Business Studies
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1997, le scandale de l'amiante
Phares & Balises F196-044C’est le scandale sanitaire le plus meurtrier du XXème siècle. Et l’histoire n’est pas...
2008 - L’affaire Madoff (Les mensonges de l'histoire)
Phares & Balises F196-033Le 12 décembre 2008, en pleine crise financière, Bernard L. Madoff est arrêté menottes aux...
4C Farms - Cowessess First Nation, SK: Depth of Field - Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C0094C Farms is owned by Cowessess First Nation in the rural municipality of Grayson, SK. It is a mixed...
A Conversation with the Prime Minister 2022
CTV CTV926Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with CTV National News Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor...
A Day in Pixar
Film Ideas FI0111Spend a day at Pixar Studies and get to know the president of the studio, animators and supervisors...
A Day to Remember: W5
CTV CTV654W5 takes viewers inside the modern world of weddings - a $4 billion-a-year industry in Canada...
A Flea Market Documentary
PBS Video 040752This program from film-maker Rick Sebak (A HOT DOG PROGRAM) is an unabashed celebration of unusual...
A New Economy
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE012A New Economy is a feature documentary about people making a fresh start towards building a new...
A Teaching Moment with Liz Miller (Featuring the Shore Line...
Elizabeth Miller PRO001*** This is a FREE Webinar. *** In these extraordinary times, we have reached out to some of our...
A Tested Relationship - The U.S. and Mexico: Great Decisions...
Scorpion Television SCTV07The U.S. relationship with Mexico has been in the spotlight in recent months because of the...
A Winter Tale: DocJam Series
Canazwest CPI004Winter life in British Columbia can be exhilarating, as it has much to offer both local residents...
A World of 3 Zeros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060Professor Yunus, banker to the poor, social entrepreneur, and Nobel Peace Laureate is globally...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
Above the Clouds: Call of the Yukon Series
ID Productions ID0004In “Above the Clouds", we observe Gerd, the former mechanic from Southern Germany, on his...
Active in the Garden: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 2
291 Film Company 291127A retired hospital administrator adapts his home garden in order to age in place. Dementia patients...
Adventure Guides, Season 3
HG Distribution HG0175This docuseries not only offers the outdoor experience, but it also delves into the character of...
Adventure Guides, Season 4
HG Distribution HG0186This docuseries not only offers the outdoor experience, but it also delves into the character of...
Air: Les maîtres des éléments
AB Productions F296-S09-01L’élément air existe sous bien des formes, pour certaines encore totalement inexploitées par...
American Experience: Henry Ford
PBS Video 041613HENRY FORD paints a fascinating portrait of a farm boy who rose from obscurity to become the most...
American Experience: Silicon Valley
PBS Video 041660SILICON VALLEY tells the story of the pioneering scientists who transformed rural Santa Clara...
American Experience: The Poison Squad
PBS Video 041942Based on the book by Deborah Blum, The Poison Squad tells the story of government chemist Dr...
Americans and the World: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV24In a democracy, foreign policy and diplomacy must be directed by the people, but survey after...
Amy Mound - Wildcrafting Entrepreneur: Northern/Her Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP010Owner/Creator of a successful wildcrafting business called Laughing Lichen, Amy Mound wanted to...
Angel of Alabama
Video Project, Inc. TVP116Brenda Hampton, a seasoned investigator, uncovers decades of pollution within her hometown, setting...
Anick Cadieux - Glacier Hiking in Alberta: Adventure Guides...
HG Distribution HG0179At 12, Quebecer Anick Cadieux started dreaming of a life in Western Canada. Now working as a hiking...
Anick Cadieux - Randonnée sur glacier en Alberta: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0179FRDès l'âge de 12 ans, la Québécoise Anick Cadieux savait qu'elle voulait vivre dans l'Ouest...
Anti-Social Limited
ID Productions ID0001Sequel to Gemini Award-winning film Broke. "Somebody has to do the dirty work, and I guess...
Antonia Rodrigues, OneSprout and Olsyn Lewis: The Pitch Series
Business News Network BNN024Features Antonia Rodrigues, OneSprout & Olsyn Lewis, MobiMedia.
Appreciate Feedback: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0056Welcome feedback without defensiveness and continually improve. Dion hears some tough feedback...
Are Financial Markets Going Crazy?
Illégitime Défense A269-002In 1995, Nick Leeson almost provokes Baring’s bankruptcy. In 2001, Enron stands accused of a...
Arthur de la Mauvinière - Kitesurf au Nouveau-Brunswick: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0177FRLe guide de kitesurf Arthur de la Mauvinière se rend à Shippagan, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en...
Arthur de la Mauvinière - Kitesurfing in New Brunswick...
HG Distribution HG0177Kitesurf guide, Arthur de la Mauvinière, travels to Shippagan, New Brunswick, with three students...
Artificial Intelligence - The Global Race for the New Frontier...
Scorpion Television SCTV22Policymakers in many countries are developing plans and funding research in artificial intelligence...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009A marginalized people rose up from humble beginnings, with nothing but their talent, their guiding...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind (French Version)
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009FLes Inuit et les Cris du Nunavik (Nord du Québec) racontent comment ils ont fui l’oppression...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind (Inuktitut Version)
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009INA marginalized people rose up from humble beginnings, with nothing but their talent, their guiding...
Back to Roots Farm - St. Clements, MB: Depth of Field - Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C010Back to Roots Farm is a first generation Jamaican-Canadian family owned farm. The film showcases...
Backwoods Buffalo Ranch - Mayerthorpe, AB: Depth of Field -...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C011“The Backwoods Buffalo Ranch” is named after the farmers’ Metis heritage and the bluff of...
Bar U Ranch, AB: Historylands Season 2
Good Earth Productions GEHL26The Bar U Ranch was one of a small group of very large corporate ranches in western Canada. Nestled...
Barnyard Organics - Freetown, PEI: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C012Grains, poultry, cattle and feed make up the bulk of Barnyard Organics’ operation, and keeping...
Basic Money Management: Road To Riches
Human Relations Media 600280This program teaches the basic principles of money management and financial planning. The video...
Be Confident and Assertive: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0052Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive. Confidence is a necessary...
Beauty and Delight: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291146Brian Bixley reflects on fifty years of tending the same piece of land. While touring the garden...
Big Business, Big Union, Small Town
Zoot Pictures ZP0003Weyburn, Saskatchewan is a nice little city, a great place to raise kids and play hockey. The city...
Big Pharma - Labos tout puissants (52 Minutes)
ARTE France F196-040AForte de ses réseaux d’influence, avec une puissance comparable à celle d'un État, l'industrie...
Big Pharma - labos tout puissants (90 Minutes)
ARTE France F196-040BForte de ses réseaux d’influence, avec une puissance comparable à celle d'un État, l'industrie...
Biohackers Unite: Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF003How far can we push the limits of what it means to be human? Will using technology to improve and...
Black Sheep Farm - Grey County, ON: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C013FBlack Sheep Farm is an agroecological farm that raises sheep on pasture, using intensive managed...