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Social Sciences

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Understanding Canadian Law

Mike Galivan MIGA01

This program provides a foundation for understanding Canada's justice system and all aspects of law...

Understanding Childbirth: Beginnings of Life Series

Learning Seed 200292

A lot happens between the onset of labor and the first moments of a new life. This program explores...

Understanding Poverty: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP018

Meet the amazing cast of characters from 12 Neighbors, a wonderful series which explores the...


Wild Confluence Media WCM004

Told through the lens of three women with unique personal connections to Alaska’s Tongass...

Undetectable: How Stigma Has Gone Viral in the Fight against HIV

Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP00

Canada has the solution to end HIV infections and stop the world-wide AIDS epidemic. So why are...

Une culture de guérison: De cœur et d’esprit, Ep. 3

Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03FR

Laura contemple la richesse de l'héritage et de la culture autochtone de sa famille et la façon...

Une Histoire de Non-Violence

AB Productions F296-019

Que reste-t-il de la non-violence et de la désobéissance civile aujourd’hui ? Retour sur la...

Une Histoire du Look

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC007FR

Histoire du Look propose une enquête historique sur l’art et la manière de s’habiller en...

Une nature envahissante

Productions Grand Angle F173-035

Aujourd’hui, les dégâts provoqués par les espèces envahissantes en Nouvelle-Calédonie sont...

Unexplained Canada Series

Sean Karow KAR006

Unexplained Canada examines the fact, fiction and possible folly of some our nation’s...


Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA02

Roy used to ride the range and compete in rodeos, but as age came upon him, Roy became a...

Unholy Alliance: W5


W5 investigates why Donald Trump's evangelical religious base has stood with the President, despite...

Universo Paralello, Gion Matsuri, Naadam, Latitude, Put Down the...

Switch SWED53

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Unlocking Alex: W5


Researchers have long preached the health benefits of spending time with animals, but can...

Unloved: Huronia’s Forgotten Children

White Pine Pictures WPP000

A filmmaker's quest to discover the fate of her disabled brothers uncovers an institution's...



Unmanageable is the unknown story of Canada's training schools and the generations of vulnerable...

Unmasking: The End of Debate?

Shortcutstv Ltd STV025

Unmasking is a very different thing to debating, and Professor Peter Baehr has written The...

Unprotected: W5


Canada ranks among the worst in the world when it comes to protecting whistleblowers, according to...

Unrestrained: W5


In Canada, a woman is murdered every six days by an intimate partner. Lawyer and advocate Pamela...

Untested Evidence: W5


W5's Avery Haines investigates into why a shocking number of Canadian hospitals don't have sexual...

Unusual in Every Way

InFilm Productions IFP004

Unusual in Every Way is the surprising story of the unique friendship between an Indigenous man...

Unusually Normal

2727185 ONTARIO INC. 272700

Seven women, three generations, one family and countless secrets and lies. Meet Canada’s Gayest...

Urban Native Girl Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0110

Urban Native Girl is 13-part, half-hour, POV-documentary series that centres on Lisa Charleyboy; a...

Urban Rescue: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0697

Edmonton, Alberta is famous for its hockey, beautiful river valley and massive shopping centres...

USA vs. Donald J. Trump: W5


Donald Trump could become the third president of the United States to be impeached, after...

USA, la loi des armes

Maximal Productions F296-021

Il y a un an, Nikolas Cruz, abattait avec un fusil acheté en toute légalité 17 personnes dans...

Utopia: The History of the Future Series (Ep 4)

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR161E

What is the Future of the Perfect World? Sir Thomas More named it in his book of the same name, but...

Uvajuq, the Origin of Death: Kitikmeot Series

Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S02-03

In this episode we accompany, in a pilgrimage, two elders who were born in igloos surviving in...

Vancouver: Aboriginal Day Live 2017

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0197

From downtown Vancouver hosts Dominique Reynolds and Don Kelly bring us some amazing artists from...

Vanilla from the Gulf of Mexico: The Magical World of Spices...

Autentic GMBH AUT011

Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Originally, it comes from Mexico. The...

Vanished: W5


W5 talks to a family who felt North Bay police wrote off concerns about Luke Joly Durocher’s...

Venezuela : le pétrole et la misère

ARTE France F259-S10-89

Malgré ses immenses réserves en énergie fossile, le Venezuela est aujourd'hui en proie à une...

Venison Rouladen: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3

Tanner Beach Productions WGC301

Chef Rupert demonstrates how to prepare a venison rouladen with cheesy pan-fried spaetzle and...

Venison: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3

Tanner Beach Productions WGC309

The theme is venison. Chef Alphonoso Walker from Florida demonstrates his pan seared Venison with...

Vérité inconfortable: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 3

7059213 Canada Inc. 310077FR

Trame du passé : Les enfants au pensionnat sont réconfortés par les amitiés qu’ils ont...

Veronica Rolls Up Her Sleeves

Supre Incorporated SINC08

A dream wedding is something that Veronica had always wished for but never thought possible. About...

Viande, os, graisse: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-11

Rien n'est perdu chez les Innus, une société ordonnée de chasseurs où la proie par excellence...

Video Games: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0026

Do you love games of skill, challenge, fun and learning? Our ancestors understood the science of...

Viola Desmond's Courageous Stand Against Racial Segregation...

Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE013EN

On November 8, 1946, Black Halifax business owner Viola Desmond made a stand against racial...

Violence: Prison Series 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1339

**Contains course language** Every day Durham prison staff must deal with assaults on fellow...

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

PBS Video 041956

By virtually every yardstick, antisemitism in the US and Europe is rising and worsening in ways not...

Virtual Reality: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0027

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new way to experience stories, play games and see the world without...

Virus of Hate: W5


W5 investigates the racism and challenges many Asian-Canadians have had to face since the start of...

Visionary Gardeners Series

291 Film Company 291141

Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season...

Visions amérindiennes: L'art de Paul Kane

CineFocus CIN019FR

De la réalité à l'atelier: L'art de Paul Kane présente l'histoire palpitane d'un artiste qui...

Visiting the Québec Maritime Region and Edmonton, Alberta...

Brandy Y Productions BYP104

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk visits the Québec Maritime region where she learns how to make...

Vitamins: Elements of Human Nutrition Series

Learning Seed 200222

Do you hear the word "vitamins" and envision pills? In fact, our main source of vitamins is the...

Vive le travail

ARTE France F196-048

À travers 12 profils internationaux sélectionnés selon leur activité et incarnant des...

Voiture: une industrie mondialisée

ARTE France F259-S10-90

Les 7 milliards et demi d’humains que nous sommes disposent de plus d'un milliard...

Volcanoes: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0022

Isa tells us about the “Ring of Fire” and the role of tectonic plates for in the creation of...

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