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Human +: le futur de nos sens
Ideacom International F266-S02Développer nos sens au-delà de ce que nous a fait entrevoir la science-fiction, accroître la...
Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series
Ideacom International A266-S02"Human + The Future of Our Senses" brings viewers into the enigmatic world of scientists...
Human or Robot?
Illégitime Défense A269-001Human history is at a turning point. Our future is now being played out. The distance between...
Humanité Augmentée
AB Productions F296-006Voyage entre les Etats-Unis et l’Asie au cœur des laboratoires secrets des «nouveaux savants...
IA: votre nouveau cerveau
AB Productions F296-010L’apprentissage profond est une révolution aussi récente que profonde de l’ingénierie. Il...
Icebreaker - Onboard with the Canadian Coast Guard: Forbidden...
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL08They battle the most severe conditions on the planet. They are modern civilization’s trojan...
Icelandic Adventure: The Speed Shop
Blue Ant Media BAM1473After a busy summer, the team head for some R&R, Speedshop-style: tackling an epic off-road...
Illusion of Truth Effect, Tilt Shift Photography, Night Hag...
Switch SWED100Illusion of Truth Effect, Tilt Shift Photography, Night Hag Syndrome, Tightrope Walking, and...
In Plain Sight: Mysteries from Above, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1503Over a hundred massive concrete arrows scattered across America, a giant chalk figure with an...
Indigenous Cooking in Victoria and a Sunshine Coast Adventure in...
Brandy Y Productions BYP105Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Victoria, British Columbia where she learns to cook...
Indigenous Photography with Bill Stevenson: RezX TV, Season 4
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ040Indigenous Photography with Bill Stevenson (Season 4 - Episode 6): This week’s special guest on...
Innovation and Technology: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0654Three Indigenous innovators impress the Bears with their new products and technologies that tackle...
Intimate Dinner Party: Taste of the Country Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1034Danielle’s smaller size party planning skills are put to the test when she hosts and intimate...
Into the Fire: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0694Two Indigenous communities half a nation apart – one in Southern Ontario’s matriarchal...
Italian American Fabulous: Chefs of the James Beard House - Ep. 5
Tanner Beach Productions TBP028Two chefs from Atlanta, Sean Telo and Adam Waller treat diners with a menu of American dishes with...
J. L. Sert: A Nomadic Dream
Alé Produccions, Oberon Cinematografica, La Perifèrica Produccions A285-002Josep Lluís Sert was a brilliant, Spanish architect and the first to attain international fame in...
Japan - Robots: Are We There Yet? World Adventure. Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE459Rehan and Aamil head to Tokyo’s Electric Town to learn how to make their own robot. They test...
Jean-Pierre Morin et Yechel Gagnon: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-02Jean-Pierre Morin - SculpteurYechel Gagnon – Artiste multidisciplinaire Un homme et une femme...
Jean-Robert Drouillard et Josée Pedneault: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-08Jean-Robert Drouillard - ScupteurJosée Pedneault - PhotographeJean-Robert Drouillard et Josée...
Jennifer Getzinger (Mad Men, Masters of Sex, the Big C…): The...
Empreinte Digitale A296-S01-02An intimate and never-before-seen portrait of Jennifer Getzinger who directed episodes of Mad...
Jérémie Masse-Maillé - Survie en forêt au Canada: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0170FRTrois personnes ayant une bonne expérience en plein air font appel au guide Jérémie...
Joe Dicks - Kayak dans les glaciers de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador...
HG Distribution HG0172FRLe guide d'observation d'icebergs à L'Anse aux Meadows, Joe Dicks, reçoit un Terre-Neuvien...
Joie de Vivre: Chefs of the James Beard House - Ep. 3
Tanner Beach Productions TBP026Chef Jason Tilmann of New York City hosts a dinner showcasing a French American menu of dishes such...
Jonathan Pinsonnault - Paragliding in Mexico: Adventure Guides...
HG Distribution HG0192During the Canadian winter, Jonathan Pinsonnault teaches paragliding in Colima, located on the west...
