Social Sciences
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The Issue of Mr. O’Dell
Rami Katz AK0000A documentary examining the lifelong work of a pioneering civil rights organizer, Jack O’Dell...
The Jewish Diaspora, Part 1: Diaspora Nations - A World of...
Pilot Productions 555008The Jewish diaspora is the world’s oldest. Jews began leaving Israel nearly 3000 years ago with...
The Jewish Diaspora, Part 2: Diaspora Nations - A World of...
Pilot Productions 555009Persecuted for centuries, by 1900 three quarters of the global Jewish population of ten million...
The John Houston Arctic Trilogy
Houston Productions Inc. 000019John started filming his own stories in 1998, co-writing and directing Songs in Stone, a...
The Journey of the Stone: Kitikmeot series
Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S02-02A landscape of stone and rock stretches far beyond the eye's reach on Victoria Island. The Inuit...
The Kingdom of Jordan Series
Autentic GMBH AUT036Between tradition and modernity, between wadis, desert and wonders of the world. "The Kingdom of...
The Konopkas: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE037Sarah and Ollie work together on how to be a good host so Ollie can handle playdates better. The...
The Korean Peninsula: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV67The Korean Peninsula is facing a defining era. Attempts by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and...
The Korowai People: World's Most Isolated Tribes Series
HG Distribution HG0198Journalist Jorge Said travels alone to meet the Korowai people in southeastern Papua - one of the...
The Kremlin's Trojan Horse
Alpha Zoulou Films A263-001As world’s largest natural gas exporter, was Russian involvement in the 2014 Ukraine war...
The Kung Fu Nuns of Kathmandu
Autentic GMBH AUT039For the Buddhist nuns of Kathmandu, Kung Fu is meditation. In Himalayan villages the Nuns protect...
The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ
Astrolabe Musik Theatre Society AMTS00The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ is an inspiring music documentary about an extraordinary friendship...
The Lake Of The Healing Waters: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR000For centuries, we’ve been searching for the Fountain of Youth, magical healing waters to make us...
The Last Note: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT011Music therapy is not new to the Western world. The ancient Greeks would prescribe notes and tones...
The Last Stop - Canada’s Lost Locomotive
Buck Productions 300114In 1947, a dangerous shipping incident ended with an entire train sinking to the depths of Slocan...
The Last Whitefish: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV045Episode 1 of All Too Clear follows the lifecycle of the hero species, the lake whitefish; joining...
The Laundromat: Inquiry Probe of BC Money Laundering: W5
CTV CTV881Told exclusively through the story of a whistleblower and deep investigation into an illegal bank...
The Lesson
Video Project, Inc. TVP103At age 14, every child attending school in Germany is brought face to face with their nation’s...
The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL20The Lie Detective is a character-driven factual series that follows the work of independent...
The Lost Villages of the St. Lawrence Seaway: re:LOCATION: How...
Sound Venture SVP504The last living survivors of the thousands who were uprooted by the St. Lawrence Seaway come...
The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series
Pilot Productions 555015Sir Joseph Banks, naturalist, explorer, collector, patron and President of the Royal Society for...
The Magazine: Is Print Really Dead?: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0111In this episode, we meet Lisa as she takes her dream to industry insiders and asks: is there a...
The Magic Touch
Productions InformAction inc. A61-031The fairytale image of the Cirque du Soleil has reached audiences around the world, but the public...
The Magical World of Spices Series
Autentic GMBH AUT010Everyone knows their scents, but only a few know their origins. In this series, we want to visit...
The MAiD Decision: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT009As the medically assisted death movement grows, what is it like for someone nearing death to...
The Map to Paradise
Video Project, Inc. TVP082From Executive Producer Martin Sheen, The Map to Paradise is an adventure-filled and...
The Marvels and Mysteries: Great Lakes Untamed Series
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI106Animals of the Great Lakes cope with the most extreme, unpredictable temperature changes on Earth -...
The Matt LeMay Collection
LeMay Media LM0021A collection of 16 programs produced by award winning, Métis filmmaker, Matt LeMay. Matt’s...
The Mayan Empire: Empire Builders Series 1
Pilot Productions 555032In this episode of Empire Builders, we explore the remarkable history of one of the world’s...
The Medical Illusion: Health Care in Crisis
Evotion Films EV0000As of today, we have no cures for ALS, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, most...
The Message is the Art: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04Laura meets three very different visual artists with unique messages. She discovers how Tom...
The Métis Experience Playlist
MCI856A collection of Canadian produced programs highlighting the culture, history and traditions of the...
The Métis Hunt for Justice - The Powley Documentary
LeMay Media LM0032On September 19, 2003, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its unanimous judgment in R. v...
The Métis of Alberta: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities...
Sound Venture SVP502In 2019, after more than 90 years of perseverance and struggle, the Métis Government Recognition...
The Mighty Bison: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 2
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100602Sam and Chuck go on an unexpected adventure at a Manitoba bison ranch, where they harvest, skin and...
The Mill
Katherine Knight and David Craig MILL00A challenge common to rural communities the world over is taking place in Pictou County, Nova...
The Millionaire Murders: W5
CTV CTV964W5 travels to Dominica to investigate the brutal murders of Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand...
The Mind of Mary Wood: The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0020Mary Christina Wood is a lawyer, academic, and author who is best known for her work in advocating...
The Mi’kmaw Stick (Potlotek First Nation, NS): A Good Game...
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310091In Potlotek First Nation, Nova Scotia, Terry Denny is bringing an old tradition back to his people...
The Moneyless Man: Mark Boyle - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0046This episode of The Green Interview features Mark Boyle, who defied the odds when he launched an...
The Montessori Method
Learning ZoneXpress 430110Italian physician Maria Montessori developed the Montessori method in the early 1900s while...
The Murderer's Best Friend: W5
CTV CTV910W5 investigates the story behind Greg Parsons, a man falsely accused of his mother’s death in...
The Music of the Wiwa People
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV075Short ethnographic documentary on the musical traditions of the Wiwa, an Indigenous people of...
The Musical Brain
Matter of Fact Media MFM005Explores How Music Tunes the Brian with appearances by Sting, Feist, Michael Buble, Wyclef Jean and...
The Mutual Pursuit of the Full Life: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP029This final episode of the 12 Neighbors series ties together the 5 keys to truly loving your...
The Mystery Bomber: W5
CTV CTV948In 1973, a masked man walked into the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in downtown Kenora...
The Mystery of Ontario's Octagonal Dead Houses: Living History...
Warren Schlote WSCH05In one part of Ontario, there's a unique take on octagonal architecture and nobody knows exactly...
The Nanny Business
Bishari Films BF0007The Nanny Business explores the domestic labour market that brings in an estimated 5,000 women to...
The Nature of Frédéric Back
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M017The feature length documentary-animation "The Nature of Frédéric Back" draws a masterful portrait...
The Nature of Healing
Mohawk Village Memorial Park MVMP00The Nature of Healing is the spoken truth of seven courageous Survivors of Mohawk Institute...
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