frontière canadienne jusqu’à Manhattan, des criques et des ports du Maine jusqu’à...
Côte nord-ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-02(De l'Oregon jusqu'à Vancouver via Seattle et la rivière Columbia)Voici l'un des paysages marins...
Côte ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-03Du Golden Gate de San Francisco jusqu’aux collines huppées d’Hollywood à Los Angeles, des...
Côte sud: Les États-Unis vus du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-04Des étendues marécageuses de Louisiane jusqu’aux îles quasi-tropicales de l’archipel des...
Coughlan's Coffin: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR002Can you come home after death? Can the ocean do the soul’s bidding and take a body thousands of...
Couleurs d'Islande: Les vues du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-06À l'automne, l'Islande change de couleurs : après des semaines de lumière presqu'en permanence...
Countries in Europe: Spain
Eduflix Group AB KMG026Spain has approximately 47 million inhabitants. It is one of Europe’s largest countries. In this...
Country Wedding x 2: Taste of the Country Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1030Noel, the bride, and her groom Barry have been waiting a long time for their country style wedding...
Coup de poker sur le brut
Antipode F173-044Fin 2013, le cours du baril de pétrole commence sa chute, deux ans plus tard il aura perdu 70% de...
COVID - Year 2: W5
CTV CTV864March 8th 2021 marks one year since Canada's first death from COVID-19, a senior in a long-term...
CTV CTV830From examining possible treatments of COVID-19 to dispelling the misconceptions online, CTV News is...
COVID-19: Life and Death: W5
CTV CTV831W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines details the intense and emotional day-to-day...
Covid: Europe’s Hamiltonian Moment - Summits: In the Secrets...
Beliane A242-S01-2When the virus struck Europe in March 2020, everyone watched as masks were confiscated on airport...
Cow Factory
ARTE France A259-013How would you like your cow? Plump? Hornless? Producing lactose-reduced or insulin-enriched milk? A...
Cowboy Smithx: Resilience, Empowerment, Discourse and a silent...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0022Cowboy Smithx is an award winning filmmaker of Blackfoot Ancestry from the Piikani and Kainai...
Coyote's Canoe: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers Collection
Wapikoni Mobile WM0005ENInspired by the land formation known as Coyote’s Canoe, which is located near Gloria’s home in...
Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0014COYOTE'S CRAZY SMART SCIENCE SHOW (Coyote Science) is a visually stunning, award-winning...
Crackberry'd: The Truth About Information Overload
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI102One thing is certain about human nature…we’re born talkers. Twelve billion text messages are...
Cracked: The Perplexing World of Egg Donation
Blue Ant Media BAM1362Cracked illuminates how rapid advances in reproductive science have left countries, cultures, and...
Crazy Rich People: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1440Everyone wants to discover the secret of fabulous wealth. What does it take to join one of the most...
Creatorland, Volume 1
Creatorland Inc. CLI001Follow the extraordinary lives of culturally-diverse creators, inventors and entrepreneurs and find...
Creatures of Central Alberta: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0794Hayley probes strange sightings in Maskwacis, in central Alberta. She consults Dr. David Aveline...
Creatures of Place
Happen Films HAP001Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick...
Crescent Presence: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0046Tom sends Shayla to Robert’s Arm, Newfoundland to check out a lake monster known as Cressie. He...
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