Jonathan Pinsonnault - Parapente au Mexique: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0192FRPendant l'hiver canadien, Jonathan Pinsonnault enseigne le parapente à Colima, sur la côte ouest...
Josée Auclair - Observation de caribous au Nunavut: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0171FRLa guide d'aventure Josée Auclair exploite, avec sa famille, une auberge 5 étoiles située au lac...
Jud Jones - Nage avec les bélugas au Canada: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0174FRÀ Churchill, au Manitoba, Jud Jones accueille deux touristes venues faire du kayak et nager avec...
Jumpin’ Junipers: Back to Roots Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0738Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, forages for...
Justin Fisch - Canoe-Kayak in Florida: Adventure Guides, Season 4
HG Distribution HG0189Naturalist guide, Justin Fisch, welcomes clients on a 3-day canoe-kayak expedition in the famous...
Kai Games: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0731Perry plays modified versions of two games, “Mer Kai” and “Kai Wed,” which both use the...
Ken Bélanger - Free Riding Powder Skiing in Japan: Adventure...
HG Distribution HG0190Ken Bélanger welcomes a group of five skiers who have travelled from Canada and the United States...
Ken Bélanger - Ski hors piste au Japon: Guides d’adventures...
HG Distribution HG0190FRKen Bélanger est un expert du ski hors-piste à Hokkaido, l'île la plus au nord du Japon. C'est...
Kenli Herefords and Apiary - Haldimand County, ON: Depth of...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C026A cow/calf, pastured chicken and honey bee operation, using a mix of ecological and conventional...
Kickin' It: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0735Perry does some Cheyenne kickball training and tries for his personal best, dribbling the soccer...
Kings of the Wood, Season One
Blue Ant Media BAM1416Deep in the woods, an elite gang of highly-skilled woodworkers, carpenters and cabinet makers have...
Klippers Organic Acres - Cawston, BC: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C027Klippers Organic Acres provides organic produce to customers–on site, through Vancouver farmers...
Kluane, YK: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0767For many generations, this remote part of the Yukon was the ancestral home of the Kluane First...
Knives: Just the Facts Series
Learning ZoneXpress 430058Knives are a chef's best friend and an art tool - if you know how to use them properly. In this...
Knoydart Dairy Farm - Knoydart, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C042Knoydart Farm is the Maritimes’ only grass-fed, free-range and certified organic dairy farm. The...
L' intelligence artificielle : un instrument de puissance ?
ARTE France F259-S10-57Voici un tour d’horizon des états qui ont compris l’importance de l’I.A. comme nouvel enjeu...
L.I.M.E. + pHeast: The Illegal Eater Series
Farpoint Films FAR044Steven is back in Charleston where he has uncovered L.I.M.E., an underground eatery happening in a...
La Collection des cinéastes autochtones Wapikoni
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000FRLa Collection Comprend: Wolastoq amsqah peciyay (L’origine de la Wolastoq) (3:18)...
La démocratie des crédules, le paradoxe de l'Internet
Alpha Zoulou Films F263-002En moins de 20 ans, la révolution Internet a eu un impact beaucoup plus profond que tous les...
La Vie en Rose: Chefs of the James Beard House - Ep. 10
Tanner Beach Productions TBP033Chef Carmine Di Giovanni from New York City prepares a multi-course Italian feast with sheeps milk...
La vie sur les lacs: Des bateaux et des hommes
PVP Doc V Inc.. F301-S03-01Au sud du Bénin, mais au nord de Cotonou, la capitale, se trouve le lac Nokoué, dans l’une des...
La voiture autonome: qui conduit la voiture?
AB Productions F296-013Conduire, c’est déjà vintage ! Bien plus qu’une innovation technologique, la voiture autonome...
La vue: Human +: Le futur de nos sens
Ideacom International F266-S02-02La science de la vue vient d’entrer dans une ère nouvelle. Nous commençons à comprendre...
Labour of Love: Guitar Picks, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM328A hand built 8-string guitar is a labour of love shared between a luthier and his unique client.
Lake Windermere: Britain's Scenic Railways, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1512A voyage by steam train and paddle ship along the shores of lake Windermere.