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Charles and Camilla; King and Queen in Waiting: The Royal...
Blue Ant Media BAM1288Charles and Camilla's enduring relationship is the subject of this documentary which investigates...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films A196-026Charles Burnett is an eminent figure of the Black independent movement during the sixties. His dual...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films F196-042Figure éminente du « Black independent movement » pendant les années soixante, Charles Burnett...
Charlie’s Burgers + The Illegal Eater: The Illegal Eater Series
Farpoint Films FAR048Season One finale, Steven begins in Toronto, Ontario where he goes to upscale illegal eatery...
Charlotte Cote: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0032Charlotte Cote: Nuu-chah-nulth author and professor Charlotte Cote’s journey has taken her from a...
Chase the Seal: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR017EEveryone adores the newest arrival but Hope fears her love for this seal will end in heartbreak.
Chasing Ghosts: W5
CTV CTV486It's a hellish existence when a loved one vanishes without a trace - the torture of not knowing and...
Chasing the Current
Hemmings House Pictures HHP008"Chasing the Current' is a film about Canadian champion cyclist Emily Rodger and how her ascent to...
Chasing Unicorns
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR096EThe narwhal is the unicorn of the sea, a pale-colored porpoise found in Canadian Arctic and...
Cheating the Class
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI098Cheating the Class examines the ingenuity of the young minds who turn their intelligence to...
Cheating the Game: W5
CTV CTV673Some athletes are cheating their way to the top and paying the price. TSN's Rich Westhead and W5...
ChefLive + GraffEats: The Illegal Eater Series
Farpoint Films FAR042Steven journeys to Halifax, Nova Scotia where he encounters and underground restaurant that feels...
Chère anorexie
ARTE France F259-031L’anorexie reste une énigme, pourtant beaucoup de choses ont changé dans les regards portés...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 1): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP020Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 2): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP021Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cherry Kingsley: Recognizing the Person
Peter Campbell PCI005Throughout most of her young life, Cherry Kingsley suffered abuse and exploitation as a child...
Chester and Wilson: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR031EAs more and more orphans flood the rehab, Hope revisits the case of two long-term patients and has...
Children of the Storm
Jack Kuper KUP001This video centres on interviews with dozens of the 1100 Jewish refugee orphans who came to Canada...
Children's Songs from Around the World
Arion, CinéFête A102-001Traditional music, from almost all regions of the world, is often - if not exclusively - made by...
Children's Songs from Around the World
Arion, CinéFête A102-001Traditional music, from almost all regions of the world, is often - if not exclusively - made by...
China Quake
Blue Ant Media BAM934In May 2008 a magnitude 7.9 quake struck the heart of China’s Sichuan province. The quake...
China's New Silk Road in Europe
Autentic GMBH AUT006Europe plays a central role, and the Chinese campaign for influence and power in Europe is now in...
China's Role in Africa: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV66The Covid-19 crisis has put a massive strain on what was growing a positive economic and political...
China's World Takeover
Maximal Productions A296-021With massive investments all over the world, China is steadily achieving its goal of becoming the...
China’s Ghost Army
Blue Ant Media BAM935Nothing like China’s Terracotta Warriors was ever created before them and nothing quite like it...
Chine, OPA sur le monde
Maximal Productions F296-022A coups d’investissements massifs partout dans le monde, la Chine avance, selon un plan bien...
Chobe: River of Life: Waterworld Africa Series
Blue Ant Media BAM527Deep in southern Africa, a mighty river snakes through untamed wilderness. Its vast flood plains...
Choir! Choir! Choir!: W5
CTV CTV808W5's Sandie Rinaldo speaks with Daveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman who share the story behind the...
Streel Films SF0002First Nation’s graffiti artist, Jimmy Linklater, leaves his northern home for the opportunities...
Christian Bök: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM22Griffin Prize winner and University of Calgary English Professor Christian Bök is the series...
Christian Empires - Byzantium, Crusaders and Venice: Empire...
Pilot Productions 555029In this episode of Empire Builders we explore 10 sites that made history. We visit Bryzantium’s...
Christopher Plummer: A Man for All Stages
GAPC Productions GAP018In a career that spans more than half a century, Christopher Plummer has played a thousand parts...
Chrystine Brouillet: L'auteure émerveillée
PVP Films F303-S01-06Figure dominante du milieu littéraire québécois, la romancière Chrystine Brouillet se passionne...
Blue Ant Media BAM1309This definitive six-part series will explore every facet of Britain’s most legendary prime...
Churchill Part Five: Fallen Hero
Blue Ant Media BAM1314Having won the Second World War, Churchill is far from done. In the summer of 1945, he asks British...
Churchill, Part Four: Path to Victory
Blue Ant Media BAM1313To win the Second World War, Churchill must build a difficult alliance with the superpowers of...
Churchill, Part One: Beginnings
Blue Ant Media BAM1310Churchill’s early life at the turn of the twentieth century is dominated by his father’s early...
Churchill, Part Six: Curtain Call
Blue Ant Media BAM1315It is the swinging sixties. After he retires from politics, Churchill enjoys the glamorous...
Churchill, Part Three: A Gathering Storm
Blue Ant Media BAM1312In the run-up to the Second World War, Churchill, now in his sixties, is out of touch on many key...
Churchill, Part Two: The Long Grass
Blue Ant Media BAM1311Churchill’s early career in politics is a rollercoaster ride. He rises rapidly. But during the...
Cinnamon from the Islands of Sri Lanka: The Magical World of...
Autentic GMBH AUT014Sri Lanka, known for its rich flora and fauna, is the cradle of Ceylon cinnamon. European powers...
Cinque Terre: Keeping Traditions as a Tourist Destination: David...
Blue Ant Media BAM1216A picturesque seaside region that’s a tourism hot-spot, the Cinque-Terre consists of 5 coastal...
Circle of Steel
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE081Comedy, Drama Amidst a crash in oil and gas prices, chemical engineer Wendy Fong (Chantelle Han)...
Circumstance of Circle Stamps: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0685Shayla visits a man who photographed a mysterious phenomenon that appeared near Red Deer, Alberta...
Cities Of The World Series
Switch SWED79Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...
City of Gangs - Regina Grapples with Native Gang Problem: W5
CTV CTV444W5 looks at the rise of gangs in Regina, and the story of a young Aboriginal man who was murdered...
Civil Wray: I Plead the 61 Blues Music Series
Eve Kinizo EK0003This episode highlights Toronto based artist CIVIL WRAY (Andrea De Boer), a multi genre, multi...
Claire Lamarche - Lamarche vers l'essentiel: Personnalités -...
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S02-02Claire Lamarche naît en 1945 au sein d’une famille de six enfants où musique, chants et...
Clapboard Jungle: Surviving the Independent Film Business
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE098An emotional and introspective journey following five years in the life and career of an...
Clara's Big Ride (Full Length Documentary)
Bell Media Inc. BMI000Part catalyst for change, part epic road movie, "Clara's Big Ride" is a rousing documentary that...
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